Featured Publications
Respective Roles of Craniosynostosis and Syndromic Influences on Cranial Fossa Development
Lu X, Forte AJ, Wilson AT, Park KE, Allam O, Alperovich M, Steinbacher DM, Alonso N, Persing JA. Respective Roles of Craniosynostosis and Syndromic Influences on Cranial Fossa Development. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2021, 148: 145-156. PMID: 34181610, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000008101.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAirway Growth in Preoperative Patients with Crouzon Syndrome
Lu X, Forte AJ, Park KE, Allam O, Smetona J, Alperovich M, Steinbacher DM, Tonello C, Alonso N, Persing JA. Airway Growth in Preoperative Patients with Crouzon Syndrome. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine 2021, 23: 191-197. PMID: 33577380, DOI: 10.1089/fpsam.2020.0441.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYears of ageNasal airway volumeAirway volumeCrouzon syndromePharyngeal airwayCross-sectional areaAirway cross-sectional areaObstructive sleep apneaMonths of agePreoperative patientsSleep apneaMaximal constrictionAirway developmentAirway growthTomography scanAge subgroupsCT scanPatientsSyndromeCrouzon patientsNatural historyAgeNormal dimensionsAirwayMaterialise softwareCranial Fossa Development in Differing Subtypes of Crouzon Syndrome.
Lu X, Forte AJ, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Alonso N, Persing JA. Cranial Fossa Development in Differing Subtypes of Crouzon Syndrome. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2020, 31: 673-677. PMID: 32049910, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000006181.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Treatment Contraindications Based on Comorbidity Status in Patients With Melanoma in the United States
Boczar D, BAGARIA SP, SPAULDING AC, HUAYLLANI MT, AVILA FR, Guliyeva G, Lu X, RINKER BD, FORTE AJ. Treatment Contraindications Based on Comorbidity Status in Patients With Melanoma in the United States. Anticancer Research 2021, 41: 2067-2070. PMID: 33813415, DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.14976.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Cancer DatabaseMultivariate logistic regressionComorbid conditionsTreatment contraindicationsGovernment insuranceLogistic regressionUnknown treatment statusMost patientsPatient demographicsComorbidity statusCurative treatmentMelanoma patientsCancer DatabaseIndependent associationOncological patientsMelanoma incidenceTreatment decisionsInclusion criteriaHigher oddsMelanoma treatmentTreatment statusPatientsPoor candidatesPatient treatmentPrivate insuranceConformity of the Virtual Surgical Plan to the Actual Result Comparing Five Craniofacial Procedure Types.
Maniskas S, Pourtaheri N, Chandler L, Lu X, Bruckman KC, Steinbacher DM. Conformity of the Virtual Surgical Plan to the Actual Result Comparing Five Craniofacial Procedure Types. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2021, 147: 915-924. PMID: 33776034, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000007776.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVirtual surgical planningProcedure typeCranial vault remodelingSurgical planningOrthognathic surgeryMandibular distractionVault remodelingMandible reconstructionActual postoperative outcomesVirtual surgical planPostoperative outcomesConsecutive patientsMore predictable resultsSingle surgeonExcellent outcomesTomographic scanSkeletal repositioningPostoperative movementSurgical planBonferroni analysisIntraoperative judgmentIntraoperative guidePermanent implantsPatientsSurgery
Distinguishing Craniomorphometric Characteristics of Unilateral Lambdoid Craniosynostosis.
Allam O, Park KE, Pourtaheri N, Mozaffari MA, Smetona J, Lu X, Ahmad M, Persing JA, Alperovich M. Distinguishing Craniomorphometric Characteristics of Unilateral Lambdoid Craniosynostosis. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2020, 32: 125-129. PMID: 33156173, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000007098.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnilateral lambdoid synostosisUL patientsDeformational plagiocephalySingle-suture nonsyndromic craniosynostosisPosterior deformational plagiocephalyUnilateral lambdoid craniosynostosisDP patientsClinical findingsPathological characteristicsRare formPatientsAnterior midlineLambdoid craniosynostosisMajority maleCT imagingLambdoid synostosisNonsyndromic craniosynostosisReliable indicatorSignificant differencesLambdoid sutureSide earCraniosynostosisScansEarPatient scansWhat Is the Difference in Cranial Base Morphology in Isolated and Syndromic Bicoronal Synostosis?
