Organization OnlyNephrology Grand RoundsThe Anlyan CenterAdd event to CalendarAdd event series to CalendarContactDeepa Babudeepa.babu@yale.eduHostUrsula C Brewster, MDursula.brewster@yale.eduHost OrganizationNephrologyAdmissionFreeTagGrand RoundsNext upcoming occurrences of this eventMar 20257TomorrowEventNephrology Grand Rounds: “Donor Derived Disease Transmission in Organ Transplantation”Speaker: Omar Alani8:30 AM9:30 AMMar 202514FridayEventNephrology Grand RoundsSpeaker: Rebecca Kurian8:30 AM9:30 AMMar 202521FridayEventNephrology Grand Rounds: "CPC"Speakers: Randy Luciano, Gilbert Moeckel8:30 AM9:30 AMDec 202427Friday8:30 AM9:30 AMEdit This Event