Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obesity, and Accelerated Epigenetic Aging Among US Military Veterans
Fischer I, Na P, Nagamatsu S, Jeste D, Cabrera-Mendoza B, Montalvo-Ortiz J, Krystal J, Polimanti R, Gelernter J, Pietrzak R. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Obesity, and Accelerated Epigenetic Aging Among US Military Veterans. JAMA Psychiatry 2024, 81: 1276-1277. PMID: 39476130, PMCID: PMC11581715, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.3403.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociation patterns of antisocial personality disorder across substance use disorders
Low A, Stiltner B, Nunez Y, Adhikari K, Deak J, Pietrzak R, Kranzler H, Gelernter J, Polimanti R. Association patterns of antisocial personality disorder across substance use disorders. Translational Psychiatry 2024, 14: 346. PMID: 39198385, PMCID: PMC11358160, DOI: 10.1038/s41398-024-03054-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntisocial personality disorderSubstance use disordersPersonality disorderUse disorderAssociation of antisocial personality disorderPresence of antisocial personality disorderPrevalence of antisocial personality disorderHazardous useDSM-5 SUD diagnosesSubstance use disorder severityDiagnostic criteriaInteraction effects with sexTobacco use disorderDSM-5Association of alcoholSUD diagnosisDisordersCocaineRacial/ethnic backgroundsIndividualsCocUDSeverityCannabisAssociation patternsAssociationShared genetics of ADHD, cannabis use disorder and cannabis use and prediction of cannabis use disorder in ADHD
Nielsen T, Duan J, Levey D, Walters G, Johnson E, Thorgeirsson T, Werge T, Mortensen P, Stefansson H, Stefansson K, Hougaard D, Agrawal A, Gelernter J, Grove J, Børglum A, Demontis D. Shared genetics of ADHD, cannabis use disorder and cannabis use and prediction of cannabis use disorder in ADHD. Nature Mental Health 2024, 2: 1071-1083. DOI: 10.1038/s44220-024-00277-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAttention-deficit hyperactivity disorderCannabis use disorderCannabis useUse disorderPolygenic scoresComorbid cannabis use disorderStudies of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorderCross-disorder genome-wide association studySubstance-use disordersIncreased polygenic scoresBrain developmental stagesRisk genesCross-disorderConditions co-occurringPsychiatric disordersHyperactivity disorderGenome-wide significant lociSubstance useRare deleterious variantsCannabisDisordersSignificant lociDeleterious variantsSex-specific differencesBrainIdentifying neurofunctional domains across substance use disorders
Hartwell E, Schwandt M, Nunez Y, Wetherill R, Kember R, Wiers C, Gelernter J, Kranzler H. Identifying neurofunctional domains across substance use disorders. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 2024, 50: 536-546. PMID: 39018668, DOI: 10.1080/00952990.2024.2368180.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersHistory of abuse/neglectExploratory factor analysisExecutive functionSubstance useSemi-Structured Assessment for Drug DependenceWisconsin Card Sorting TestPersistence of substance use disordersNEO Personality InventoryCard Sorting TestFactor analysisNature of substance use disordersSix-factor modelPatterns of associationPersonality InventoryNeurofunctional domainsSorting TestDrug dependenceTargeted clinical interventionsLatent variable modelsClinical interventionsFit indicesAbuse/neglectDisordersLatent domainsCross-ancestry genetic investigation of schizophrenia, cannabis use disorder, and tobacco smoking
