About Us
The mission of the Yale OAIC, established in 1992, is to provide intellectual leadership and innovation for aging research that is directed at enhancing the independence of older persons. The unifying theme of the Yale OAIC remains the investigation of multifactorial geriatric conditions, encompassing single conditions resulting from multiple contributing factors or affecting multiple outcome domains and multiple conditions occurring simultaneously.
The Yale OAIC hypothesis is that geriatric conditions are determined by the co-occurrence of multiple predisposing and precipitating factors. These conditions and factors, in turn, affect a range of health outcomes. The predisposing factors may be at the genetic, molecular, physiologic, impairment, disease, or socio-demographic level, while the precipitating factors may be behavioral, environmental, social, medical, or psychological. As a related subtheme, the Yale OAIC also aims to advance the science of clinical decision making in the face of trade-offs and multiple competing outcomes. This includes developing strategies to elicit older persons’ health outcome priorities.
The Yale Pepper Center provides support to numerous aging related projects at Yale and other institutions.
To acknowledge Pepper Center support please use the following statement: "The study was conducted [, in part,] at the Yale Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (P30AG21342)."