Samuel Ball, PhD
Harold W. Jockers Professor of Psychiatry; Deputy Dean for Academic AffairsCards
Administrative Support
Publications Overview
- 127 Publications
- 8,248 Citations
- 40 Yale Co-Authors
Additional Titles
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, OAPD
Administrative Support
Publications Overview
- 127 Publications
- 8,248 Citations
- 40 Yale Co-Authors
Additional Titles
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, OAPD
Administrative Support
Publications Overview
- 127 Publications
- 8,248 Citations
- 40 Yale Co-Authors
Harold W. Jockers Professor of Psychiatry; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, OAPD
I am involved in the coordination of faculty development both within the Department of Psychiatry and in Yale School of Medicine with a focus of working with non-procedural and bridge departments. I have served in several research, education, and clinical leadership positions in the Department of Psychiatry and affiliated non-profit clinical, research, and policy organizations including The APT Foundation, Silver Hill Hospital, and The National Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse. I direct the faculty reappointment and promotion processes in my department and am involved in the development and evaluation of medical school-wide junior faculty mentoring programs. I am a trained mentor and professional coach and consult with junior faculty and departmental leaders on: promotion processes and readiness; incorporation into academic review processes improved assessments of clinical and educational excellence, professionalism, and diversity and inclusion activities, and; consultation on matters related to professional stress, burnout, and impairment. My clinical expertise is the treatment of patients with addiction and co-occurring personality disorders, and I have developed and conducted clinical trials on a specialized psychotherapy for these complex patients and founded a specialized residential treatment program for high functioning professionals (particularly physicians and attorneys) and executives suffering from these disorders. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I developed and directed a 1:1 professional support provider services program for Yale Medicine and Yale New Haven Health healthcare workers and their families.
Office of the Dean, School of Medicine
Deputy DeanDualPsychiatry
Other Departments & Organizations
- Division of Addictions
- Division of Substance Abuse
- Division of Women's Behavioral Health Research
- Office of Academic & Professional Development
- Office of the Dean, School of Medicine
- Psychiatry
- Psychology Section
- Psychotherapy Development Center
- Substance Abuse Research
- Yale Medicine
- Yale Ventures
- Yale-Drug use, Addiction, and HIV prevention Research Scholars (DAHRS)
Education & Training
- PhD
- University of Delaware (1990)
- Predoctoral Clinical Psychology Internship
- Yale School of Medicine (1990)
- MA
- University of Delaware, Clinical Psychology (1988)
- BA
- Colgate University, Psychology English (1984)
My research investigates the most prevalent and yet commonly overlooked type of psychiatric comorbidity – substance abuse and personality disorders. I have conducted a systematic series of studies that have: evaluated the personality dimensions common to both of these psychiatric disorders; identified personality-related subtypes of substance abuse with greater symptom severity and worse prognosis, and; developed and tested the first psychotherapeutic model for the full range of personality disorders found in substance abusers. Personality traits appear to be risk factors for substance use, as well as risk factors for personality disorders that have substance abuse as an important behavioral expression. Maladaptive personality traits and related personality disorders are not simply consequences of addiction. Previous, ongoing, and planned studies focus on two major areas related to personality and substance use disorders: 1) assessment and diagnosis; 2) psychotherapy efficacy.
1) Assessment and Diagnosis
Over half of treated substance abusers meet diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder. The separation of addiction symptoms from personality traits and disorders through careful assessment is critically important for improving diagnostic reliability and validity and predicting treatment response. Personality disorders influence symptom severity, persist and interfere with psychosocial functioning once abstinence is achieved, create significant ongoing risk for relapse, and may require additional specialized treatment.
Over the past 20 years, my research has focused on evaluating extreme, maladaptive personality traits and the prevalence and treatment implications of personality disorders in substance abusers. I have mapped personality dimensions from five factor and seven factor models onto personality disorder diagnoses and compared the reliability of personality disorder and trait dimensions. A constellation of maladaptive personality traits is related to substance dependence severity, polydrug use, earlier age of onset, chronic/heavy use, conduct and antisocial personality disorders, violence, arrests, HIV risk behaviors, psychiatric symptoms, mood disorders, suicide attempts, and early treatment drop-out. My work has emphasized the importance of utilizing dimensional models of personality disorders which incorporate symptom severity measures of diagnostic interview categories as well as self-report measures of maladaptive personality traits and problems.
Consistent with the increased appreciation of the heterogeneity of addicted persons, my research has emphasized that personality factors can be viewed as etiologically or prognostically linked to some, but not necessarily all, subtypes of substance abusers. I have evaluated an empirical framework for understanding the relation between personality dimensions, substance abuse, and personality disorders through a typological system which organizes diverse variables into broader constructs which are associated with different etiologies, patterns, and courses of the disorder. This work included the first extension of a multidimensional alcoholism typology to the drug abuse field. One type (variously called Type I or Type A) is characterized by later age of onset, lower heritability, fewer childhood risk factors, and less severe dependence. The second type (Type II or B) is characterized by earlier onset, higher heritability, more childhood risk factors, more severe dependence, greater psychosocial impairment, antisocial behavior, and psychiatric comorbidity. In a series of studies, I validated this Type A/B and established its connection to certain personality traits and disorders.
Although antisocial and borderline are the most common personality disorders in addiction treatment settings, other disorders (avoidant, paranoid, dependent, narcissistic) affect a significant minority of substance abuse patients, but have not been the focus of diagnostic or treatment research. Other personality disorders, referred to as Cluster A or psychotic spectrum (schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid), are the most common form of diagnostic comorbidity in a group of substance abusers who have had limited or ineffective interactions with the addiction and mental health treatment system (i.e., homeless persons). The development of an effective therapy for the diverse groups of treatment refractory, personality disordered substance abusers has been the focus of my second major area of research and contribution to the field.
2) Psychotherapy Efficacy
Although personality disorders are the most common form of psychiatric comorbidity in drug abusers and convey a negative prognosis, treatments have been adapted or tested for only two specific diagnoses (antisocial and borderline personality disorders). I am the originator of Dual Focus Schema Therapy (DFST) which is the only psychotherapy manual developed and tested for the full range of personality disorders encountered in substance abusers. The problem targets for this treatment are early maladaptive schemas and the associated coping styles related to addictive behaviors. The development of a personality disorder is conceptualized as an interaction between biologically-based personality or temperament traits and highly dysfunctional early caretaking environments which contribute to the development of enduring, unconditional, negative beliefs about oneself, others, and the world and coping behaviors that are inappropriate, rigid, and difficult to change.
DFST is an integrative, cognitive-behavioral therapy that targets these maladaptive personality processes (cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, emotional) that heighten risk for relapse and adversely impacts treatment engagement, retention, and outcome and the social supports necessary for long-term recovery. It is a manual-guided individual therapy based on a detailed, multi-level assessment and conceptualization of personality traits, problems, and disorders. Cognitive, behavioral, relational, and experiential techniques are selected that focus on reducing addiction and psychiatric symptoms, the intensity of affective and behavioral reactions to schema activation, and maladaptive methods of coping with high risk situations. The choice and staging of interventions is guided by a detailed case formulation of personality functioning and an open, ongoing, collaborative dialogue between the therapist and patient about personality problems, addictive behaviors, and the identification of specific target problems for intervention. This therapeutic partnership fosters the type of strong working alliance that psychotherapy research has found associated with positive outcomes and seems especially important with challenging, refractory patients.