Johnson E, Austin-Zimmerman I, Thorpe H, Levey D, Baranger D, Colbert S, Demontis D, Khokhar J, Davis L, Edenberg H, Di Forti M, Sanchez-Roige S, Gelernter J, Agrawal A. Cross-ancestry genetic investigation of schizophrenia, cannabis use disorder, and tobacco smoking. Neuropsychopharmacology 2024, 49: 1655-1665. PMID: 38906991, PMCID: PMC11399264, DOI: 10.1038/s41386-024-01886-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCannabis use disorderUse disorderPleiotropic lociCo-occurring substance useHeavy cannabis useInvestigation of schizophreniaSubstance use disordersGenome-wide studiesGenetic factorsMental health conditionsExecutive functionCannabis useSubstance useLead variantsSchizophreniaGenetic variantsEuropean ancestryEuropean ancestry dataRisk-takingSCZHeritable factorsCannabisDisordersTobacco smokeGenetic correlationsGene × environment effects and mediation involving adverse childhood events, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance dependence
Kranzler H, Davis C, Feinn R, Jinwala Z, Khan Y, Oikonomou A, Silva-Lopez D, Burton I, Dixon M, Milone J, Ramirez S, Shifman N, Levey D, Gelernter J, Hartwell E, Kember R. Gene × environment effects and mediation involving adverse childhood events, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance dependence. Nature Human Behaviour 2024, 8: 1616-1627. PMID: 38834750, DOI: 10.1038/s41562-024-01885-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdverse childhood eventsSubstance dependenceMood/anxiety disordersAnxiety disordersChildhood eventsIndirect associationsGenetic riskExposure to adverse childhood eventsDevelopment of moodSubstance use disordersAssociations of adverse childhood eventsUse disorderMediation modelMood/anxietyDisorder factorsPolygenic scoresIndirect pathsDisordersEuropean ancestry individualsMoodTreatment approachesAnxietySelf-medicationEuropean ancestryLatent variablesDissecting the Relationships Between Cannabis Use Disorder and Schizophrenia Using Genome-Wide Approaches
Johnson E, Levey D, Baranger D, Colbert S, Gelernter J, Agrawal A. Dissecting the Relationships Between Cannabis Use Disorder and Schizophrenia Using Genome-Wide Approaches. Biological Psychiatry 2024, 95: s28-s29. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.02.075.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGenetic influences and causal pathways shared between cannabis use disorder and other substance use traits
Galimberti M, Levey D, Deak J, Zhou H, Stein M, Gelernter J. Genetic influences and causal pathways shared between cannabis use disorder and other substance use traits. Molecular Psychiatry 2024, 29: 2905-2910. PMID: 38580809, PMCID: PMC11419938, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02548-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersProblematic alcohol useSubstance use traitsCannabis use disorderCannabis useOpioid use disorderUse disorderGenomic structural equation modelingSmoking initiationLifetime cannabis useLegalization of cannabis useGlobal genetic correlationsProblematic substance useStructural equation modelingNicotine dependenceGenetic influencesCannabisSubstance useFagerstrom TestAlcohol useMendelian randomizationBidirectional relationshipGenetic correlationsDisordersSmoking cessation
Polysubstance addiction patterns among 7,989 individuals with cocaine use disorder
Stiltner B, Pietrzak R, Tylee D, Nunez Y, Adhikari K, Kranzler H, Gelernter J, Polimanti R. Polysubstance addiction patterns among 7,989 individuals with cocaine use disorder. IScience 2023, 26: 107336. PMID: 37554454, PMCID: PMC10405253, DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107336.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCocaine use disorderUse disordersAddiction patternsMixed bipolar episodesLatent class analysisDSM-5 diagnosisPosttraumatic stress disorderAntisocial personality disorderPsA severityMedication useHigher PSAPSA subgroupsHigher oddsBipolar episodesStress disorderPersonality disorderDisordersSubgroupsAgeSexClass analysisParticipantsComorbiditiesDiseaseDiagnosis
Genetic variants associated with psychiatric disorders are enriched at epigenetically active sites in lymphoid cells
