Analysis of somatic mutations in 131 human brains reveals aging-associated hypermutability
Bae T, Fasching L, Wang Y, Shin JH, Suvakov M, Jang Y, Norton S, Dias C, Mariani J, Jourdon A, Wu F, Panda A, Pattni R, Chahine Y, Yeh R, Roberts RC, Huttner A, Kleinman JE, Hyde TM, Straub RE, Walsh CA, Urban A, Leckman J, Weinberger D, Vaccarino F, Abyzov A, Walsh C, Park P, Sestan N, Weinberger D, Moran J, Gage F, Vaccarino F, Gleeson J, Mathern G, Courchesne E, Roy S, Chess A, Akbarian S, Bizzotto S, Coulter M, Dias C, D’Gama A, Ganz J, Hill R, Huang A, Khoshkhoo S, Kim S, Lee A, Lodato M, Maury E, Miller M, Borges-Monroy R, Rodin R, Zhou Z, Bohrson C, Chu C, Cortes-Ciriano I, Dou Y, Galor A, Gulhan D, Kwon M, Luquette J, Sherman M, Viswanadham V, Jones A, Rosenbluh C, Cho S, Langmead B, Thorpe J, Erwin J, Jaffe A, McConnell M, Narurkar R, Paquola A, Shin J, Straub R, Abyzov A, Bae T, Jang Y, Wang Y, Molitor C, Peters M, Linker S, Reed P, Wang M, Urban A, Zhou B, Zhu X, Pattni R, Serres Amero A, Juan D, Lobon I, Marques-Bonet T, Solis Moruno M, Garcia Perez R, Povolotskaya I, Soriano E, Antaki D, Averbuj D, Ball L, Breuss M, Yang X, Chung C, Emery S, Flasch D, Kidd J, Kopera H, Kwan K, Mills R, Moldovan J, Sun C, Zhao X, Zhou W, Frisbie T, Cherskov A, Fasching L, Jourdon A, Pochareddy S, Scuderi S. Analysis of somatic mutations in 131 human brains reveals aging-associated hypermutability. Science 2022, 377: 511-517. PMID: 35901164, PMCID: PMC9420557, DOI: 10.1126/science.abm6222.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscription factorsSomatic mutationsPutative transcription factorEnhancer-like regionSingle nucleotide mutationsWhole-genome sequencingGene regulationSomatic duplicationGenome sequencingDamaging mutationsBackground mutagenesisMutationsHypermutabilityClonal expansionMotifDiseased brainPotential linkVivo clonal expansionMutagenesisGenesDuplicationSequencingRegulation
Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks
Li M, Santpere G, Imamura Kawasawa Y, Evgrafov OV, Gulden FO, Pochareddy S, Sunkin SM, Li Z, Shin Y, Zhu Y, Sousa AMM, Werling DM, Kitchen RR, Kang HJ, Pletikos M, Choi J, Muchnik S, Xu X, Wang D, Lorente-Galdos B, Liu S, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Won H, de Leeuw C, Pardiñas AF, Hu M, Jin F, Li Y, Owen M, O’Donovan M, Walters J, Posthuma D, Reimers M, Levitt P, Weinberger D, Hyde T, Kleinman J, Geschwind D, Hawrylycz M, State M, Sanders S, Sullivan P, Gerstein M, Lein E, Knowles J, Sestan N, Willsey A, Oldre A, Szafer A, Camarena A, Cherskov A, Charney A, Abyzov A, Kozlenkov A, Safi A, Jones A, Ashley-Koch A, Ebbert A, Price A, Sekijima A, Kefi A, Bernard A, Amiri A, Sboner A, Clark A, Jaffe A, Tebbenkamp A, Sodt A, Guillozet-Bongaarts A, Nairn A, Carey A, Huttner A, Chervenak A, Szekely A, Shieh A, Harmanci A, Lipska B, Carlyle B, Gregor B, Kassim B, Sheppard B, Bichsel C, Hahn C, Lee C, Chen C, Kuan C, Dang C, Lau C, Cuhaciyan C, Armoskus C, Mason C, Liu C, Slaughterbeck C, Bennet C, Pinto D, Polioudakis D, Franjic D, Miller D, Bertagnolli D, Lewis D, Feng D, Sandman D, Clarke D, Williams D, DelValle D, Fitzgerald D, Shen E, Flatow E, Zharovsky E, Burke E, Olson E, Fulfs E, Mattei E, Hadjimichael E, Deelman E, Navarro F, Wu F, Lee F, Cheng F, Goes F, Vaccarino F, Liu F, Hoffman G, Gürsoy G, Gee G, Mehta G, Coppola G, Giase G, Sedmak G, Johnson G, Wray G, Crawford G, Gu G, van Bakel H, Witt H, Yoon H, Pratt H, Zhao H, Glass I, Huey J, Arnold J, Noonan J, Bendl J, Jochim J, Goldy J, Herstein J, Wiseman J, Miller J, Mariani J, Stoll J, Moore J, Szatkiewicz J, Leng J, Zhang J, Parente J, Rozowsky J, Fullard J, Hohmann J, Morris J, Phillips J, Warrell J, Shin J, An