activity New England Surgical Society Scholars Foundation
Connecticut Director11/09/2020 - Presentactivity Yale Department of Surgery
Research Advisory Committee09/01/2019 - Presentactivity JVS-Vascular Science
07/01/2022 - Presentactivity American College of Surgeons
Board of Governors10/22/2024 - Presentactivity A surgeon-scientist’s approach to improving arteriovenous fistula patency
activity Yale Department of Surgery
Co-chair, Faculty Advisory Committee09/01/2019 - 08/31/2024activity The challenge of AVF: Engineering an approach to new solutions
activity FAV radiocefálica: técnicas para otimizar os resultados / Radio-cephalic AVF: techniques to optimize the results
activity Medicina regenerativa: o que esperar da técnica? / Regenerative medicine: what to expect from the technique?
activity Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula Access Surgery: Techniques to Improve Results
activity Yale School of Medicine
Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Surgery07/01/2018 - 02/28/2024activity Yale Department of Surgery
Chair, Appointments and Promotions Committee09/01/2018 - 02/28/2024activity Yale Department of Surgery
Chair, Triennial Leave Committee09/01/2020 - 02/28/2024activity Cirugía de acceso a la fístula arteriovenosa radiocefálica: técnicas para mejorar los resultados / Radiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula Access Surgery: Techniques to Improve Results
activity Hablando de los Vasos Sanguíneos: del Laboratorio a la Práctica Clínica, La Alegria de Ser Cirujano Científico / Talking about Blood Vessels: From the Laboratory to Clinical Practice, The Joy of Being a Scientific Surgeon
activity Yale School of Medicine
Term Appointments and Promotions Committee2019 - 2024activity Taking vessel identity from bench to bedside: The joys of being a surgeon-scientist
honor The 11th annual John J. Bergan Lecture
activity The joys of being a surgeon-scientist
honor The von Liebig Distinguished Speaker, 2023 VRIC