649 A phase 1 dose-escalation and expansion study of CUE-101 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with recurrent/metastatic HPV16+ head and neck squamous cell cancer
Chung C, Dimitrios Colevas A, Adkins D, Rodriguez C, Park J, Gibson M, Sukari A, Worden F, Johnson F, Saba N, Burtness B, Julian R, Bauman J, Jotte R, Seiwert T, Dunn L, Chaney M, Agensky L, Goel A, Levisetti M, Margossian S, Quayle S, Pai S. 649 A phase 1 dose-escalation and expansion study of CUE-101 as monotherapy and in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with recurrent/metastatic HPV16+ head and neck squamous cell cancer. 2024, a745-a745. DOI: 10.1136/jitc-2024-sitc2024.0649.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Overview: The Pathobiology of Head and Neck Cancer
Burtness B, Golemis E. Overview: The Pathobiology of Head and Neck Cancer. Current Cancer Research 2018, 1-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78762-6_1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeck cancerHPV-negative diseaseImmune checkpoint blockadeSquamous cell cancerHigh recurrence ratePathobiology of headEarly-stage cancerTumor suppressor gene mutationsSuppressor gene mutationsMultimodality therapyCheckpoint blockadeCytotoxic chemotherapyMetastatic diseaseAdvanced cancerCell cancerRecurrence rateHuman papillomavirusDevastating cancerStage cancerSubglottic larynxCancerPersonalized therapyGene mutationsPatientsTherapy
Biomarker driven treatment of head and neck squamous cell cancer
Eze N, Lo YC, Burtness B. Biomarker driven treatment of head and neck squamous cell cancer. Cancers Of The Head & Neck 2017, 2: 6. PMID: 31093353, PMCID: PMC6460531, DOI: 10.1186/s41199-017-0025-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeck squamous cell cancerSquamous cell cancerCell cancerPredictive biomarkersNeck cancerClinical practicePredictive biomarker developmentImmune checkpoint inhibitionPlasma EBV DNATreatment-related toxicityNovel predictive biomarkerNeck cancer therapyTreatment of headCancer therapyImmune checkpoint biomarkersQuality of lifeLong-term functionEBV DNAIndividualized cancer therapyTargeted agentsCheckpoint inhibitionTreatment modalitiesSurrogate biomarkerP16 overexpressionNasopharyngeal carcinomaDouble‐blind, randomized phase 3 trial of low‐dose 13‐cis retinoic acid in the prevention of second primaries in head and neck cancer: Long‐term follow‐up of a trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group‐ACRIN Cancer Research Group (C0590)
Bhatia AK, Lee J, Pinto HA, Jacobs CD, Limburg PJ, Rubin P, Arusell RM, Dunphy EP, Khandekar JD, Reiner SA, Baez‐Diaz L, Celano P, Li S, Li Y, Burtness BA, Adams GL, Pandya KJ. Double‐blind, randomized phase 3 trial of low‐dose 13‐cis retinoic acid in the prevention of second primaries in head and neck cancer: Long‐term follow‐up of a trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group‐ACRIN Cancer Research Group (C0590). Cancer 2017, 123: 4653-4662. PMID: 28786105, PMCID: PMC5693641, DOI: 10.1002/cncr.30920.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSecond primary tumorsOverall survivalFormer smokersDevelopment of SPTsIncidence of SPTsEarly-stage SCCHNFuture prevention trialsImproved overall survivalClinical risk factorsSquamous cell cancerLog-rank testLong-term resultsPotential survival advantageCompeting-risk approachCumulative incidenceIndex tumorCell cancerPrevention trialsPrimary tumorRisk factorsSubset analysisDry skinSurvival advantagePatientsTargeted interventionsThe risk of level IB nodal involvement in oropharynx cancer: Guidance for submandibular gland sparing irradiation