J, Belmont J, Nyhus J, Pendergraft J, Bryois J, Roll K, Grennan K, Aiona K, White K, Aldinger K, Smith K, Girdhar K, Brouner K, Mangravite L, Brown L, Collado-Torres L, Cheng L, Gourley L, Song L, Ubieta L, Habegger L, Ng L, Hauberg M, Onorati M, Webster M, Kundakovic M, Skarica M, Reimers M, Johnson M, Chen M, Garrett M, Sarreal M, Reding M, Gu M, Peters M, Fisher M, Gandal M, Purcaro M, Smith M, Brown M, Shibata M, Brown M, Xu M, Yang M, Ray M, Shapovalova N, Francoeur N, Sjoquist N, Mastan N, Kaur N, Parikshak N, Mosqueda N, Ngo N, Dee N, Ivanov N, Devillers O, Roussos P, Parker P, Manser P, Wohnoutka P, Farnham P, Zandi P, Emani P, Dalley R, Mayani R, Tao R, Gittin R, Straub R, Lifton R, Jacobov R, Howard R, Park R, Dai R, Abramowicz S, Akbarian S, Schreiner S, Ma S, Parry S, Shapouri S, Weissman S, Caldejon S, Mane S, Ding S, Scuderi S, Dracheva S, Butler S, Lisgo S, Rhie S, Lindsay S, Datta S, Souaiaia T, Roychowdhury T, Gomez T, Naluai-Cecchini T, Beach T, Goodman T, Gao T, Dolbeare T, Fliss T, Reddy T, Chen T, Hyde T, Brunetti T, Lemon T, Desta T, Borrman T, Haroutunian V, Spitsyna V, Swarup V, Shi X, Jiang Y, Xia Y, Chen Y, Jiang Y, Wang Y, Chae Y, Yang Y, Kim Y, Riley Z, Krsnik Z, Deng Z, Weng Z, Lin Z, Li Z. Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks. Science 2018, 362 PMID: 30545854, PMCID: PMC6413317, DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7615.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntegrative functional genomic analysisFunctional genomic analysisCell typesGene coexpression modulesDistinct cell typesCell type-specific dynamicsGenomic basisEpigenomic reorganizationEpigenomic landscapeEpigenomic regulationGenomic analysisCoexpression modulesIntegrative analysisHuman brain developmentFetal transitionHuman neurodevelopmentGenetic associationCellular compositionNeuropsychiatric riskBrain developmentNeurodevelopmental processesGenesTraitsPostnatal developmentNeuropsychiatric disorders
Transcriptome Analysis of the Human Striatum in Tourette Syndrome
Lennington JB, Coppola G, Kataoka-Sasaki Y, Fernandez TV, Palejev D, Li Y, Huttner A, Pletikos M, Sestan N, Leckman JF, Vaccarino FM. Transcriptome Analysis of the Human Striatum in Tourette Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry 2014, 79: 372-382. PMID: 25199956, PMCID: PMC4305353, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.07.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCopy number variantsGenome-wide association studiesGene coexpression modulesNumber variantsGene network analysisCommon genetic variantsCoexpression modulesUpregulated genesMetabolism modulesImmune-related genesNetwork analysisAssociation studiesDifferential expressionUpregulated modulesGenetic variantsGenesPatient's striatumTS individualsTranscriptomeVariantsMetabolic alterationsSame regionGamma-aminobutyric acidergic interneuronsTranscriptsRNA
Recent Advances in the Molecular Biology of Growth-Hormone Secreting Human Pituitary Tumours
Adams E, Buchfelder M, Hüttner A, Moreth S, Fahlbusch R. Recent Advances in the Molecular Biology of Growth-Hormone Secreting Human Pituitary Tumours. Experimental And Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 1993, 101: 12-16. PMID: 8477819, DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1211202.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGH geneX-chromosome inactivationAlpha s subunitGene expressionPromoter regionS subunitsSequence analysisMolecular biologyRFLP analysisDNA technologyGs proteinGenesGH gene expressionSingle cellsSomatic mutationsHuman pituitary tumorsMutationsCAMP productionGsp mutationsExpressionCyclase activityRecent advancesSubunitsBiologyAdenyl cyclase activity