I have completed two smaller and one larger randomized clinical trials comparing DFST to standard addiction counseling approaches. All treatment studies involve very complex, traumatized, multi-problem patients. I have established the feasibility, safety, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of DFST and developed a: detailed session-by-session treatment manual with prescribed and proscribed techniques; comprehensive, effective training and supervisory procedure for therapists, and; adherence/competence rating system to measure treatment discriminability and fidelity. In the first study in outpatient methadone maintained personality disordered patients, DFST was superior to 12 Step Facilitation Therapy on the primary substance use outcome and secondary therapeutic alliance measure. In the second study in homeless substance abusers with personality disorders, DFST promoted better therapy utilization than a Drug Counseling group. However, homeless clients with more severe forms of certain personality disorders exhibited better Drug Counseling group utilization. The third study of patients in long-term residential treatment found that DFST promoted significant psychiatric, interpersonal, and negative affect symptom reduction over the duration of therapy. However, patients with certain personality disorders had better psychiatric symptom reduction in Individual Drug Counseling than DFST.
The randomized clinical trial of DFST conducted in a homeless drop-in center unexpectedly found rates of Cluster A (paranoid, schizotypal, schizoid) and Cluster C (especially obsessive-compulsive) personality disorders that were 5 – 15 times (i.e., 40 – 75% prevalence rates) more common than typically found in mental health and addiction treatment programs. This was a new finding for the field as previous diagnostic research on the homeless had focused extensively on severe Axis I diagnoses (schizophrenic, mood, and substance use disorders) and ignored the Axis II diagnoses other than antisocial personality disorder. My team completed three additional diagnostic studies, all of which confirm the very high prevalence of these psychotic-spectrum personality disorders among the homeless. This has been the first research to conduct structured diagnostic interviews of the full range of personality disorders among homeless persons while controlling for the effects of other psychiatric disorders. This diagnostic work has established the independence of these very common severe personality disorders from their related, but less prevalent, mood, schizophrenic, anxiety, and substance use disorders. These severely traumatized, psychosocially challenged individuals have been insufficiently served by traditional treatment systems. Other recent research evaluates the relation between maladaptive personality dimensions and addiction symptom severity, psychosocial functioning, relapse risk, treatment motivation and response through a longitudinal evaluation of predictors of outpatient treatment engagement and attrition.
- Adaptive Brief Interventions for Drop-Out Re-Engagement
Prospective assessment of risk factors for early attrition from substance abuse treatment and evaluation of manual-guided adaptive intervention designed to improve re-engagement in treatment.
- Psychotic-Spectrum Personality Disorders in Homeless Persons
Evaluates prevalence and correlates of Axis I and II disorders in homeless persons.
Medical Research Interests
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Research Interests
Charla Nich
Steve Martino, PhD
Brian D. Kiluk, PhD
Julia Shi, MD, FACP
Manuel Paris, PsyD
Declan Barry, PhD
Treatment Outcome
Personality Disorders
Mental Disorders
Substance Abuse Detection
COVID-19 Traumatic Disaster Appraisal and Stress Symptoms Among Health Care Workers
Olson K, Fogelman N, Maturo L, Alvarado J, Ball S, Forray A, Hu M, Ivy M, Kapo J, Krystal J, Mayes L, Rohrbaugh R, Southwick S, Tebes J, Wassel B, Sinha R. COVID-19 Traumatic Disaster Appraisal and Stress Symptoms Among Health Care Workers. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2022, 64: 934-941. PMID: 35959912, PMCID: PMC9640251, DOI: 10.1097/jom.0000000000002673.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHealth care workersCare workersChronic mental healthCross-sectional evaluationTotal Worker HealthAdverse psychological outcomesPredictive factorsSevere stress eventsResponse rateCare qualityMental healthAdverse effectsPrivate practitionersHigh levelsWorkers' healthSense of controlStress symptomsPsychological outcomesLevel of educationGreater proportionHealthPandemicStress eventsSymptomsWorkersPerspectives on adapting a mobile application for pain self-management in neurofibromatosis type 1: results of online focus group discussions with individuals living with neurofibromatosis type 1 and pain management experts