Lee NCJ, Kelly JR, Park HS, Yarbrough WG, Burtness BA, Husain ZA. The risk of level IB nodal involvement in oropharynx cancer: Guidance for submandibular gland sparing irradiation. Practical Radiation Oncology 2017, 7: e317-e321. PMID: 28356201, DOI: 10.1016/j.prro.2017.02.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCarcinoma, Squamous CellFemaleHead and Neck NeoplasmsHumansLymph Node ExcisionLymph NodesLymphatic MetastasisMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingOrgan Sparing TreatmentsOropharyngeal NeoplasmsPapillomaviridaeParotid GlandRadiotherapy, AdjuvantRetrospective StudiesSquamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and NeckSubmandibular GlandXerostomiaConceptsOropharyngeal squamous cell cancerPositive nodesNodal involvementLevel Ib lymph nodesIb lymph nodesPrimary surgical treatmentRetrospective chart reviewCohort of patientsCommon side effectsSquamous cell cancerIpsilateral neckNodal dissectionOropharynx cancerChart reviewNeck irradiationLymph nodesSurgical treatmentCell cancerLevel IbNodal stationsNegative imagingRadiation therapyLower riskSide effectsPatients
Treatment de-intensification strategies for head and neck cancer
Kelly JR, Husain ZA, Burtness B. Treatment de-intensification strategies for head and neck cancer. European Journal Of Cancer 2016, 68: 125-133. PMID: 27755996, PMCID: PMC5734050, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2016.09.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCarcinoma, Squamous CellChemoradiotherapyCombined Modality TherapyHead and Neck NeoplasmsHumansMinimally Invasive Surgical ProceduresOropharyngeal NeoplasmsOtorhinolaryngologic Surgical ProceduresPapillomavirus InfectionsRadiotherapy DosageRadiotherapy, AdjuvantSquamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and NeckConceptsHigh-risk human papillomavirus infectionHuman papillomavirus infectionLong-term morbiditySquamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinomaDe-intensification strategiesIntensive treatment regimensAltered fractionation schemesDefinitive chemoradiationAdjuvant radiationPapillomavirus infectionCell cancerImpairs qualityTreatment regimensCell carcinomaNeck cancerRecent trialsSimilar efficacySuch cancersInvasive surgeryTreatment intensityCancerRadiation dosePreliminary dataSurgery
A Phase I Study of CUDC-101, a Multitarget Inhibitor of HDACs, EGFR, and HER2, in Combination with Chemoradiation in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Galloway TJ, Wirth LJ, Colevas AD, Gilbert J, Bauman JE, Saba NF, Raben D, Mehra R, W. A, Atoyan R, Wang J, Burtness B, Jimeno A. A Phase I Study of CUDC-101, a Multitarget Inhibitor of HDACs, EGFR, and HER2, in Combination with Chemoradiation in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2015, 21: 1566-1573. PMID: 25573383, PMCID: PMC6607903, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-14-2820.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman growth factor receptor 2Peripheral blood mononuclear cellsEpidermal growth factor receptorDose-limiting toxicityAdverse eventsCUDC-101Tumor biopsiesHistone deacetylaseNeck squamous cell cancerNeck squamous cell carcinomaHigh-risk HNSCCGrowth factor receptor 2Squamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinomaBlood mononuclear cellsExternal beam radiationTreatment of HNSCCRoute of administrationOne-week runFactor receptor 2Concurrent cisplatinGrowth factor receptorRisk patientsCell cancerCell carcinoma
Overview: The Pathobiology of Head and Neck Cancer
Burtness B, Golemis E. Overview: The Pathobiology of Head and Neck Cancer. Current Cancer Research 2014, 1-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-8815-6_1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSquamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinomaHigh recurrence ratePathobiology of headPotential therapeutic targetEarly-stage cancerMultimodality therapyCell cancerRecurrence rateCell carcinomaNeck cancerDevastating cancerMetastatic cancerStage cancerDifficult diseaseTherapeutic targetSubglottic larynxCancerProtein expression changesDiseaseNeckExpression changesImproved managementHeadSCCHN
Molecular profile of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas bearing p16 high phenotype