Lu X, Forte AJ, Wilson AT, Park KE, Allam O, Mozaffari MA, Alperovich M, Steinbacher DM, Alonso N, Persing JA. What Is the Difference in Cranial Base Morphology in Isolated and Syndromic Bicoronal Synostosis? Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2020, 146: 599-610. PMID: 32842109, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000007068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCranial Fossa Volume and Morphology Development in Apert Syndrome.
Lu X, Forte AJ, Wilson A, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Alonso N, Persing JA. Cranial Fossa Volume and Morphology Development in Apert Syndrome. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2020, 145: 790e-802e. PMID: 32221226, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000006679.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNational Analysis of Patients With Ulcerated Melanoma in the United States
Boczar D, Sisti A, RESTREPO DJ, HUAYLLANI MT, MANRIQUE OJ, Lu X, SPAULDING AC, BAGARIA SP, PARKER AS, FORTE AJ. National Analysis of Patients With Ulcerated Melanoma in the United States. Anticancer Research 2020, 40: 1055-1058. PMID: 32014953, DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.14042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUlcerated melanomaNational Cancer DatabaseNon-white patientsNon-white raceZip codesYears of agePatient disparitiesPatient demographicsMelanoma patientsTumor characteristicsMale sexUnfavorable prognosisCancer DatabaseHigher oddsLower oddsPatientsMelanomaUlcerationFacility characteristicsLower educationOddsLow incomeEducation levelUrban countiesPresent studySMAD6 Genotype Predicts Neurodevelopment in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis.
Wu RT, Timberlake AT, Abraham PF, Gabrick KS, Lu X, Peck CJ, Sawh-Martinez RF, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich MA, Persing JA. SMAD6 Genotype Predicts Neurodevelopment in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2020, 145: 117e-125e. PMID: 31592950, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000006319.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCase-Control StudiesChildChild BehaviorChild DevelopmentChild, PreschoolCraniosynostosesCraniotomyDevelopmental DisabilitiesDouble-Blind MethodFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansInfantIntelligence TestsLoss of Function MutationMalePlastic Surgery ProceduresProspective StudiesSkullSmad6 ProteinTreatment OutcomePaget disease of the breast: A national retrospective analysis of the US population
Sisti A, Huayllani MT, Restrepo DJ, Boczar D, Advani P, Lu X, Spaulding AC, Ball CT, McLaughlin SA, Forte AJ. Paget disease of the breast: A national retrospective analysis of the US population. Breast Disease 2020, 39: 119-126. PMID: 32390594, DOI: 10.3233/bd-200439.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Cancer DatabasePaget's diseaseComplete mastectomyPartial mastectomyCommon treatmentSurvival rateRegional lymph node metastasisBlack race/ethnicityHigher cancer stageNational retrospective analysisOverall survival rateLymph node metastasisLarger tumor sizeHigh tumor gradeRace/ethnicityMedian ageNode metastasisFemale patientsShorter survivalTumor sizeCancer DatabaseCancer stageTumor gradeTreatment characteristicsMetastatic cancer
What Factors Define Limb Salvage or Amputation Surgery in Osteosarcoma of the Upper Extremities?
Huayllani MT, Restrepo DJ, Boczar D, Sisti A, Spaulding AC, Parker AS, Manrique OJ, Lu X, Wilke BK, Forte AJ. What Factors Define Limb Salvage or Amputation Surgery in Osteosarcoma of the Upper Extremities? Anticancer Research 2019, 39: 6807-6811. PMID: 31810946, DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.13896.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUpper extremityLimb salvageLimb amputationMultivariate logistic regression modelNational Cancer DatabaseStage IV diseaseLogistic regression modelsChi-squared testAmputation surgeryCancer DatabaseInclusion criteriaStage IVPatientsAmputationOsteosarcomaDescriptive studyExtremitiesSurgerySalvageDiseaseRegression modelsStatistical analysisAnalysis of Melanoma in African American Patients in the United States
Boczar D, Restrepo DJ, Sisti A, Huayllani MT, Saleem HY, Lu X, Cinotto G, Manrique OJ, Spaulding AC, Forte AJ. Analysis of Melanoma in African American Patients in the United States. Anticancer Research 2019, 39: 6333-6337. PMID: 31704864, DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.13844.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAfrican American patientsAA patientsAmerican patientsTumor stagingWorse tumor stagingNational Cancer DatabaseAmerican Joint CommitteePresence of ulcerationAA raceTreatment delayAnalysis of melanomaCancer DatabaseCancer programsCancer stagePatient efficacyPatientsJoint CommitteeMelanomaMean timeTreatmentStagingCaucasiansDaysUnited StatesUlcerationCranial Fossa Volume in Differing Subtypes of Apert Syndrome.