Lynall ME, Soskic B, Hayhurst J, Schwartzentruber J, Levey DF, Pathak GA, Polimanti R, Gelernter J, Stein MB, Trynka G, Clatworthy MR, Bullmore E. Genetic variants associated with psychiatric disorders are enriched at epigenetically active sites in lymphoid cells. Nature Communications 2022, 13: 6102. PMID: 36243721, PMCID: PMC9569335, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33885-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultiple psychiatric disordersPsychiatric disordersPsychiatric risk variantT cellsLymphoid cellsRisk variantsImmune cell subsetsMental health disordersMultiple organ systemsAdaptive immune systemCell subsetsImmune cellsHealth disordersMyeloid cellsImmune systemBrain tissueOrgan systemsSpecific disordersDisordersPathogenesisAbnormalitiesGenetic variantsCellsCD4VariantsPhenome-wide Association Analysis of Substance Use Disorders in a Deeply Phenotyped Sample
Kember RL, Hartwell EE, Xu H, Rotenberg J, Almasy L, Zhou H, Gelernter J, Kranzler HR. Phenome-wide Association Analysis of Substance Use Disorders in a Deeply Phenotyped Sample. Biological Psychiatry 2022, 93: 536-545. PMID: 36273948, PMCID: PMC9931661, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.08.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersAlcohol use disorderOpioid use disorderPolygenic risk scoresUse disordersCo-occurring psychiatric disordersComprehensive psychiatric interviewSemi-Structured AssessmentElectronic health recordsControl subjectsLow prevalencePsychiatric interviewRisk scorePsychiatric disordersPhenome-wide association analysisDrug dependenceEuropean individualsHealth recordsLifetime cannabisPhenome-wide association studyDisordersAfrican ancestry individualsDSM diagnosesPopulation sampleGenetic liabilityAn Atlas of Genetic Correlations and Genetically Informed Associations Linking Psychiatric and Immune-Related Phenotypes
Tylee DS, Lee YK, Wendt FR, Pathak GA, Levey DF, De Angelis F, Gelernter J, Polimanti R. An Atlas of Genetic Correlations and Genetically Informed Associations Linking Psychiatric and Immune-Related Phenotypes. JAMA Psychiatry 2022, 79: 667-676. PMID: 35507366, PMCID: PMC9069342, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.0914.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk factorsImmune-related phenotypesMultivariable adjustmentUlcerative colitisCrohn's diseaseMendelian randomizationImmune-related disordersReciprocal risk factorsHealth-related behaviorsPsychiatric phenotypesFalse discovery rate correctionAllergic rhinitisGenetic association studiesGenetic associationInflammatory disordersClinical associationsMajor depressionImmune disordersMAIN OUTCOMEPsychiatric disordersSocial determinantsDisordersAssociation studiesColitisAsthmaGenome-wide meta-analysis of alcohol use disorder in East Asians
Zhou H, Kalayasiri R, Sun Y, Nuñez YZ, Deng HW, Chen XD, Justice AC, Kranzler HR, Chang S, Lu L, Shi J, Sanichwankul K, Mutirangura A, Malison RT, Gelernter J. Genome-wide meta-analysis of alcohol use disorder in East Asians. Neuropsychopharmacology 2022, 47: 1791-1797. PMID: 35094024, PMCID: PMC9372033, DOI: 10.1038/s41386-022-01265-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderAlcohol dependenceUse disordersICD-9-CM diagnosisGenome-wide association studiesEast Asian subjectsElectronic health recordsPack yearsLeading causePolygenic risk scoresThai cohortRisk scoreAlcohol consumptionDSM-IVAsian subjectsCohortMillion Veteran Program sampleHealth recordsLarge genome-wide association studiesEast AsiansOngoing recruitmentRisk genesDisordersRisk lociSubjects
Psychological trauma and the genetic overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder
Mundy J, Hübel C, Gelernter J, Levey D, Murray RM, Skelton M, Stein MB, Maihofer A, Nievergelt C, Baker D, Risborough V, Calabrese J, Galea S, Stein D, Koen N, Dalvie S, Aiello A, Roberts A, Koenen K, Solovieff N, Kranzler H, Zhao H, Gelernter J, Farrer L, Johnson E, Rice J, Bierut L, Saccone N, McFarlane A, Forbes D, Silove D, O'Donnell M, Bryant R, van Hooff M, Sponheim S, Disner S, Pietrzak R, Chen C, Smoller J, Stein M, Ursano R, Kessler R, Junglen A, Delahanty D, Amstadter A, Sheerin C, Ruggiero K, McLaughlin K, Peverill M, Caldas-de-Almeida J, Austin S, Gelaye B, Williams M, Sanchez S, Franz C, Panizzon M, Lyons M, Kremen W, Andreassen O, Dale A, Rutten B, Vinkers C, Schijven D, Geuze E, Vermetten E, Luykx J, Boks M, Ashley-Koch A, Beckham J, Garrett M, Hauser M, Dennis M, Kimbrel N, Qin X, Karstoft K, Andersen S, Borglum A, Hougaard D, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Duncan L, Bµkvad-Hansen M, Nordentoft M, Mors O, Mortensen P, Werge T, Thompson W, Wang Y, Heath A, Nelson E, Martin N, Gordon S, Wolf E, Logue M, Miller M, McGlinchey R, Milberg W, Erbes C, Polusny M, Arbisi P, Peterson A, Williamson D, Young K, Maurer D, Rothbaum A, Zoellner L, Mavissakalian M, Feeny N, Roy-Byrne P, Rothbaum B, Maples-Keller J, Khan A, Wolff J, Lebois L, Teicher M, Kaufman M, Winternitz S, Bolger E, Seligowski A, Orcutt H, Evans A, Lugonja B, Lewis C, Jones I, Bisson J, McLean S, Linnstaedt S, Peters E, Rung A, Trapido E, Brashear M, Lori A, Smith A, Bradley B, Gillespie C, Guffanti G, Ressler K, Almli L, Jovanovic T, Bustamante A, Uddin M, van den Heuvel L, Seedat S, Hemmings S, Uka A, Kulenovic A, Wolf C, Babic D, Avdibegovic E, Deckert J, Domschke K, Jakovljevic M, Marmar C, Flory J, Jett M, Yehuda R, Hammamieh R, King A, Liberzon I, Seng J, Morris C, Mehta D, Voisey J, Lawford B, Young R, McLeay S, Daskalakis N, Norman S, Wang Z, Breen G, Coleman J, Klengel T, Torres K, Choi K, Levey D, Polimanti R, Atkinson E, Martin A, Neale B, Daly M, Ripke S, Ratanatharathorn A, Provost A, Haas M, Stevens J, Morey R, Harnal S, Mortensen P, Seedat S, Sumner J, Vassos E, Breen G, Coleman J. Psychological trauma and the genetic overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. Psychological Medicine 2021, 52: 3975-3984. PMID: 34085609, PMCID: PMC8962503, DOI: 10.1017/s0033291721000830.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecurrent major depressive disorderMajor depressive disorderPosttraumatic stress disorderSingle-episode major depressive disorderDepressive disorderTrauma exposureStress disorderPsychological trauma exposureLifetime major depressive disorderTrauma sensitivityGenetic loadingUK Biobank participantsKey risk factorsMental health consequencesRisk factorsMillion Veteran ProgramPolygenic risk scoresRisk scoreGenetic overlapHealth consequencesBiobank participantsTraumaDisordersVeteran ProgramPsychiatric Genomics ConsortiumPrevalence of predicted gene-drug interactions for antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder in the Precision Medicine in Mental Health Care Study
Ramsey CM, Lynch KG, Thase ME, Gelernter J, Kranzler HR, Pyne JM, Shih MC, Stone A, Committee C, Oslin DW. Prevalence of predicted gene-drug interactions for antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder in the Precision Medicine in Mental Health Care Study. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2021, 282: 1272-1277. PMID: 33601706, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.01.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depressive disorderMental Health Care studyGene-drug interactionsDepressive disorderPGx testingAD treatmentCare studiesHealth care studiesPrecision medicineContext of pharmacotherapyPrevalence of antidepressantsUtility of PGxPrescribing practicesUS veteransPharmacogenetic testingAntidepressantsPatientsPrevious treatmentPrevalenceTreatmentDisordersPGxMedicineTest panelParticipants
Multivariate genome-wide analysis of education, socioeconomic status and brain phenome