Grau LE, Larkin K, Lalloo C, Stinson JN, Zempsky WT, Ball SA, Buono FD. Perspectives on adapting a mobile application for pain self-management in neurofibromatosis type 1: results of online focus group discussions with individuals living with neurofibromatosis type 1 and pain management experts. BMJ Open 2022, 12: e056692. PMID: 35840301, PMCID: PMC9295671, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056692.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsPain management expertsNeurofibromatosis type 1Type 1Self-management mobile appAudio-recorded focus groupsChronic painAPP levelsFocus groupsPainPotential associationMobile health applicationsNF1 groupTypes of participantsGenetic disordersNeeds of individualsOnline focus group discussionsOnline focus groupsFocus group discussionsAppropriate visualsGroupParticipant groupsFree accessSpecific needsIndividualsHealth applicationsComputer-based training for cognitive behavioral therapy for Spanish-speaking substance users: adaptation and satisfaction
Silva M, Añez L, Carroll K, Jaramillo Y, Kiluk B, Frankforter T, Ball S, Gordon M, Paris M. Computer-based training for cognitive behavioral therapy for Spanish-speaking substance users: adaptation and satisfaction. Journal Of Ethnicity In Substance Abuse 2022, 23: 251-271. PMID: 35714996, PMCID: PMC10350903, DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2022.2086194.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComputer-based trainingCognitive-behavioral skills trainingCognitive behavioral therapy programSubstance useBehavioral therapy programCognitive behavioral therapyBehavioral health interventionsBehavioral therapySkills trainingMonolingual SpanishSubstance usersLife experiencesTherapy programProgram contentCultural adaptationSpanishTrainingSatisfactionHealth interventionsAdultsCBT4CBTHigh levelsParticipantsAdaptationIntervention
Innovation in the treatment of persistent pain in adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1): Implementation of the iCanCope mobile application
Buono FD, Lalloo C, Larkin K, Zempsky WT, Ball S, Grau LE, Pham Q, Stinson J. Innovation in the treatment of persistent pain in adults with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1): Implementation of the iCanCope mobile application. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2021, 25: 100883. PMID: 35036627, PMCID: PMC8743203, DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2021.100883.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeurofibromatosis type 1Pain symptomsNF1 populationType 1Chronic pain symptomsSelf-management treatmentPersistent painTreatment satisfactionTreatment optionsControl studySix weeksPainPsychometric evaluationContingency managementInitial effectivenessGenetic disordersThird groupSymptomsAdultsTreatmentPopulationDifferent populationsGroupParticipants' experiencesGreater reach
Mobilizing an institutional supportive response for healthcare workers and other staff in the context of COVID-19: The Yale experience
Krystal JH, Alvarado J, Ball SA, Fortunati FG, Hu M, Ivy ME, Kapo J, Olson KD, Rohrbaugh RM, Sinha R, Tebes JK, Vender RJ, Yonkers KA, Mayes LC. Mobilizing an institutional supportive response for healthcare workers and other staff in the context of COVID-19: The Yale experience. General Hospital Psychiatry 2020, 68: 12-18. PMID: 33254081, PMCID: PMC7680059, DOI: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2020.11.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsMentorship for Addiction Problems (MAP): A New Behavioral Intervention to Assist in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders.
Tracy K, Wachtel L, Goldmann E, Nissenfeld J, Burton M, Galanter M, Ball SA. Mentorship for Addiction Problems (MAP): A New Behavioral Intervention to Assist in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders. Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs 2020, 81: 664-672. PMID: 33028480, PMCID: PMC8076492, DOI: 10.15288/jsad.2020.81.664.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSubstance use disordersWeek 13Use disordersOutpatient substance use disorder treatmentHigh patient interestNew behavioral interventionNew behavioral treatmentSubstance useSubstance use disorder treatmentTreatment weeks 1Drug use scoresSuccessful treatment outcomeUse disorder treatmentAddiction Severity Index AlcoholDelivery of treatmentAddiction problemsPreliminary efficacyWeeks 0Treatment outcomesTreatment efficacyWeek 1Disorder treatmentDrug useBehavioral treatmentBehavioral interventionsHookah use patterns, social influence and associated other substance use among a sample of New York City public university students.
