Urine testing to differentiate glomerular from tubulointerstitial diseases on kidney biopsy
Tran AC, Melchinger H, Weinstein J, Shaw M, Kent C, Perazella MA, Wilson FP, Parikh CR, Moledina DG. Urine testing to differentiate glomerular from tubulointerstitial diseases on kidney biopsy. Practical Laboratory Medicine 2022, 30: e00271. PMID: 35465621, PMCID: PMC9018443, DOI: 10.1016/j.plabm.2022.e00271.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTubulointerstitial diseaseKidney biopsyGlomerular diseaseUrine albuminHistological diagnosisUrine uromodulinUrine testsHigher urine albuminUrine sediment microscopyCohort of participantsDipstick hematuriaTubular injuryAppropriate patientsUrine testingMultivariable modelHigher oddsBiopsyClinical decisionSediment microscopyDiseasePatientsHealth biomarkersUrine samplesDiagnosisCohort
The Crystalline Nephropathies
Perazella MA, Herlitz LC. The Crystalline Nephropathies. Kidney International Reports 2021, 6: 2942-2957. PMID: 34901567, PMCID: PMC8640557, DOI: 10.1016/j.ekir.2021.09.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute kidney injuryChronic kidney diseaseKidney injuryCrystalline nephropathyKidney diseaseCrystal depositionFurther kidney injuryIntrarenal crystal depositionUrinary sediment findingsUrine sediment examinationTubular obstructionHistologic findingsPathologic aspectsNephropathyClinical standpointInjuryTubular luminaSediment examinationFluid physiologyIdentification of crystalsCliniciansDiseaseIndirect cytotoxicityBiopsyInflammation
Use of Intravenous Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media in Patients With Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation
Weinreb JC, Rodby RA, Yee J, Wang CL, Fine D, McDonald RJ, Perazella MA, Dillman JR, Davenport MS. Use of Intravenous Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media in Patients With Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation. Kidney Medicine 2020, 3: 142-150. PMID: 33604544, PMCID: PMC7873723, DOI: 10.1016/j.xkme.2020.10.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNephrogenic systemic fibrosisNational Kidney FoundationKidney diseaseGroup IIConsensus statementKidney FoundationAmerican CollegeRisk of NSFContrast mediumAcute kidney injuryAdvanced kidney diseaseCare of patientsGadolinium-based contrast mediaKidney injuryDialysis initiationClinical indicationsSystemic fibrosisPatientsIntravenous gadoliniumUnconfounded casesDiseasePotential harmRadiologyRiskFibrosisUse of Intravenous Gadolinium-based Contrast Media in Patients with Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation
Weinreb JC, Rodby RA, Yee J, Wang CL, Fine D, McDonald RJ, Perazella MA, Dillman JR, Davenport MS. Use of Intravenous Gadolinium-based Contrast Media in Patients with Kidney Disease: Consensus Statements from the American College of Radiology and the National Kidney Foundation. Radiology 2020, 298: 202903. PMID: 33170103, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2020202903.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNephrogenic systemic fibrosisNational Kidney FoundationKidney diseaseGroup IIConsensus statementKidney FoundationAmerican CollegeRisk of NSFContrast mediumAcute kidney injuryAdvanced kidney diseaseCare of patientsGadolinium-based contrast mediaSimultaneous joint publicationKidney injuryDialysis initiationClinical indicationsSystemic fibrosisPatientsIntravenous gadoliniumUnconfounded casesDiseasePotential harmRadiologyRiskOnconephrology: The intersections between the kidney and cancer
Rosner MH, Jhaveri KD, McMahon BA, Perazella MA. Onconephrology: The intersections between the kidney and cancer. CA A Cancer Journal For Clinicians 2020, 71: 47-77. PMID: 32853404, DOI: 10.3322/caac.21636.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic kidney diseaseDrug-induced nephrotoxicityKidney diseaseElectrolyte disordersAcute kidney injuryStem cell transplantationParaneoplastic glomerulonephritisKidney injuryCell transplantationTherapeutic regimensCollaborative careCancerDiseasePatientsOnconephrologyNew subspecialtySpecific training programsNephrotoxicityDisordersTraining programGlomerulonephritisRegimensNephrologistsTransplantationOncologistsIn Reply to ‘Contrast-Enhanced CT in Patients With Kidney Disease: Some Considerations in Response to the ACR/NKF Consensus’