Wendt FR, Pathak GA, Lencz T, Krystal JH, Gelernter J, Polimanti R. Multivariate genome-wide analysis of education, socioeconomic status and brain phenome. Nature Human Behaviour 2020, 5: 482-496. PMID: 33349686, PMCID: PMC8068566, DOI: 10.1038/s41562-020-00980-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPsychosocial factorsSocioeconomic statusPsychiatric disordersBipolar disorderGenetic riskNeuronal cell typesMajor depressionTourette syndromeBrain morphologyDisordersImaging phenotypesCell typesRisky behaviorsPsychopathologyGenetic overlapRiskGenetic discoveriesPsychiatric traitsStatusSyndrome
Trauma exposure interacts with the genetic risk of bipolar disorder in alcohol misuse of US soldiers
Polimanti R, Kaufman J, Zhao H, Kranzler HR, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC, Stein MB, Gelernter J. Trauma exposure interacts with the genetic risk of bipolar disorder in alcohol misuse of US soldiers. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2017, 137: 148-156. PMID: 29230810, PMCID: PMC6110087, DOI: 10.1111/acps.12843.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBD polygenic risk scorePolygenic risk scoresAlcohol misuseBipolar disorderTrauma exposurePsychiatric disordersGenetic riskMajor depressive disorderNicotine dependence symptomsSubstance use disordersSchizophrenia polygenic risk scoresVoltage-gated calcium channel activityCalcium channel activityUS Army soldiersBeta2-adrenergic receptorDepressive disorderRisk scoreUse disordersAdrenergic receptorsMental disordersSubstance abuseDisordersDependence symptomsChannel activityExposureSchizophrenia and substance use comorbidity: a genome-wide perspective
Polimanti R, Agrawal A, Gelernter J. Schizophrenia and substance use comorbidity: a genome-wide perspective. Genome Medicine 2017, 9: 25. PMID: 28327175, PMCID: PMC5359801, DOI: 10.1186/s13073-017-0423-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersPublic health messagesPremature mortalityPsychiatric disordersUse disordersDual diagnosisHealth messagesRecent genetic investigationsDiagnosisSchizophreniaDisordersGenetic investigationsWide association studyAssociation studiesComorbiditiesMortalityGenome-wide perspective
Pervasive pleiotropy between psychiatric disorders and immune disorders revealed by integrative analysis of multiple GWAS
Wang Q, Yang C, Gelernter J, Zhao H. Pervasive pleiotropy between psychiatric disorders and immune disorders revealed by integrative analysis of multiple GWAS. Human Genetics 2015, 134: 1195-1209. PMID: 26340901, PMCID: PMC4630076, DOI: 10.1007/s00439-015-1596-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsArthritis, RheumatoidCentral Nervous SystemCrohn DiseaseGenetic PleiotropyGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyHumansImmune System DiseasesMental DisordersNerve Tissue ProteinsOrgan SpecificityPolymorphism, Single NucleotideQuantitative Trait LociSchizophreniaSystems IntegrationConceptsImmune disordersPsychiatric disordersCrohn's diseaseDisorder pairsMHC regionPervasive pleiotropyIntegrative analysisGenome-wide association studiesImmune dysregulationImmunological mechanismsTreatment strategiesTraits/diseasesEpidemiological observationsPsychiatric diseasesBrain disordersSame effect directionDiseaseDisordersGenomic regionsRealm of psychiatryMost allelesStrong pleiotropyAnnotation resourcesChromosome 6Association studiesInter-observer reliability of DSM-5 substance use disorders
Denis CM, Gelernter J, Hart AB, Kranzler HR. Inter-observer reliability of DSM-5 substance use disorders. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2015, 153: 229-235. PMID: 26048641, PMCID: PMC4509850, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.05.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDSM-5 SUD diagnosesSUD diagnosisDSM-IV diagnosisLifetime moodInter-observer reliabilityDSM-5 substance use disordersDisorder diagnosisCo-occurring SUDSubstance use disorder diagnosisSubstance use disordersDSM-5 criteriaSemi-Structured AssessmentAnxiety disorder diagnosisLifetime SUDMild severityUse disordersDrug dependenceSevere disordersDSM-IVPercent agreementDiagnosisAnxiety disordersLifetime alcoholLimited evidenceDisorders