Week in Review
Carefully curated for busy inboxes.
Week of Dec. 16-20
Shout Outs
- HOLIDAY WISHES Wishing you all a happy and peaceful winter recess, with a special thanks to those working over the break. A special shout-out to Surgical Oncology for their festive ugly sweater party this week!
- DR. DIRK JOHNSON Congratulations to Dr. Dirk Johnson on his nomination to The Health Management Academy’s 2025 Physician Leadership Program (PLP).
- DR. NICOLE DEMARAIS Dr. Nicole DeMarais received a STS Research Award from the Thoracic Surgery Foundation.
Faculty Affairs
- FDAQ DUE Online questionnaires are due Monday, Dec. 23.
- FACULTY MEETING W/DEAN BROWN Don't forget to submit your questions for Dean Brown who will join us for our first Faculty Meeting in the New Year on Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 5 PM in TAC.
- REVIEW YOUR OPEN PAYMENTS Program Year 2023 Open Payments data is available for review and dispute through Tuesday, Dec. 31.
- COFFEE CHATS Faculty can now schedule 20-minute, one-on-one sessions with Dr. Ahuja for open discussion around department culture.
- FLU/COVID VACCINES Schedule free vaccines through the Flu and COVID Vaccine Program. You can get both at once. Flu shots are required for patient-facing employees.
Clinical Affairs
- COVID+ SURGERY Updated guidelines recommend postponing non-urgent surgeries until the patient meets the criteria to end COVID-19 isolation and transmission precautions.
- CLEAR DISCLOSURE Info from Tuesday’s Town Hall is posted on the intranet.
- eSIGNING 101 Consent forms can be now be e-signed via the Haiku mobile app.
- NEW GLP-1 PERIOP GUIDANCE Research-driven updates for surgery patients on GLP-1RAs include extended 24+ fasting and holding meds the day-of.
- ADD-ON CASE LEVELS System-wide case priority guidelines go into effect Jan. 18.
- PERSPECTIVES FOR INCLUSION The spring series kicks off on Jan. 13 with a discussion on disability in academic medicine.
- ACCESSING EVALS Faculty can access UME and GME teaching evaluations via MedHub.
- MED ED DAY DEADLINE The call for abstracts for workshops and oral presentations closes Jan. 10. A separate call for posters opens Feb. 1.
- EDUCATOR OPS Faculty participation fulfills the pre-requisite for the FY25 z-composite incentive. Express interest via email.
- Friday, Jan. 3, 12:30-4:30p.m. (1-4 hour options) Clerkship Orientation
- Additional opportunities are posted on the anatomy lab schedule.
- PRE-AWARD WORKFLOW Funding applications must be sent to the Pre-Award team at least four weeks before the deadline. Workflows and forms are posted to the Intranet.
- SAVE THE DATE Save the date for the 8th annual Yale Surgery Research Day on Friday, Apr. 4.
- NIDCR Prospective Observational or Biomarker Validation Study Cooperative Agreement (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Feb. 5
- Secondary Analysis and Integration of Existing Data to Elucidate Cancer Risk and Related Outcomes (R21 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) Feb. 16
- International Research Challenge (IRC) on Women’s Cardiovascular Health Sept. 25
- PERSONALIZED GRANT SEARCH Tailored searches of federal funding opportunities are available to faculty on the Investigator/CS/Traditional tracks. CES track faculty may request this support via email.