Perazella MA, Weinreb JC, Davenport MS. In Reply to ‘Contrast-Enhanced CT in Patients With Kidney Disease: Some Considerations in Response to the ACR/NKF Consensus’. Kidney Medicine 2020, 2: 501. PMID: 32775994, PMCID: PMC7406849, DOI: 10.1016/j.xkme.2020.06.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNomenclature for kidney function and disease: report of a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Consensus Conference
Levey AS, Eckardt KU, Dorman NM, Christiansen SL, Hoorn EJ, Ingelfinger JR, Inker LA, Levin A, Mehrotra R, Palevsky PM, Perazella MA, Tong A, Allison SJ, Bockenhauer D, Briggs JP, Bromberg JS, Davenport A, Feldman HI, Fouque D, Gansevoort RT, Gill JS, Greene EL, Hemmelgarn BR, Kretzler M, Lambie M, Lane PH, Laycock J, Leventhal SE, Mittelman M, Morrissey P, Ostermann M, Rees L, Ronco P, Schaefer F, St Clair Russell J, Vinck C, Walsh SB, Weiner DE, Cheung M, Jadoul M, Winkelmayer WC. Nomenclature for kidney function and disease: report of a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Consensus Conference. Kidney International 2020, 97: 1117-1129. PMID: 32409237, DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.02.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryChronic kidney diseaseGlomerular filtration rateKidney diseaseKidney functionKDIGO definitionConsensus conferenceSeverity of CKDEnd-stage kidney diseaseAcute kidney diseaseAbsence of symptomsGlobal Outcomes (KDIGO) Consensus ConferenceKDIGO guidelinesKidney injuryKidney failureKidney measuresFiltration rateWorldwide burdenGlobal outcomeKidney structureDiseaseHealth communitySeverityFollowing recommendationsMore effective communicationThe kidney–cancer connection continues to grow
Perazella M. The kidney–cancer connection continues to grow. Journal Of Onco-Nephrology 2020, 4: 26-27. DOI: 10.1177/2399369320916474.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Evolution of the kidney–cancer connection
Perazella M, Workeneh B, Chen S. Evolution of the kidney–cancer connection. Journal Of Onco-Nephrology 2019, 3: 88-91. DOI: 10.1177/2399369319841616.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOnco-NephrologyKidney diseaseCare medicineMD Anderson Cancer CenterPalliative care medicineAnderson Cancer CenterCritical care medicineCancer CenterClinical pharmacologyClinical practiceAreas of medicineCancerDiseaseSpecialty groupsPatientsClinical medicineHighlights sectionMedicineTherapyNephrologyOncologyHematologyUrologyPharmacology
New Horizons in Nephrology: Update in Onco-Nephrology
Perazella M. New Horizons in Nephrology: Update in Onco-Nephrology. Journal Of Onco-Nephrology 2017, 1: 147-150. DOI: 10.5301/jo-n.5000033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGrowth of the Kidney–Cancer Connection
Perazella M. Growth of the Kidney–Cancer Connection. Journal Of Onco-Nephrology 2017, 1: 71-73. DOI: 10.5301/jo-n.5000015.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Renal Consults from the Oncology Floor
Perazella M. Renal Consults from the Oncology Floor. Journal Of Onco-Nephrology 2016, 1: 5-8. DOI: 10.5301/jo-n.5000002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDrug-Induced Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease
Vichot A, Perazella M. Drug-Induced Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease. 2016, 261-298. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6436-9_12.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChronic kidney diseaseCardiovascular complicationsKidney diseaseEnd-stage renal diseaseStrong risk factorHypertensive effectInflammatory syndromeBlood pressureRenal diseaseCounter medicationsMyocardial infarctionRisk factorsPhysiologic alterationsMood disordersHealthcare providersPatientsHypertensionDiseaseComplicationsMedicationsDrugsRiskPainInfarctionProviders
The Urine Sediment as a Biomarker of Kidney Disease
