Disparity of Isoflurane Effects on Left and Right Ventricular Afterload and Hydraulic Power Generation in Swine
Heerdt P, Gandhi C, Dickstein M. Disparity of Isoflurane Effects on Left and Right Ventricular Afterload and Hydraulic Power Generation in Swine. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1998, 87: 511-521.. DOI: 10.1213/00000539-199809000-00002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreload recruitable stroke work slopeDose-related decreaseRight ventricleLeft ventricleISO groupMinimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) isofluraneIso animalsPulmonary arterial blood flowIsoflurane-induced alterationsTotal arterial resistanceDose-related effectsEffects of isofluranePeak systolic pressureAutonomic nervous activityArterial blood flowGroups of swineRegional segment lengthVolatile Anesthetic EffectsEjection of bloodBiventricular contractilityRV contractilityVascular effectsVentricular afterloadSystolic pressureLV afterloadDisparity of isoflurane effects on left and right ventricular afterload and hydraulic power generation in swine.
Heerdt P, Gandhi C, Dickstein M. Disparity of isoflurane effects on left and right ventricular afterload and hydraulic power generation in swine. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1998, 87: 511-21. PMID: 9728819, DOI: 10.1097/00000539-199809000-00002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreload recruitable stroke work slopeDose-related decreaseRight ventricleLeft ventricleISO groupMinimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) isofluraneIso animalsPulmonary arterial blood flowIsoflurane-induced alterationsRight ventricular afterloadTotal arterial resistanceDose-related effectsEffects of isofluranePeak systolic pressureAutonomic nervous activityArterial blood flowGroups of swineRegional segment lengthVolatile Anesthetic EffectsEjection of bloodBiventricular contractilityRV contractilityVascular effectsVentricular afterloadSystolic pressure
The Dose-Dependent Effects of Halothane on Right Ventricular Contraction Pattern and Regional Inotropy in Swine
Heerdt P, Pleimann B. The Dose-Dependent Effects of Halothane on Right Ventricular Contraction Pattern and Regional Inotropy in Swine. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1996, 82: 1152. DOI: 10.1213/00000539-199606000-00009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRV contraction patternCardiac sympathovagal balanceRight ventricleContraction patternSympathovagal balanceRegional contractilityMinimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) halothaneSimilar dose-related changePreload recruitable stroke work slopeNegative inotropic effectSympathetic nervous stimulationVentricular contraction patternDose-related changesRight ventricular contraction patternEffects of halothaneDose-response effectDose-dependent effectNormal sequential patternRV contractionRV responseMAC halothaneInotropic effectAutonomic blockadeHalothane administrationTract pressure