Rampias T, Pectasides E, Prasad M, Sasaki C, Gouveris P, Dimou A, Kountourakis P, Perisanidis C, Burtness B, Zaramboukas T, Rimm D, Fountzilas G, Psyrri A. Molecular profile of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas bearing p16 high phenotype. Annals Of Oncology 2013, 24: 2124-2131. PMID: 23406730, DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdt013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywordsbeta CateninBiomarkers, TumorCarcinoma, Squamous CellCell Line, TumorCyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p16ErbB ReceptorsFemaleHead and Neck NeoplasmsHumansMaleNeoplasm ProteinsOncogene Proteins, ViralOropharyngeal NeoplasmsPapillomavirus E7 ProteinsPapillomavirus InfectionsPhosphorylationPTEN PhosphohydrolaseRepressor ProteinsRNA InterferenceRNA, Small InterferingSquamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and NeckTumor Suppressor Protein p53Wnt Signaling PathwayConceptsE6/E7Β-cateninHNSCC cellsTissue microarrayE6/E7 repressionEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathwayNeck squamous cell cancerE6/E7 genesOropharyngeal cancer cellsNeck squamous cell carcinomaShort hairpin RNAGrowth factor receptor pathwayHPV16 E6/E7Squamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinomaExpression of biomarkersExpression differencesPTEN upregulationAberrant EGFRE7 repressionHairpin RNAMedian OSOverall survivalPhosphorylated EGFRCell cancer
Nuclear Localization of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is Associated with a Better Prognosis
Pectasides E, Egloff AM, Sasaki C, Kountourakis P, Burtness B, Fountzilas G, Dafni U, Zaramboukas T, Rampias T, Rimm D, Grandis J, Psyrri A. Nuclear Localization of Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Is Associated with a Better Prognosis. Clinical Cancer Research 2010, 16: 2427-2434. PMID: 20371693, PMCID: PMC3030188, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-09-2658.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLonger progression-free survivalNeck squamous cell cancerNeck squamous cell carcinomaProgression-free survivalSquamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinomaPittsburgh Medical CenterTranscription 3Early Detection Research NetworkCurative intentPrognostic roleSurgical resectionBetter prognosisSignal transducerCell cancerCell carcinomaFavorable outcomeSurvival prognosisClinicopathologic parametersMedical CenterIndependent cohortLower riskTest cohortHNSCCSurvival analysis
A randomized phase II study of ixabepilone (BMS-247550) given daily × 5 days every 3 weeks or weekly in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell cancer of the head and neck: an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study
Burtness BA, Manola J, Axelrod R, Argiris A, Forastiere AA. A randomized phase II study of ixabepilone (BMS-247550) given daily × 5 days every 3 weeks or weekly in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell cancer of the head and neck: an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study. Annals Of Oncology 2008, 19: 977-983. PMID: 18296423, DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdm591.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAntibiotics, AntineoplasticAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsCarcinoma, Squamous CellCombined Modality TherapyDisease-Free SurvivalDocetaxelDrug Administration ScheduleDrug Resistance, NeoplasmEpothilonesFemaleHead and Neck NeoplasmsHematologic DiseasesHumansInfusions, IntravenousMaleMiddle AgedPaclitaxelPeripheral Nervous System DiseasesRecurrenceSalvage TherapySurvival AnalysisTaxoidsConceptsTaxane-naive patientsArm BEastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance statusEastern Cooperative Oncology Group StudyRecurrent squamous cell cancerSensory/motor neuropathyRandomized phase II studyMetastatic/recurrent diseaseCommon grade 3Grade 3 neuropathyPhase II studyPrimary end pointSquamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinomaEligible patientsPrior regimensWeekly ixabepiloneRecurrent diseaseII studyMedian survivalPartial responsePerformance statusMotor neuropathyCell cancerCell carcinoma
