Co-existing chronic hypertension and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and associated adverse pregnancy outcomes
Sweeney L, Lundsberg L, Culhane J, Partridge C, Son M. Co-existing chronic hypertension and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and associated adverse pregnancy outcomes. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2024, 37: 2305675. PMID: 38290827, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2024.2305675.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHypertensive disorders of pregnancyDisorders of pregnancyNeonatal outcomesChronic hypertensionHypertensive disordersIntensive care unitCesarean deliveryOdds of cesarean deliveryPregnant personsBlood pressureBivariate tests of associationHypertensive conditionsMaternal ICU admissionPreterm birth <Intensive care unit admissionAntihypertensive medication useBaseline clinical dataElectronic medical recordsTests of associationRetrospective cohort studySGA birthweightEligible peopleGestational ageMaternal comorbiditiesSingleton deliveriesRate of clinically significant red blood cell antibody seroconversion in pregnancy
Ding J, Abels E, Jacobs J, Culhane J, Lundsberg L, Partridge C, Denoble A, Kohari K. Rate of clinically significant red blood cell antibody seroconversion in pregnancy. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2024, 37: 2419370. PMID: 39462637, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2024.2419370.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitAdvanced maternal ageAssociated with seroconversionClinically significant antibodiesAntibody screeningNeonatal outcomesIncreasing gravidityAntibody seroconversionInitial hemoglobinMaternal ageSignificant antibodiesAntibody statusNeonatal intensive care unit admissionCohort studyClinically significant RBC antibodiesAnti-CUnexplained fetal lossPositive antibody screenNegative antibody screenCases of stillbirthRetrospective cohort studyIntensive care unitWilcoxon rank-sumMaternal antibody statusPostnatal transfusion
Severe maternal morbidity rates in a US-based electronic health record database, 2018–2022
Son M, Culhane J, Louis J, Handley S, Burris H, Greenspan J, McKenney K, Dysart K. Severe maternal morbidity rates in a US-based electronic health record database, 2018–2022. Journal Of Perinatology 2023, 43: 1316-1318. PMID: 37640810, DOI: 10.1038/s41372-023-01765-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe association between a low 50-gram, 1-hour glucose challenge test value and neonatal morbidity
Ding J, Lundsberg L, Culhane J, Patridge C, Milley L, Son M. The association between a low 50-gram, 1-hour glucose challenge test value and neonatal morbidity. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2023, 36: 2245527. PMID: 37558273, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2023.2245527.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlucose challenge test valuesTertiary care academic hospitalDiagnosis of GDMGlycemic screeningGCT valuesNICU admissionNeonatal outcomesMorbidity outcomesAcademic hospitalNeonatal intensive care unit admissionSingle tertiary care academic hospitalIntensive care unit admissionMultivariable logistic regression modelingComposite morbidity outcomeNeonatal morbidity outcomesCare unit admissionRetrospective cohort studyNewborns of mothersRisk of morbidityLogistic regression modelingEligible patientsUnit admissionAntenatal surveillanceGestational diabetesHypertensive disordersFetal growth restriction and small for gestational age as predictors of neonatal morbidity: which growth nomogram to use?
Leon-Martinez D, Lundsberg L, Culhane J, Zhang J, Son M, Reddy U. Fetal growth restriction and small for gestational age as predictors of neonatal morbidity: which growth nomogram to use? American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2023, 229: 678.e1-678.e16. PMID: 37348779, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.06.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal composite outcomeComposite outcomeFetal growth restrictionGestational ageFetal weightWeeks of gestationPositive likelihood ratioGrowth restrictionNonanomalous singleton pregnanciesPoor neonatal outcomeRetrospective cohort studySingle academic centerWeeks of deliveryDays of deliveryFetal growth referencesElectronic medical recordsProportion of fetusesLikelihood ratioNeonatal morbidityNeonatal outcomesPerinatal outcomesCohort studySingleton pregnanciesNeonatal dataMedical recordsLow-Dose Aspirin during Pregnancy and Postpartum Bleeding
