Aaron B. and Marguerite Lerner Professor and Chair of Dermatology. Professor of Genetics and Pathology. Associate Dean for Physician-Scientist Development
Research Interests
Aaron B. and Marguerite Lerner Professor and Chair of Dermatology. Professor of Genetics and Pathology. Associate Dean for Physician-Scientist Development
Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; C. N. H. Long Professor of Genetics and Professor of Cell Biology and of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Carolyn Walch Slayman Professor of Genetics
Professor of Genetics and of Neuroscience
Eugene Higgins Professor of Cell Biology, and Professor of Genetics, of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, and of Dermatology; Director, Yale Stem Cell Center
Associate Professor of Genetics and Cell Biology