Phosphorylation of Akt (Ser473) Predicts Poor Clinical Outcome in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer
Yu Z, Weinberger PM, Sasaki C, Egleston BL, Speier WF, Haffty B, Kowalski D, Camp R, Rimm D, Vairaktaris E, Burtness B, Psyrri A. Phosphorylation of Akt (Ser473) Predicts Poor Clinical Outcome in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2007, 16: 553-558. PMID: 17372251, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-06-0121.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedBiomarkers, TumorCarcinoma, Squamous CellChi-Square DistributionFemaleHumansImmunoenzyme TechniquesMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm Recurrence, LocalOropharyngeal NeoplasmsPhosphorylationPredictive Value of TestsPrognosisProportional Hazards ModelsProtein Array AnalysisProto-Oncogene Proteins c-aktPTEN PhosphohydrolaseSurvival AnalysisConceptsNuclear p-AktAkt activationP-AktOropharyngeal squamous cell cancerSquamous cell carcinoma progressionPhosphorylated AktCohort of patientsLocal recurrence rateOverall survival rateSquamous cell cancerPoor clinical outcomeAdverse patient outcomesP-AKT levelsPromising molecular targetP-AKT expressionProtein expression levelsPhosphorylation of AktDisease recurrenceLocal recurrenceCell cancerClinical outcomesAdjusted analysisPrognostic significanceRecurrence ratePatient outcomes
632 POSTER Randomized phase II study of BMS-247550 (NSC 710428) given daily X 5 days or weekly in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell cancer of the head and neck: E2301
Burtness B, Manola J, Argiris A, Altieri D, Axelrod R, Forastiere A. 632 POSTER Randomized phase II study of BMS-247550 (NSC 710428) given daily X 5 days or weekly in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell cancer of the head and neck: E2301. European Journal Of Cancer Supplements 2006, 4: 190-191. DOI: 10.1016/s1359-6349(06)70637-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA randomized phase II study of BMS-247550 (ixabepilone) given daily x 5 days every 3 weeks or weekly in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell cancer of the head and neck
Burtness B, Goldwasser M, Axelrod R, Argiris A, Forastiere A. A randomized phase II study of BMS-247550 (ixabepilone) given daily x 5 days every 3 weeks or weekly in patients with metastatic or recurrent squamous cell cancer of the head and neck. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2006, 24: 5532-5532. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2006.24.18_suppl.5532.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArm BEligible ptsArm A.Recurrent squamous cell cancerRandomized phase II studyMetastatic/recurrent diseaseECOG PS 0Grade 3/4 anemiaPhase II studySquamous cell cancerDiphenhydramine premedicationMales 69Prior regimensRecurrent SCCHNTaxane exposurePrimary endpointII studyMedian survivalPartial responseProgressive diseasePS 0Recurrent diseaseMotor neuropathyArm ACell cancer
Quantitative Determination of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer by Using Automated Quantitative Analysis
Psyrri A, Yu Z, Weinberger PM, Sasaki C, Haffty B, Camp R, Rimm D, Burtness BA. Quantitative Determination of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer by Using Automated Quantitative Analysis. Clinical Cancer Research 2005, 11: 5856-5862. PMID: 16115926, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-05-0420.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpidermal growth factor receptorOropharyngeal squamous cell cancerLocal recurrence rateSquamous cell cancerEGFR expression levelsEGFR expressionCell cancerRecurrence rateEGFR levelsHigh tumorInferior disease-free survivalExpression levelsNeck squamous cell carcinomaEpidermal growth factor receptor expressionTumor EGFR levelsGrowth factor receptor expressionProtein expressionDisease-free survivalOropharyngeal cancer casesSquamous cell carcinomaFactor receptor expressionMedian expression levelCy5-conjugated antibodiesEGFR protein expressionNuclear EGFR levels