Lu X, Forte AJ, Wilson A, Alperovich M, Steinbacher DM, Alonso N, Persing JA. Cranial Fossa Volume in Differing Subtypes of Apert Syndrome. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2019, 30: 2345-2349. PMID: 31609946, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000005785.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhat Is the Skull Structure Influence of Squamosal Suture Synostosis in Nonsyndromic and Syndromic Crouzon Craniosynostosis?
Lu X, Chen G, Forte AJ, Cabrejo R, Singh A, Kyle G, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Alonso N, Persing JA. What Is the Skull Structure Influence of Squamosal Suture Synostosis in Nonsyndromic and Syndromic Crouzon Craniosynostosis? Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2019, 30: 1671-1675. PMID: 30950948, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000005396.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMiddle cranial fossaAnterior cranial fossaCranial fossaPosterior cranial fossaSquamosal synostosisFossa volumeCrouzon syndromeSquamosal suture synostosisComputed tomography scanCranial volumeNonsyndromic craniosynostosis patientsVolume reductionSevere volume reductionTomography scanNormal controlsMorphologic effectsCraniosynostosis patientsFossaPremature closureSyndromic conditionsSuture synostosisSyndromic synostosisFrankfort horizontal planeSynostosisThree-dimensional cephalometryThe Endocranial Bifrontal Angle: A Longitudinal Evaluation in Two Patients With Metopic Synostosis.
Cabrejo R, Lu X, Persing J. The Endocranial Bifrontal Angle: A Longitudinal Evaluation in Two Patients With Metopic Synostosis. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2019, 30: 1644-1646. PMID: 30939543, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000005358.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSmaller head circumferenceEndocranial bifrontal angleHead circumferenceMetopic craniosynostosisNeurological sequelaeNeurological deficitsSurgical treatmentSevere formPatientsSevere trigonocephalyLongitudinal evaluationMetopic sutureMetopic synostosisTomography imagingSkull deformityCraniosynostosisCircumferenceTrigonocephalyFrontal regionsYoung childrenSkull bonesSubsequent evaluationChildrenSequelaeDeformityAirway Analysis in Apert Syndrome.
Forte AJ, Lu X, Hashim PW, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Persing JA, Alonso N. Airway Analysis in Apert Syndrome. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2019, 144: 704-709. PMID: 31461034, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000005937.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior nasal spineApert syndromeNasal spineTomographic scanPharyngeal airway volumeRespiratory insufficiencyAirway compromiseAirway volumeAirway spaceRespiratory impairmentClinical managementAirway analysisPosterior airwayNasal cavityDisease comorbiditiesPatientsSyndromeSkull baseNasal measurementsSpine distanceStatistical significanceMidfacial deformitiesSpineAirwayPharyngeal regionAnalysis of Airway and Midface in Crouzon Syndromes
Forte AJ, Lu X, Hashim PW, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Persing JA, Alonso N. Analysis of Airway and Midface in Crouzon Syndromes. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2019, Publish Ahead of Print: &na;. PMID: 30633021, DOI: 10.1097/sap.0000000000001740.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPharyngeal airway volumeComputed tomography scanAirway volumeControl subjectsTomography scanCrouzon syndromeAge-matched control subjectsAnalysis of airwaysSevere respiratory impairmentNasal airway volumePosterior pharyngeal wallEarly mixed dentitionCrouzon groupSurgical interventionRespiratory impairmentUpper airwaySoft tissue measurementsPharyngeal wallPosterior tongueMixed dentitionAirwayPatientsSyndromeVolumetric assessmentT-testAssociation of Regional Cranial Base Deformity and Ultimate Structure in Crouzon Syndrome.
Lu X, Jorge Forte A, Sawh-Martinez R, Wu R, Cabrejo R, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Alonso N, Persing JA. Association of Regional Cranial Base Deformity and Ultimate Structure in Crouzon Syndrome. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2019, 143: 1233e-1243e. PMID: 31136487, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000005643.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMandibular Spatial Reorientation and Morphological Alteration of Crouzon and Apert Syndrome.
Lu X, Sawh-Martinez R, Forte AJ, Wu R, Cabrejo R, Wilson A, Steinbacher DM, Alperovich M, Alonso N, Persing JA. Mandibular Spatial Reorientation and Morphological Alteration of Crouzon and Apert Syndrome. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2019, 83: 568-582. PMID: 31008788, DOI: 10.1097/sap.0000000000001811.Peer-Reviewed Original Research