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Culturally Adapting Alcohol Treatment for Black Adults

Dr. Haeny received a Career Development Award (K23AA028515) from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism focused on understanding the link between racial stress and alcohol craving to inform treatment targets to improve treatment outcomes among Black adults. This project involves secondary analyses of qualitative and quantitative data, a laboratory experiment, qualitative interviews, and a treatment development component.

Developing a Craving Patient-Rated Outcomes Measure

Dr. Haeny received pilot funding to being the process of developing a patient-rated outcome measure of craving. This project involves a literature review, developing an item bank, focus groups, cognitive interviews, and testing the psychometric properties of the new measure.

Self-Change from Substance Use Disorder

Dr. Haeny received pilot funds to conduct qualitative interviews of Black adults who reported quitting or reducing their problem cocaine use without formal treatment. The team is working with community partners to identify ways to support others who are interested in reducing their substance use but are not interested in formal treatment.

Sawubona Healing Circles

Sawubona Healing Circle Flyer

Join us for virtual healing circles!

Courageous HEALING conversations for black healthcare professionals and essential workers in Connecticut.

Sacred trusted spaces to allow our people to express their thoughts and feelings, tell their stories, and be culturally-grounded in African-centered practices as they contend with the pandemic.

Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30pm

Contact us

For any inquiries, please contact us, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST