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YCSC Celebratory Symposium: Fred Volkmar's Retirement

Yale Child Study Center

In recognition of the retirement of Fred Volkmar, MD, from Yale, a series of lectures will be delivered in the Cohen Auditorium. The following speakers will honor Fred's work in autism research and treatment since arriving at Yale in 1980 as a fellow, as well as his many contributions to the Yale Child Study Center over the years. A reception will follow the afternoon program, which is currently planned as follows and subject to minor changes.

1:00 – Welcome

1:10 – Jamie McPartland, PhD

1:30 – Kasia Chawarska, PhD

1:50 – Suzanne Macari PhD

2:10 – Roald Olen, PhD

2:30-2:50 – Break

2:50 – Susan White, PhD

3:10 – Adam Naples, PhD

3:30 – Michael Powers, PsyD

3:50 – Giacomo Vivanti, PhD

4:10 – Fred Volkmar, PhD




Host Organization




Lectures and Seminars
Oct 202425Friday