[Identification of mosquito-parasitic microsporidia, Amblyospora rugosa and Trichoctosporea pygopellita (Microsporidia: Amblysporidae), from Acanthocyclops venustus and Acanthocyclops reductus (Copepoda: Cyclopidae), based on small subunit rDNA analysis].
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Epizootiology of Amblyospora stimuli (Microsporidiida: Amblyosporidae) Infections in Field Populations of a Univoltine Mosquito, Aedes stimulans (Diptera: Culicidae), Inhabiting a Temporary Vernal Pool
Andreadis T. Epizootiology of Amblyospora stimuli (Microsporidiida: Amblyosporidae) Infections in Field Populations of a Univoltine Mosquito, Aedes stimulans (Diptera: Culicidae), Inhabiting a Temporary Vernal Pool. Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology 1999, 74: 198-205. PMID: 10486233, DOI: 10.1006/jipa.1999.4875.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Comparative susceptibility of the copepod Acanthocyclops vernalis to a microsporidian parasite, Amblyospora connecticus, from the mosquito Aedes cantator
Andreadis T. Comparative susceptibility of the copepod Acanthocyclops vernalis to a microsporidian parasite, Amblyospora connecticus, from the mosquito Aedes cantator. Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology 1988, 52: 73-77. DOI: 10.1016/0022-2011(88)90104-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA. vernalisAcanthocyclops vernalisMicrosporidian parasiteFemale copepodsAedes cantatorAmblyospora connecticusDevelopmental stagesHost developmental stageLaboratory transmission testsEgg sacsField populationsComparative susceptibilityParasite developmentGravid femalesNauplius stageVernalisLateral oviductsAdult malesNormal egg productionAdult femalesCopepodsEgg productionDifferential susceptibilityOvarian infectionParasites
Experimental transmission of a microsporidian pathogen from mosquitoes to an alternate copepod host.
Andreadis T. Experimental transmission of a microsporidian pathogen from mosquitoes to an alternate copepod host. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 1985, 82: 5574-5577. PMID: 3860877, PMCID: PMC391165, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.82.16.5574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCopepod hostDistinct developmental cyclesEntire developmental sequenceDiploid conditionAlternate hostsPathogen developmentDevelopmental cycleSexual cycleMicrosporidian pathogenAmblyospora spBreeding sitesMeiosporesDifferent sporesCopepodsHostHost adipose tissueMosquitoesDevelopmental sequenceSporesPathogensUltrastructural evidenceGenusVernalisMicrosporidianAmblyospora