White K, Son M, Lundsberg L, Culhane J, Partridge C, Reddy U, Merriam A. Low-Dose Aspirin during Pregnancy and Postpartum Bleeding. American Journal Of Perinatology 2023, 40: 1390-1397. PMID: 37211010, DOI: 10.1055/a-2096-5199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow-dose aspirinPostpartum blood lossTiming of discontinuationBlood lossPostpartum bleedingPostpartum hemorrhageLDA useUse of LDARed blood cell transfusionBlood cell transfusionRetrospective cohort studySystemic lupus erythematosusTime of deliveryDiagnosis of diabetesLogistic regression modelingElectronic medical recordsAspirin 81Ideal dosingPreeclampsia preventionCell transfusionDose aspirinCohort studyHypertensive diseaseLupus erythematosusPrimary outcomeIntravenous iron for treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and associated maternal outcomes
Burn M, Lundsberg L, Culhane J, Partridge C, Son M. Intravenous iron for treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy and associated maternal outcomes. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2023, 36: 2192855. PMID: 36958808, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2023.2192855.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIron deficiency anemiaMaternal morbidity compositeIntravenous ironMorbidity compositePotential confoundersElectronic medical recordsPregnant patientsTreatment courseDeficiency anemiaHigh-risk baseline characteristicsMultivariable logistic regression modellingRetrospective cohort studyFull treatment courseHospital electronic medical recordsIntensive care unitLogistic regression modellingGreater increaseMaternal morbidityMaternal outcomesNeonatal outcomesBaseline characteristicsCohort studyBlood transfusionPrimary outcomeTerm delivery
Antenatal depression, psychotropic medication use, and inflammation among pregnant women
Miller E, Grobman W, Culhane J, Adam E, Buss C, Entringer S, Miller G, Wadhwa P, Keenan-Devlin L, Borders A. Antenatal depression, psychotropic medication use, and inflammation among pregnant women. Archives Of Women's Mental Health 2018, 21: 785-790. PMID: 29862416, PMCID: PMC6240365, DOI: 10.1007/s00737-018-0855-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntenatal depressive symptomsInflammatory biomarkersPregnant womenProspective multicenter observational studyCross-sectional secondary analysisContext of pharmacotherapyHigher TNFα levelsMulticenter observational studyEpidemiologic Studies Depression ScalePsychotropic medication useLower TNFαPre-existing high levelsAntenatal depressionMedication useSerum TNFαTNFα levelsWeeks' gestationSelf-reported useDepression screenPsychotropic medicationsTNFα concentrationsMedical recordsPoor responseTherapeutic responseObservational study
Antenatal risk factors, cytokines and the development of atopic disease in early childhood
Chung E, Miller R, Wilson M, McGeady S, Culhane J. Antenatal risk factors, cytokines and the development of atopic disease in early childhood. Archives Of Disease In Childhood Fetal & Neonatal 2006, 92: f68. PMID: 17185433, PMCID: PMC2675311, DOI: 10.1136/adc.2006.106492.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAtopic diseasesRisk factorsAntenatal exposureT helper cell type 1T helper cell type 2 cytokinesPediatric atopic diseaseNeonatal immune responsesAntenatal risk factorsType 2 cytokinesCell type 1Early childhoodTh2 pathwayCytokine responsesEnvironmental allergensCord bloodIntrauterine environmentImmune responseGenetic predispositionPsychosocial factorsType 1DiseaseCytokinesChildhoodExposureCurrent understanding
Variation in microbiologic profiles among pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis
Pereira L, Culhane J, McCollum K, Agnew K, Nyirjesy P. Variation in microbiologic profiles among pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2005, 193: 746-751. PMID: 16150269, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2005.01.069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPregnant womenNon-Hispanic blacksLifetime sexual partnersClue cellsUnadjusted analysesBacterial vaginosisMicrobiologic profileMobiluncus sppWet mountSexual partnersPositive pregnant womenMore lifetime sexual partnersAbnormal vaginal dischargeAmine odorMultiple logistic regressionChi-square testClinical characteristicsAdjusted analysisClinical outcomesClinical findingsPhysician diagnosisVaginal dischargeNugent criteriaClinical signsM groupFactors Associated with Intention to Breastfeed Among Low-Income, Inner-City Pregnant Women
Lee H, Rubio M, Elo I, McCollum K, Chung E, Culhane J. Factors Associated with Intention to Breastfeed Among Low-Income, Inner-City Pregnant Women. Maternal And Child Health Journal 2005, 9: 253-261. PMID: 16283532, DOI: 10.1007/s10995-005-0008-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInner-city pregnant womenNon-Hispanic white respondentsPregnant womenFirst prenatal care visitNon-Hispanic African American womenNon-Hispanic white womenPrenatal care visitsMultivariate logistic regressionHigher likelihoodInner-city womenNon-Hispanic whitesLow-income womenLogistic regression modelsAfrican American womenRace/ethnicityMultiparous pregnanciesCare visitsMaternal ageIndependent associationMaternal characteristicsHealth centersBaby's fatherDepressive symptomsSociodemographic factorsPrenatal periodMaternal Infection and Adverse Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes
Goldenberg R, Culhane J, Johnson D. Maternal Infection and Adverse Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes. Clinics In Perinatology 2005, 32: 523-559. PMID: 16085019, PMCID: PMC7119141, DOI: 10.1016/j.clp.2005.04.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdverse pregnancy outcomesPreterm birthPregnancy outcomesLong-term neurologic damageEarly preterm birthAdverse FetalPerinatal infectionIntrauterine infectionMaternal infectionNeonatal outcomesLatter infectionNeonatal infectionNeurologic damageBacterial vaginosisOverall burdenInfectionBirthOutcomesVaginosisRubellaSyphilisFetalValidation and comparison of luminex multiplex cytokine analysis kits with ELISA: Determinations of a panel of nine cytokines in clinical sample culture supernatants
duPont N, Wang K, Wadhwa P, Culhane J, Nelson E. Validation and comparison of luminex multiplex cytokine analysis kits with ELISA: Determinations of a panel of nine cytokines in clinical sample culture supernatants. Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2005, 66: 175-191. PMID: 16029895, PMCID: PMC5738327, DOI: 10.1016/j.jri.2005.03.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCytokinesEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayFemaleHumansPregnancyReagent Kits, DiagnosticConceptsMultiple immune mediatorsIL-1 betaCytokine expression patternsImmune system statusMajority of cytokinesAvailable ELISA kitsEnzyme-linked immunosorbentLuminex multiplex technologyImmune mediatorsIL-10Cytokine concentrationsIL-6IL-13IL-4IL-5TNF-alphaMAP kitIFN-gammaRespective pregnanciesImmune systemMultiple cytokinesELISA kitCytokinesExpression patternsMultiplex technologyNeighborhood context and reproductive health
Culhane J, Elo I. Neighborhood context and reproductive health. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2005, 192: s22-s29. PMID: 15891708, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2005.01.071.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReproductive healthPreterm birthAdverse neighborhood conditionsAdverse outcomesRace/ethnic differencesBiologic determinantsReproductive outcomesHealth outcomesNeighborhood-level variablesEthnic differencesIndividual-level characteristicsOutcomesHealthEmpiric dataNeighborhood conditionsFurther researchSocial class differencesVariation in Nugent Score and Leukocyte Count in Fluid Collected From Different Vaginal Sites
Culhane J, Desanto D, Goldenberg R, McCollum K, King F, Guaschino S. Variation in Nugent Score and Leukocyte Count in Fluid Collected From Different Vaginal Sites. Obstetrics And Gynecology 2005, 105: 120-123. PMID: 15625152, DOI: 10.1097/01.aog.0000147842.69832.7d.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrepregnancy Health Status and the Risk of Preterm Delivery
Goldenberg R, Culhane J. Prepregnancy Health Status and the Risk of Preterm Delivery. JAMA Pediatrics 2005, 159: 89-90. PMID: 15630064, DOI: 10.1001/archpedi.159.1.89.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Stillbirth: a review
Goldenberg R, Kirby R, Culhane J. Stillbirth: a review. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2004, 16: 79-94. DOI: 10.1080/jmf. Original ResearchConceptsRisk factorsAdverse pregnancy outcomesCauses of stillbirthRate of stillbirthCause of deathEarly fetal deathIntrapartum fetal monitoringAntepartum monitoringCesarean sectionPlacental examinationPregnancy outcomesFetal deathPatient counselingFuture pregnanciesCongenital anomaliesEarly deliveryFetal monitoringStillbirthEarly detectionDeathRiskCausePregnancyFetusesFactorsStillbirth: a review.
Goldenberg R, Kirby R, Culhane J. Stillbirth: a review. The Journal Of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2004, 16: 79-94. PMID: 15512717, DOI: 10.1080/14767050400003801.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk factorsAdverse pregnancy outcomesCauses of stillbirthRate of stillbirthCause of deathEarly fetal deathIntrapartum fetal monitoringAntepartum monitoringCesarean sectionPlacental examinationPregnancy outcomesFetal deathPatient counselingFuture pregnanciesCongenital anomaliesEarly deliveryFetal monitoringStillbirthEarly detectionDeathRiskCausePregnancyFetusesFactors
Infection as a cause of preterm birth
Goldenberg R, Culhane J. Infection as a cause of preterm birth. Clinics In Perinatology 2003, 30: 677-700. PMID: 14714919, DOI: 10.1016/s0095-5108(03)00110-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrevalence of episodic homelessness among adult childbearing women in Philadelphia, PA.
Webb D, Culhane J, Metraux S, Robbins J, Culhane D. Prevalence of episodic homelessness among adult childbearing women in Philadelphia, PA. American Journal Of Public Health 2003, 93: 1895-6. PMID: 14600062, PMCID: PMC1448072, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.93.11.1895.Peer-Reviewed Original Research