El Shahawy O, Park SH, Rogers ES, Shearston JA, Thompson AB, Cooper SC, Freudenberg N, Ball SA, Abrams D, Shelley D, Sherman SE. Hookah use patterns, social influence and associated other substance use among a sample of New York City public university students. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, And Policy 2020, 15: 65. PMID: 32859230, PMCID: PMC7453717, DOI: 10.1186/s13011-020-00283-5.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
How Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York Are Taking Action to Address the Opioid Epidemic.
Hernandez Y, Meyers-Ohki S, Farkas S, Ball S, Leonard K, Rotrosen J, Saitz R. How Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York Are Taking Action to Address the Opioid Epidemic. American Journal Of Public Health 2018, 108: 1621-1622. PMID: 30403507, PMCID: PMC6236727, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.2018.304741.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCulturally Adapted, Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Spanish-Speaking Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Paris M, Silva M, Añez-Nava L, Jaramillo Y, Kiluk BD, Gordon MA, Nich C, Frankforter T, Devore K, Ball SA, Carroll KM. Culturally Adapted, Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Spanish-Speaking Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial. American Journal Of Public Health 2018, 108: 1535-1542. PMID: 30252519, PMCID: PMC6187780, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.2018.304571.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSubstance use disordersCognitive-behavioral treatmentUse disordersSubstance use outcomesClinical trialsWeb-based cognitive behavioral therapyCurrent substance use disorderUse outcomesRandomized clinical trialsStandard outpatient treatmentEvidence-based treatmentsCognitive behavioral therapyPrimary outcomeStandard treatmentOutpatient treatmentStandard outpatientTreatment completionHealth disparitiesBehavioral therapyBehavioral treatmentAddiction treatmentTreatment-seeking individualsGreater reductionTreatmentDisordersAn investigation of an open‐access model for scaling up methadone maintenance treatment
Madden LM, Farnum SO, Eggert KF, Quanbeck AR, Freeman RM, Ball SA, Schottenfeld RS, Shi JM, Savage ME, Barry DT. An investigation of an open‐access model for scaling up methadone maintenance treatment. Addiction 2018, 113: 1450-1458. PMID: 29453891, DOI: 10.1111/add.14198.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsNon-medical opioid useOpioid use disorderMethadone maintenance treatmentOpioid useMaintenance treatmentTreatment accessUse disordersTreatment modelMethadone maintenance treatment centersMaintenance treatment centersDeleterious effectsMethadone treatmentPatient mortalityTreatment optionsTreatment outcomesTreatment centersProspective patientsRate of retentionPatient censusRapid enrollmentAddiction treatmentApparent deleterious effectsTreatmentMortalityProgrammatic outcomes
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
activity American Psychological Association
Professional OrganizationsMemberDetails1988 - Presentactivity Journal of Personality
Peer Review Groups and Grant Study SectionsAssociate EditorDetails2007 - 2017activity NIH Center for Scientific Review: Risk, Prevention and Intervention for Addictions
Peer Review Groups and Grant Study SectionsMemberDetails09/01/2009 - 06/30/2013activity SAMHSA National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs
Peer Review Groups and Grant Study SectionsReviewerDetails2006 - 2010activity NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse
Peer Review Groups and Grant Study SectionsCommittee MemberDetails09/01/2005 - 06/30/2009
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- February 18, 2025
Kaufman Appointed Deputy Chair for Career Development
- May 14, 2024
Ball Is Named Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
- November 05, 2021
Yale School of Medicine Launches Pilot Student Mental Health & Wellness Program
- September 09, 2021
Yale Psychiatry's Anti-Racism Task Force Seeks to Address Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
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Yale Department of Psychiatry
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- EveryoneSamuel Ball, PhDThe Office of Academic & Professional Development (OAPD) offers faculty workshops throughout the academic year (Sept. – June) to support professional and career development. While geared toward assistant professors and research rank faculty, all faculty are welcome to attend. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit is available for those who participate.