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Genomic Heterogeneity In Primary Brain Tumors

Tumors are highly heterogeneous entities that evolve in time under the pressure of treatment or just to survive. We are interested in understanding how the genomic profiles of these tumors change in temporal or spatial dimension, and how these changes affect the response to treatment.

Example Publications:

Molecular Precision Medicine for Primary Brain Tumors

Tumors, especially brain tumors with high inter and intra tumor heterogeneity, require personalized approaches for most effective treatments. Deciphering the molecular architecture for each and every tumor is essential for precision medicine efforts to succeed.We are using and developing computational analysis methods to guide the genomic characterization arm of precision medicine efforts at Yale.

Example Publications:

Single Cell and Spatial Resolution Brain Tumor Mutli-Omics

Single cell multi-omics is an emerging technique providing solutions to many inherent problems of various brain tumors that hampered the discovery of molecular mechanisms. We are building our preliminary data and infrastructure to apply these techniques to many interesting problems.

Bioinformatics Analysis Collaborations

We love to collaborate ! Over the years we worked with other labs across different departments on other cancer types, neurodegenerative diseases and clinical research. We will keep working with our colleagues and expand our interests.

Example Publications: