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Constitution of The Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine


The Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine adopted its first constitution on June 9, 1880. Over the years, the articles of the original constitution were amended and revised in particular sections. On June 21, 1921, a complete revision was accomplished. Subsequent amendments were also accomplished in 1951, 1959, and 1970, 1971, 1990 and 2017.


To advance the welfare of the Yale University School of Medicine and to assist its students and its alumni in any and all appropriate ways.


Name and Membership

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine.

Section 2: The membership of this Association shall be made up of alumni of Yale University School of Medicine, and those who have served as interns, residents, or fellows at the New Haven Hospital, Grace-New Haven Community Hospital, or Yale-New Haven Hospital. Any former student house officer or fellow is eligible to vote and to hold office. In the event of question regarding membership, the Executive Committee shall recommend policy to the Association and pass upon eligibility.



Section 1: The annual meeting of the Association shall take place at the School of Medicine at the time of the annual Yale Medical School reunion weekend. Additional meetings may be called by the President. Fifty members present at the annual meeting, properly called, shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2: Notice of each meeting shall be sent to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the date set.


Officers, Executive Committee and Functions

Section 1: The officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary. The President, Vice President and Secretary shall be elected for 2 years. They shall remain in office for the tenure of their appointments or until their successors are elected. Officers shall take office on July first.

Section 2: The President shall appoint, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, such committees as are desirable and as are essential.

Section 3: At least 60 days in advance of the annual meeting, the President shall designate a Nominating Committee of at least three members. At least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, the Committee will submit to the association membership a slate of nominees for the positions outlined in Article III. The slate shall consist of nominees for all vacating positions, including officers, members at large, as well as two Delegates to the Association of Yale Alumni. Prior to this, any member may submit names of additional candidates for consideration and inclusion by the Nominating Committee.

Section 4: The Vice-President (President-elect) shall accept such responsibilities as are usually accorded this office and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President. In the event that the Office of the President has been vacated, the Vice President will automatically succeed as President and the vacated office of the Vice President will be filled.

Section 5: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all regular meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee.

Section 6: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association, the immediate Past-President, and 10 members-at-large, as well as the representatives to the Association of Yale Alumni. The Dean of the School of Medicine and representatives in charge of alumni affairs and the chairman of the Yale Medical School Alumni Fund shall be members of the Executive Committee ex officio. Each member-at-large shall be elected for a two-year term; five being elected each year. Elected members shall take office on July first. A member-at-large may be elected for one additional consecutive term.

Section 7: The officers of the Association plus the other members of the Executive Committee shall meet at least annually and at the call of the President with due notice. The Executive Committee shall transact business in the name of the Association between its meetings. Eight members present at any Executive Committee meeting, properly called, will be a quorum.

Section 8: In the event that the position of an officer or elected member is vacated due to death, incapacity, or resignation, the President shall appoint a new Nominating Committee consisting of at least three members of the Executive Committee. The newly appointed Nominating Committee shall select a successor to the vacated position and present the candidate to the full Executive Committee by email for review and comment. Comments should directed to the President and the Nominating Committee. The President, at his/her discretion, may request an electronic ballot from the Executive Committee or may elect to postpone the ballot to its next scheduled meeting. Following ratification by the Executive Committee, the candidate will serve as “acting” officer or member until ratification by the vote of the AYAM membership present at the next Annual Meeting.


Section 1: Dues of the Association may be set or modified by majority vote of the membership at any meeting, properly called, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.


Amendment to the Constitution

Section 1: This Constitution may be amended by majority vote of the members present at any meeting, properly called, provided that copies of proposed amendments have been distributed to the membership at least 30 days in advance of the meeting, and provided that the Executive Committee recommends the change.