Suzanne Spinola
W68 Greater Coupling of Pain Intensity and Opioid Craving After Delaying Methadone Dose Among Veterans With Opioid Use Disorder
MacLean R, Spinola S, Pittman B, Meyerovich J, Szollosy S, Wolkowicz N, Sofuoglu M. W68 Greater Coupling of Pain Intensity and Opioid Craving After Delaying Methadone Dose Among Veterans With Opioid Use Disorder. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 260: 110686. DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.110686.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe relationship of pain intensity and opioid craving with delayed methadone dose: A preliminary study of individuals with opioid use disorder
MacLean R, Spinola S, Pittman B, Meyerovich J, Szollosy S, Wolkowicz N, Minnix S, Sofuoglu M. The relationship of pain intensity and opioid craving with delayed methadone dose: A preliminary study of individuals with opioid use disorder. British Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology 2024, 90: 2977-2984. PMID: 38439592, PMCID: PMC11613043, DOI: 10.1111/bcp.16027.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCold pressor testMethadone doseExperience of painOpioid cravingMethadone conditionTime course of painRelationship of pain intensityDose conditionsCourse of painAssessment of painOpioid use disorderCross-over designPain intensityPain thresholdIncreased riskPainStudy visitsPressor testDelayed dosesUse disorderCravingOpioidMethadone treatmentDoseMethadone
Effects of acute alcohol administration on working memory: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Spinola S, De Vita M, Gilmour C, Maisto S. Effects of acute alcohol administration on working memory: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychopharmacology 2022, 239: 695-708. PMID: 35075512, DOI: 10.1007/s00213-022-06060-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute alcohol administrationAlcohol administrationAlcohol dosesSystematic reviewMemory outcomeResultsThirty-two studiesAcute alcohol effectsAlcohol doseStudy qualityHealthy adultsMemory impairmentExecutive function deficitsFunction deficitsAlcohol effectsHealthy participantsAdministrationSystematic searchMixed-effects modelsComparative controlFunctioning componentHazardous behaviorDoseDosesControl conditionOutcomes
Comparison of attitudes towards the service connection claims process among veterans filing for PTSD and veterans filing for musculoskeletal disorders
Spinola S, Fenton BT, Meshberg-Cohen S, Black AC, Rosen MI. Comparison of attitudes towards the service connection claims process among veterans filing for PTSD and veterans filing for musculoskeletal disorders. Medicine 2021, 100: e27068. PMID: 34477140, PMCID: PMC8415949, DOI: 10.1097/md.0000000000027068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderMusculoskeletal disordersPTSD groupDisorder groupPTSD claimantsClinical characteristicsOperation New Dawn veteransSecondary data analysisNew Dawn veteransOperation Enduring FreedomPTSD claimsOperation Iraqi FreedomNegative expectationsStress disorderDisordersDepressionVeteransEffects of demographicsEnduring FreedomIraqi FreedomInventory subscalesThe Impact of Chronic Pain on Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes
MacLean R, Spinola S, Garcia-Vassallo G, Sofuoglu M. The Impact of Chronic Pain on Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Outcomes. Current Addiction Reports 2021, 8: 100-108. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-020-00352-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid agonist treatmentChronic painOpioid use disorderOpioid Use Disorder Treatment OutcomesNonpharmacologic pain treatmentsIllicit opioid useDisorder treatment outcomesReviewChronic painOpioid usePain intensityPain treatmentAgonist treatmentOAT clinicsTreatment outcomesClinical carePainUse disordersDrug useRecent FindingsWeHigher likelihoodClinicOutcomesTreatmentMost studiesIntake
A psychosocial mediational model of homelessness among U.S. male and female veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan
Spinola S, Hoff RA, Tsai J. A psychosocial mediational model of homelessness among U.S. male and female veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Health & Social Care In The Community 2020, 29: 453-463. PMID: 32662176, DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13106.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Change in Marijuana Use and Related Problems among Adolescents in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: The Mediating Effects of Alcohol Consumption
Spinola S, Moskal D, Maisto S, Park A, Labbe A, Chung T. Change in Marijuana Use and Related Problems among Adolescents in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: The Mediating Effects of Alcohol Consumption. Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse 2019, 28: 312-322. DOI: 10.1080/1067828x.2020.1774024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disorder treatmentUse disorder treatmentTreatment outcomesAlcohol consumptionDisorder treatmentOutpatient substance use disorder treatmentMarijuana useNumber of adolescentsMarijuana treatment outcomesDrinking daysPotential mediatorsClinical samplesMultiple substancesLongitudinal studyOutcomesMarijuana use frequencyAdolescentsMarijuanaTreatmentBaselineMonthsDrugsMediatorsPre-treatment alcohol consumptionUse frequencySystematic Review of Pain Severity and Opioid Craving in Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder
MacLean RR, Spinola S, Manhapra A, Sofuoglu M. Systematic Review of Pain Severity and Opioid Craving in Chronic Pain and Opioid Use Disorder. Pain Medicine 2019, 21: e146-e163. PMID: 32034413, DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnz228.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term opioid therapyOpioid use disorderChronic painPain severityOpioid therapyOpioid cravingUse disordersEligible studiesSystematic reviewOpioid use disorder patientsChronic pain populationsRisk of biasInclusion/exclusion criteriaPain populationObservational studyExclusion criteriaPainDisorder patientsPsycINFO databasesTherapyMean levelsDisordersSeverityStudy of individualsCraving
Clinical Course and Relapse among Adolescents Presenting for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Recent Findings
Buckheit K, Moskal D, Spinola S, Maisto S. Clinical Course and Relapse among Adolescents Presenting for Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Recent Findings. Current Addiction Reports 2018, 5: 174-191. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-018-0209-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersIntensive data collection methodsResearch Domain Criteria frameworkUse disordersReviewThis narrative reviewBehavior changeBio-psychosocial modelProcess of remissionLine of researchMost empirical researchTheory developmentFuture researchLimited theoryCriteria frameworkEmpirical literatureEmpirical researchSummaryOur findingsAdolescentsOutcome variablesChange processTheoretical modelRecent findingsResearchDisordersNarrative review
Alcohol Treatment Goal Choice Predicts Longitudinal Drinking Outcomes in Adolescent Substance Users
Buckheit K, Moskal D, Spinola S, Maisto S, Chung T. Alcohol Treatment Goal Choice Predicts Longitudinal Drinking Outcomes in Adolescent Substance Users. Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse 2017, 27: 1-10. PMID: 30906178, PMCID: PMC6430239, DOI: 10.1080/1067828x.2017.1384776.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGoal choiceDrinking outcomesSocial cognitive theoryAdolescent substance usersBinge drinking daysHierarchical linear regressionTreatment of adolescentsAlcohol use disorderCognitive theoryBetter clinical outcomesSubstance usersDisorder treatmentAdolescentsDrinking daysUse disordersOwn goalsOutpatient substanceClinical outcomesLongitudinal outcomesTime pointsClinical samplesCourse of treatmentPercentage of daysClinical courseClinical utility