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Human and Translational Immunology (HTI)

HTI, a new program developed in close association with the Section of Immunobiology led by Richard Flavell, has recently recruited Kevan Herold, MD from Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons to head HTI's Program in Autoimmune Disease. Dr. Herold's research focuses on the development of new immunomodulatory therapies to prevent and treat type 1 diabetes and restore beta cell mass. This recruitment will undoubtedly strengthen the DERC's efforts to expand research in the immunology of diabetes (since the loss of Charlie Janeway) and should stimulate increased involvement by Yale's outstanding immunobiology faculty in DERC-related projects. Based on this recruitment Yale has now a TrialNet Center and is participating in a variety TrialNet studies as well as other NIH-supported clinical trials.