Perazella MA. The Urine Sediment as a Biomarker of Kidney Disease. American Journal Of Kidney Diseases 2015, 66: 748-755. PMID: 25943719, DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2015.02.342.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUrine sediment examinationKidney diseaseSediment examinationKidney conditionsUrine sedimentNovel urine biomarkersNew candidate biomarkersCentralized laboratory testingKidney injuryUrine biomarkersNew diagnostic technologiesUrinary biomarkersClinical practiceCandidate biomarkersTime-honored testsMaintenance of competencyDiagnostic panelDiagnostic testsDiseaseBiomarkersCliniciansUseful batteryExaminationDiagnostic informationDiagnostic technologies
Renal Vulnerability to Drug Toxicity
Perazella MA. Renal Vulnerability to Drug Toxicity. Clinical Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2009, 4: 1275-1283. PMID: 19520747, DOI: 10.2215/cjn.02050309.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug-induced kidney diseaseKidney diseaseRenal vulnerabilityRisk factorsAcute kidney injuryChronic kidney diseaseDrug-related factorsProteinuric renal diseaseKidney injuryRenal complicationsRenal injuryRenal diseaseNephrotoxic effectsRenal syndromeDrug toxicityDiseaseInjuryKidneyDrugsFactor categoriesToxinComplicationsPatientsFactorsTubulopathy
Proton pump inhibitors: acute interstitial nephritis and other renal effects
Brewster U, Perazella M. Proton pump inhibitors: acute interstitial nephritis and other renal effects. 2008, 567-577. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-84843-3_25.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute interstitial nephritisProton pump inhibitorsInterstitial nephritisEnd-stage renal diseaseAnti-ulcer therapyChronic interstitial nephritisChronic interstitial diseaseDrug-drug interactionsRenal complicationsRenal effectsRenal diseasePump inhibitorsEfficacy profileInterstitial diseaseNephritisPrescribed classOmeprazoleDisease
Fellows’ Forum in Dialysis. Depression: A Common but Underrecognized Condition Associated with End‐Stage Renal Disease
Perazella M, Wang P, Watnick S. Fellows’ Forum in Dialysis. Depression: A Common but Underrecognized Condition Associated with End‐Stage Renal Disease. Seminars In Dialysis 2004, 17: 237-241. PMID: 15144552, DOI: 10.1111/j.0894-0959.2004.17313.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUse of Low Molecular Weight Heparins and Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Perazella M, Mosenkis A, Berns J. Use of Low Molecular Weight Heparins and Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Seminars In Dialysis 2004, 17: 411-416. PMID: 15461751, DOI: 10.1111/j.0894-0959.2004.17351.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAngina, UnstableDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2Diabetic NephropathiesDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Administration ScheduleDrug Therapy, CombinationFollow-Up StudiesHeparin, Low-Molecular-WeightHumansKidney Failure, ChronicMalePlatelet Aggregation InhibitorsPlatelet Glycoprotein GPIIb-IIIa ComplexRisk AssessmentTreatment OutcomeConceptsLow molecular weight heparinIIb/IIIa inhibitorsChronic kidney diseaseAcute coronary syndromeEnd-stage renal diseaseMolecular weight heparinWeight heparinKidney diseaseGlycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitorsGP IIb/IIIa inhibitorsSafety of LMWHLarge prospective trialsMajor clinical trialsCardiac causesCoronary syndromeAppropriate dosingProspective trialRenal diseaseKidney functionAggressive interventionClinical benefitClinical trialsPatientsSignificant impairmentDisease
COX-2 Inhibitors and the Kidney
Perazella M. COX-2 Inhibitors and the Kidney. Hospital Practice 2001, 36: 43-56. PMID: 11263799, DOI: 10.3810/hp.2001.03.230.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Extreme Hyperphosphatemia and Acute Renal Failure after a Phosphorus-Containing Bowel Regimen
Orias M, Mahnensmith R, Perazella M. Extreme Hyperphosphatemia and Acute Renal Failure after a Phosphorus-Containing Bowel Regimen. American Journal Of Nephrology 1999, 19: 60-63. PMID: 10085452, DOI: 10.1159/000013427.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsAcute renal failureRenal failureOliguric acute renal failureBowel-cleansing preparationsBowel-cleansing regimenBowel regimenExtreme hyperphosphatemiaHypocalcemic tetanyGastrointestinal proceduresRenal excretionGastrointestinal transitPatientsIntoxicationRegimenFailureHyperphosphatemiaRegimensExcretionDiseaseTetany