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New #ChangeAgents Video Highlights VACHS CoEPCE/COE Program

September 11, 2019
by Julie Parry

A new video, created by the VA Connecticut Healthcare System (VACHS) Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education (CoEPCE/COE) program is now online. The video shares insights from past and current participants in the program.

Directed by Rebecca Brienza, MD, MPH, the VACHS CoEPCE/COE is an innovative team-based primary care clinic that trains internal medicine residents from the Yale Primary Care and Traditional Residency Programs alongside nurse practitioners, pharmacy, health psychology, physical therapy, and social work trainees. This year, the CoE leadership was successful in securing sustainability funding to continue the program in perpetuity when grant funding ends in 2019.

To learn more about the program, watch the video or visit their website.