honor David A. Sprott Lectureship, Department of Statistics
honor Anna MR Lauder Professorship, Department of Biostatistics
honor Marvin Zelen Award for Leadership in Statistical Science
honor Distinguished Alumna in College of Science Award
honor Siobán D. Harlow Collegiate Professor of Public Health
honor Data for Good Challenge in Biostatistics
honor Karl E. Peace Award for betterment of Society
honor Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Statistical Contributions to Interdisciplinary Research
honor John D Kalbfleisch Distinguished University Professorship
honor Elected Member
activity Using Electronic Health Records and Phenome-wide Association Studies for COVID-19 Research.
honor Visiting By Fellow, Churchill College
honor 20th Myra Samuels Memorial Lecture and Award
honor Sarah Goddard Power Award
honor 20th Annual Janet L. Norwood Award
honor Distinguished Woman Scholar Award
honor L. Adrienne Cupples Award
activity The nature of data science and its three key elements: statistics; computer science; and domain knowledge.
activity Using Observational Big Data for Health Care Research: Tale Told by a Statistician.
honor Rogel Scholar Award