Rodent Behavior Analysis
The Rodent Behavior Analysis facility provides dedicated space and equipment for investigators of the Kavli Institute for Neuroscience and Department of Neuroscience to examine the behavioral consequences of genetic, pharmacological, or environmental manipulation.
All users must be certified by the facility staff and listed on a laboratory IACUC protocol approved for each procedure. For access, please contact
Plans to expand the equipment and capacity of the facility are underway. We welcome your feedback!
Open Field
The open field test is a straight-forward test to investigate activity, anxiety-related behavior and exploratory behavior in rodents.
- Noldus Open Field (Gray, 4 chambers) with EthoVision XT video tracking and analysis software with multiple body points and multiple arenas.
- MedAssociates Seamless Open Field with Infrared Tracking (4 chambers) and Activity Monitor analysis software.
Yale IACUC Open Field Guidance
Elevated Plus Maze
The elevated plus maze contains two open arms and two closed arms and relies upon the animal’s natural tendency to stay in enclosed spaces and unconditioned fear for open spaces and heights. The differences in time spent in the open and closed sections are measured and used as indication of anxiety versus exploration.
- Noldus Plus Maze with EthoVision XT video tracking and analysis software with multiple body points and multiple arenas.
Yale IACUC Elevated Maze Guidance
Elevated Zero Maze
The elevated zero maze is very similar to the elevated plus maze, but lacks a center square. The differences in time spent in the open and closed sections are measured and used as indication of anxiety versus exploration.
- Noldus Zero Maze with EthoVision XT video tracking and analysis software with multiple body points and multiple arenas.
Yale IACUC Elevated Maze Guidance
Light-Dark Box
The light-dark box contains open-light and dark compartments, which are separated with a manually operated sliding door. The light-dark box relies upon the animal’s innate light dislike and measures the unconditioned anxiety response.
- Two light-dark boxes (Noldus, optimized video tracking system using IR translucent material) with Noldus Ethovision XT video tracking analysis software.
Learning & Memory
Fear Conditioning
Fear conditioning to either a cue or context represents a form of associative learning. This system provides automated recording of freezing response to cued and contextual fear conditioning treatments.
- MedAssociates NIR Video Fear Conditioning (4 chambers) with Video Freeze analysis software (Manuals: Stimulator, Microphone)
Morris Water Maze
- Ugo Basile Water Maze (white, 120cm diameters) with Noldus EthoVision XT video tracking and analysis software.
The Y-maze is used for evaluating spatial learning and memory with spontaneous alternation. It relies on the innate curiosity of rodents to explore new environments.
- Y-maze (Noldus, three 35cm length grey arms) with Noldus EthoVision XT video tracking and analysis software.
Gait Analysis
Automated analysis of locomotor ability.
Noldus CatWalk XT with automatic footprint classification and interactive footprint modules.
The Rotarod test evaluates motor coordination and fatigue.
- Ugo Basile RotaRod 57624 and analysis software.
The treadmill with adjustable inclination and speed is used to measure endurance, speed, and distance, as well as to investigate physiological or molecular responses upon acute and chronic exercise.
- Treadmill (BioSeb, 5 lanes) with a stimulus assembly.
Open Field
The open field test is a straight-forward test to investigate activity, anxiety-related behavior and exploratory behavior in rodents.
- Noldus Open Field (Gray, 4 chambers) with EthoVision XT video tracking and analysis software with multiple body points and multiple arenas.
- MedAssociates Seamless Open Field with Infrared Tracking (4 chambers) and Activity Monitor analysis software.