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Research group at West Haven VA looks to bolster membership

May 12, 2017

A new research group whose members have common interests in research methods related to Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) is inviting more investigators and research-affiliated staff to join.

The VA-Yale EMA Workgroup meets the first Friday of every month at 1:00 pm at the West Haven VA, Building 36.

Members discuss new technologies for data collection, review current study proposals, hear presentations of in-progress studies using EMA and other real-time data capture, discuss analytical methods for intensive longitudinal data, and share resources.

The group began meeting in September 2016, and its membership comprises investigators from Yale and the VA. The founders are Anne Black, PhD, Research Scientist in the Yale Department of Psychiatry and Health Science Specialist at the VA, and Suzanne Decker, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry.

To be added to the group’s contact list, or for more information, contact Black at or Decker at