Harold W. Jockers Professor of Psychiatry; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, OAPD
Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms
- Research Interests
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
Research InterestsLecturer in Psychiatry; Director, Center for Dialectical & Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, LLC
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Psychiatry
Research InterestsClinical Professor of Psychiatry
Research InterestsResearch Scientist of Psychiatry; Administrative Director, Center for the Translational Neuroscience of Alcoholism
Research InterestsResearch Scientist in the Child Study Center; Co-Director, Developmental Science Summer Internship Program, Child Study Center: Research
Research InterestsAssociate Professor in Comparative Medicine; Associate Professor, Neuroscience; Founder and Director, NA
Research InterestsVikram Sodhi ’92 Professor of Psychiatry; Director Schizophrenia Neuropharmacology Research Group at Yale (SNRGY); Director, Neurobiological Studies Unit, VACHS; Director, VA-CMHC Schizophrenia Research Clinic; Director, Yale Center for the Science of Cannabis and Cannabinoids ; Chair, Research and Development Committee, VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Research InterestsAssistant Professor of Psychiatry; Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology; Director, Cognitive Neuroscience of Affect, Memories and Stress (CAMS) Lab, Psychiatry
Research InterestsAssistant Clinical Professor of Social Work in the Child Study Center
Research Interests- Research Subjects
- Trichotillomania
- Tic Disorders
- Tourette Syndrome
- Learning
- Minors
- Neurobehavioral Manifestations
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Panic Disorder
- Parents
- Phobic Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Behavior
- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms
- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities
- Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
- Attitude
Associate Professor of Psychiatry; Director, Psychotherapy Development Center; Director, Technology-Based Interventions
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science; Associate Professor, Neuroscience
Research InterestsAssociate Professor, Child Study Center; Director Program for Anxiety Disorders, Child Study Center
Research InterestsElizabeth Mears and House Jameson Professor of Comparative Medicine and Vice Chair for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity; Co-director, Science Fellows Program
Research InterestsResearch Scientist; Deputy Director, Center for Community Engagement and Health Equity, Yale Cancer Center; Board Member, Dean's Advisory Council for LGBTQI+ Affairs, Yale University; Co-Founder, Expect With Me, CDE
Research InterestsProfessor of Psychiatry and of Neuroscience
Research InterestsAssociate Research Scientist in Psychiatry; Assistant Professor, Psychiatry