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Yale at 65th Institute on Psychiatric Services

October 02, 2013

The 65th American Psychiatric Association Institute on Psychiatric Services will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from October 10-13, 2013. The theme of this year's meeting is "Transforming Psychiatric Practice, Reforming Health Care Delivery."

Yale faculty, staff, residents, and medical students will make significant contributions to the program.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Carla B. Marienfeld, M.D. (Chair)
Workshop (1:30-3:00 pm) "Motivational Interviewing in Everyday Psychiatric Practice: A Hands-On Interactive Workshop"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Nick C. Mellos, M.D.; Louis E. Trevisan, M.D.
Innovative Program (10:00-11:30 am) "Addictions - Alcohol Detoxification: A Risk Stratification Approach"

Michael J. Sernyak, M.D. (Chair); Robert A. Cole; Marydale Debor, J.D.; Kyle Pedersen
Workshop (3:30-5:00 pm) "Transforming Food Choices at Community Mental Health Centers"

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fred Volkmar, MD
Scientific Program (10:00 am) "The Changing Face of Autism"

Michael A. Norko, M.D.
Workshop (10:00-11:30 am) "Spirituality, Religion and Psychiatry: Educational Challenges and Opportunities"

Aniyizhai Annamalai, M.D. (Chair); Michael J. Sernyak, M.D.
Workshop (1:30-3:00 pm) "Educating Future Psychiatrists: A Look at Our Role in Integrated Health Care"

Paul Desan, M.D., Ph.D. (Chair); William H. Sledge, M.D.
Symposium (2:00-5:00 pm) "'Hot Spotting:' Proactive Psychiatric Intervention in High Utilizers of Health Care"

Michael Sernyak, M.D. (Chair); Sacha Agrawal, M.D., M.Sc. (Chair)
Workshop (3:30-5:00 pm) "Recovery Transformation as Improved Customer Service: 'Were You Totally Satisfied With Your Experience Today?'"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Andres Barkil-Oteo, M.D., M.Sc. (Chair); Marco A. Ramos, B.A.; Michelle A. Silva Psy.D.
Workshop (8:00-9:30 am) "Behavioral Health Services Within an Immigrant Community: A Population Health Perspective From a Student-Run Free Clinic"

Christina Arredondo, M.D. (Chair)
Workshop (10:00-11:30 am) "Implementing Services for Vulnerable Populations Across Systems: The Housing First example"


Eric Hermes, M.D.
"Pharmaco-Therapy for homeless veterans in the Veterans Health Administration"