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The confocal facility of the CCMI has 7 microscopes including basic confocal, swept field, light sheet, 2-photon and super resolution. In addition, 4 image workstations are available dedicated to image analysis. Software from Zeiss (ZEN blue), Leica (LAS X), Bitplane (Imaris), and SVI (Huygens Deconvolution) are available to users for post-acquisition image analysis, which include modules for fluorescence deconvolution, 3D rendering, measurements of time lapse data and fluorescence co-localization. Technical expertise is available to aid in the use of the equipment and image analysis software.

For training and access to this equipment, please contact Mateus Guerra.

The confocal facility of the CCMI is located in the Sterling Hall of Medicine in room IE-25, across the hall from the Electron Microscopy core facility.