Supplementary Eye Field: Representation of Saccades and Relationship Between Neural Response Fields and Elicited Eye Movements
Russo G, Bruce C. Supplementary Eye Field: Representation of Saccades and Relationship Between Neural Response Fields and Elicited Eye Movements. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2000, 84: 2605-2621. PMID: 11068002, DOI: 10.1152/jn.2000.84.5.2605.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSupplementary eye fieldElicited saccadesEye fieldElicited eye movementsSaccade directionVisual field coordinatesPeripheral target locationFrontal eye fieldNeural response fieldsVisual receptive fieldsVisuomovement neuronsCentral fixation pointPresaccadic activityOculomotor structuresContralateral saccadesOculomotor functionDirection of saccadesSuperior colliculusNeural dischargeSEF neuronsCentral fixationResponse fieldSaccade amplitudeSaccadesNeurons
Smooth-Pursuit Eye Movement Representation in the Primate Frontal Eye Field
MacAvoy M, Gottlieb J, Bruce C. Smooth-Pursuit Eye Movement Representation in the Primate Frontal Eye Field. Cerebral Cortex 1991, 1: 95-102. PMID: 1822728, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/1.1.95.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmooth pursuit eye movementsFrontal eye fieldPrimate frontal eye fieldEye movementsEye fieldIpsilateral smooth pursuitElicit eye movementsSaccadic eye movementsElicited saccadesSmooth pursuitSuperficial lesionsExperimental lesionsTracking deficitsLesionsVentral regionSubstantial deficitsVisual motionMovement representationsDeficitsMicrostimulationNeurons
The effect of attentive fixation on eye movements evoked by electrical stimulation of the frontal eye fields
Goldberg M, Bushnell M, Bruce C. The effect of attentive fixation on eye movements evoked by electrical stimulation of the frontal eye fields. Experimental Brain Research 1986, 61: 579-584. PMID: 3956616, DOI: 10.1007/bf00237584.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFrontal eye fieldEye fieldElectrical stimulationActive fixationAttentive fixationEye movementsVisual fixation targetBehavioral statesCerebral cortexEye velocityElicited saccadesLarge saccadesState of fixationFixation targetRhesus monkeysStimulating electrodesOculomotor systemEye positionSaccade amplitudeSaccadesVisual targetsStimulationMonkeysFixationResponsible factors
Primate frontal eye fields. II. Physiological and anatomical correlates of electrically evoked eye movements
Bruce C, Goldberg M, Bushnell M, Stanton G. Primate frontal eye fields. II. Physiological and anatomical correlates of electrically evoked eye movements. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1985, 54: 714-734. PMID: 4045546, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1985.54.3.714.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFrontal eye fieldEye fieldArcuate sulcusPresaccadic neuronsSaccade directionArea 8Frontal eye field neuronsEye movementsBrodmann area 8Cortical gray matterSaccadic eye movementsAwake macaque monkeysArea 8APresaccadic activityAnterior bankVentrolateral portionDorsomedial portionElicited saccadesElectrical stimulationLarge saccadesMacaque monkeysGray matterElectrode penetrationsAnatomical correlatesSmall saccades