Vigabatrin enhances promoted release of GABA in neonatal rat optic nerve
Yee J, Agulian S, Kocsis J. Vigabatrin enhances promoted release of GABA in neonatal rat optic nerve. Epilepsy Research 1998, 29: 195-200. PMID: 9551781, DOI: 10.1016/s0920-1211(97)00086-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, NewbornAnticonvulsantsAstrocytesAxonsBicucullineCarrier ProteinsGABA Plasma Membrane Transport Proteinsgamma-Aminobutyric AcidIn Vitro TechniquesMembrane PotentialsMembrane ProteinsMembrane Transport ProteinsModels, NeurologicalNipecotic AcidsOptic NerveOrganic Anion TransportersPotassium ChlorideProlineRatsRats, WistarReceptors, GABA-ATime FactorsVigabatrinConceptsRelease of GABAGABA levelsNipecotic acidNeonatal rat optic nerveGABA transporter inhibitorOptic nerve axonsRat optic nerveOptic nerve astrocytesEnzyme GABA transaminaseGABA transaminase activityFree GABA levelsOptic nerveAntiepileptic drugsNO-711GABA transporterNerve axonsTransaminase activityGABA transaminaseVigabatrinTransporter inhibitorsGABADepolarizationGreater releaseElevationRelease
Gabapentin potentiates the conductance increase induced by nipecotic acid in CA1 pyramidal neurons in vitro
Honmou O, Kocsis J, Richerson G. Gabapentin potentiates the conductance increase induced by nipecotic acid in CA1 pyramidal neurons in vitro. Epilepsy Research 1995, 20: 193-202. PMID: 7796791, DOI: 10.1016/0920-1211(94)00076-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRelease of GABACA1 pyramidal neuronsNipecotic acidPyramidal neuronsGABAA receptorsWhole-cell patch-clamp recordingsGABA uptake systemRat optic nerveCalcium-free solutionPeriod of hyperexcitabilityPatch-clamp recordingsChloride equilibrium potentialMechanism of actionGabapentin exposurePartial seizuresPressure microejectionOptic nerveAnticonvulsant gabapentinNonvesicular releaseHippocampal slicesNeuronal inhibitionMetabolic effectsSynaptic transmissionWhole-cell conductanceClamp recordings
Transient presence of GABA in astrocytes of the developing optic nerve
Ochi S, Lim J, Rand M, During M, Sakatani K, Kocsis J. Transient presence of GABA in astrocytes of the developing optic nerve. Glia 1993, 9: 188-198. PMID: 8294149, DOI: 10.1002/glia.440090304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWhole optic nerveOptic nerveHigh-pressure liquid chromatographyGABA immunoreactivityPostnatal developmentEnzyme glutamic acid decarboxylaseIntact optic nerveRat optic nerveNeonatal optic nerveGlutamic acid decarboxylaseAstrocyte cell bodiesPostnatal day 20GABA immunostainingGFAP stainingPostnatal weekGABA stainingNerveCultured astrocytesAstrocytesDay 20GABAAcid decarboxylaseCell bodiesDevelopmental time courseImmunoreactivityThe attenuation of GABA sensitivity in the maturing myelin-deficient rat optic nerve
Lim J, Utzschneider D, Sakatani K, Kocsis J. The attenuation of GABA sensitivity in the maturing myelin-deficient rat optic nerve. Brain Research 1993, 72: 15-20. PMID: 8384095, DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(93)90155-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOptic nerveRat optic nerveEffect of GABAMD ratsNipecotic acidGABA sensitivityGABA uptake inhibitor nipecotic acidNormal optic nervesGABAA receptor agonistOptic nerve axonsEarly postnatal periodCentral nervous system axonsThird postnatal weekSucrose gap techniqueResult of myelinationLarger GABAAxonal excitabilityControl ratsGABAA receptorsEndogenous releasePostnatal periodPostnatal weekNerve sensitivityNerveGABA
Transient presence and functional interaction of endogenous GABA and GABAA receptors in developing rat optic nerve
Sakatani K, Black J, Kocsis J. Transient presence and functional interaction of endogenous GABA and GABAA receptors in developing rat optic nerve. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B 1992, 247: 155-161. PMID: 1349183, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.1992.0022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRat optic nerveOptic nerveCentral nervous systemGABAA receptorsIntact rat optic nerveCultured glia cellsFunctional GABAA receptorsGABAA receptor agonistNeonatal optic nerveNeuronal cell bodiesO-2A progenitor cellsNon-synaptic sitesPre-myelinated axonsWhite matter regionsSynthesis of GABAAxonal excitabilityReceptor agonistEndogenous GABAGABA uptakeGlia cellsSynaptic neurotransmittersNervous systemEndogenous neurotransmittersType 2Nerve
Pharmacological sensitivities of two afterhyperpolarizations in rat optic nerve
Gordon T, Kocsis J, Waxman S. Pharmacological sensitivities of two afterhyperpolarizations in rat optic nerve. Brain Research 1989, 502: 252-257. PMID: 2555026, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(89)90620-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRat optic nerveOptic nerveEarly afterhyperpolarizationPharmacological sensitivityAction potentialsPeak latencyAction potential broadeningConstant current depolarizationSucrose gap chamberPotassium channel blockerLate afterhyperpolarizationChannel blockersRepetitive stimulationAfterhyperpolarizationNervePotassium conductanceSucrose gapTetraethylammoniumPotential broadeningCurrent depolarizationDepolarizationDurationApaminBlockersCharybdotoxin