Robin Whittemore, APRN, FAAN
Professor Emeritus of NursingCards
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Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
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Professor Emeritus of Nursing
Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Robin Whittemore is a Professor at Yale School of Nursing, Director of the PhD program, and the Co-Director of the National Clinician Scholars Program at Yale. Dr. Whittemore’s research focus is on lifestyle change to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes as well as the psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness. Initially her work focused on adults with type 2 diabetes, specifically in translating theory-based interventions with established efficacy into a new setting, such as modifying the Diabetes Prevention Program for delivery by nurse practitioners in primary care and by visiting nurses and community health workers (CHWs) in subsidized housing. She has modified behavioral interventions for adults and adolescents to a technology platform. She has translated an in-person coping skills training program and an obesity prevention program for youth to the internet and has used text messaging to provide a positive psychology intervention for adolescents with type 1 diabetes, Currently, she is developing an internet program for parents of adolescents with type 1 diabetes, and modifying a group-based program for adults of low socioeconomic status with T2D in Mexico that includes a theory-based mHealth component.
- Teens with type 1 diabetes, (South Central University, Changsha China). Collaboration with Dr. Jia Guo to adapt and evaluate a coping skills training program for tees with type 1 diabetes in China.
- Gestational diabetes, (South Central University, Changsha China). Collaboration with Dr. Jia Guo to evaluate a lifestyle change program for rural women in China with a history of gestational diabetes
- Adults with type 2 diabetes, (Iberoamerica University, Mexico City, Mexico). Collaboration with Dr. Rafael Perez Escamilla, Dr. Vilar Compte, and Ana Bertha Perez to evaluate a self-management program plus mHealth for adults with type 2 diabetes in Seguro Popular Clinics.
Departments & Organizations
- Diabetes Research Center
- Nursing Website
- Obesity Research Working Group
- Yale Institute for Global Health
- Yale School of Nursing
Teens with type 1 diabetes
(South Central University, Changsha China)
Collaboration with Dr. Jia Guo to adapt and evaluate a coping skills training program for teens with type 1 diabetes in China.
Gestational diabetes
(South Central University, Changsha China)
Collaboration with Dr. Jia Guo to evaluate a lifestyle change program for rural women in China with a history of gestational diabetes
Adults with type 2 diabetes
(Iberoamerica University, Mexico City, Mexico)
Collaboration with Dr. Rafael Perez Escamilla, Dr. Mireya Vilar Compte, and Ana Bertha Perez to evaluate a self-management program plus mHealth for adults with type 2 diabetes in Seguro Popular clinics.
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Soohyun Nam, PhD, ANP (BC), APRN
Sangchoon Jeon, PhD
David Vlahov
Garrett Ash, PhD
Janene Batten, EdD, MLS
Margaret Grey, DrPH, RN, FAAN
Exploring Perspectives and Challenges to Type 2 Diabetes Self-management in Haitian American Immigrants in the COVID-19 Era: An Emic View
Magny-Normilus C, Whittemore R, Schnipper J, Grey M. Exploring Perspectives and Challenges to Type 2 Diabetes Self-management in Haitian American Immigrants in the COVID-19 Era: An Emic View. Journal Of Racial And Ethnic Health Disparities 2025, 1-11. PMID: 39979694, DOI: 10.1007/s40615-025-02309-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsT2D self-managementSelf-managementType 2 diabetes self-managementT2D managementCross-sectional studyAmerican immigrantsSocial supportDisproportionate burdenHealthcare systemType 2 diabetesParticipants' perspectivesPurposive samplingMultifaceted approachContent analysisEthnic minoritiesHigh riskEffects of COVID-19T2DFamily relationshipsFacilitationCOVID-19Unique challengesMacrovascular diseaseParticipantsFinancial constraints
The Associating Factors of Parent-Teen and Peer Relationships Among Chinese Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Luo J, Li Q, Whittemore R, Välimäki M, Guo J. The Associating Factors of Parent-Teen and Peer Relationships Among Chinese Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Psychology Research And Behavior Management 2024, 17: 3611-3623. PMID: 39435368, PMCID: PMC11492902, DOI: 10.2147/prbm.s474339.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDiabetes self-managementPositive coping styleNegative coping styleSelf-managementCoping stylesParenting teensRelationships subscaleDevelopment of targeted interventionsAssociated factorsType 1 diabetes mellitusMultivariate linear regression analysisRandomized controlled trialsPeer relationshipsPerceived stressDiabetes managementSelf-efficacyLinear regression analysisBaseline dataPeer cohesionSocial demographicsYounger ageStyle trainingRegression analysisSubscalesAdolescentsPersonal and Social‐Built Environmental Factors of Glucose Variability Among Multiethnic Groups of Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Research Protocol Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, and Actigraphy
Nam S, Jeon S, Ash G, Weinzimer S, Dunton G, Parekh N, Grey M, Chen K, Lee M, Sajdlowska A, Whittemore R. Personal and Social‐Built Environmental Factors of Glucose Variability Among Multiethnic Groups of Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Research Protocol Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, and Actigraphy. Research In Nursing & Health 2024, 47: 608-619. PMID: 39243147, DOI: 10.1002/nur.22420.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmotional well-beingType 2 diabetesImprove diabetes outcomesDietary recall dataWell-beingSelf-report toolMultilevel risk factorsEcological momentary assessmentLifestyle behaviorsOnline video callsContinuous glucose monitoringPhysical activityDiabetes outcomesGroup of adultsLifestyle factorsJust-in-time interventionsBaseline surveyDiverse adultsDiabetes InterventionsHigh-risk groupRecall dataMomentary assessmentActigraphy deviceStructural equation modelingGlucose monitoringStudy Recruitment, Retention, and Adherence Among Chinese American Immigrants During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Huang S, Nam S, Ash G, Wu B, Melkus G, Jeon S, McMahon E, Dickson V, Whittemore R. Study Recruitment, Retention, and Adherence Among Chinese American Immigrants During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Research 2024, 73: 328-336. PMID: 38905624, DOI: 10.1097/nnr.0000000000000731.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsChinese American immigrantsRecruitment strategiesRetention strategiesSnowball samplingOnline surveyMultiple recruitment strategiesPhysical activity studiesForeign-born Chinese womenCOVID-19 pandemicAmerican immigrantsGestational diabetesDiverse socioeconomic groupsStudy websiteReport adherenceEmail remindersGeographically diverse sampleHealth researchText remindersAdherence strategiesCommunity outreachStudy recruitmentDiabetes diagnosisIndex pregnancyStudy webpageChinese womenA Systematic Review of Interventions That Address Food Insecurity for Persons With Prediabetes or Diabetes Using the RE-AIM Framework
Whitehouse C, Akyirem S, Petoskey C, Huang S, Lendvai D, Batten J, Whittemore R. A Systematic Review of Interventions That Address Food Insecurity for Persons With Prediabetes or Diabetes Using the RE-AIM Framework. The Science Of Diabetes Self-Management And Care 2024, 50: 141-166. PMID: 38545669, DOI: 10.1177/26350106241232649.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsRE-AIMFood insecurityRE-AIM elementsRE-AIM frameworkQualified Health CentersSystematic Reviews of InterventionsSystematically review interventionsDiabetes-related outcomesCommunity-based outreachResearch team membersSustainability of interventionsReviews of InterventionsFederal poverty levelScreening of abstractsAssociated with higher riskQuality of lifeHigh-risk populationStatistically significant improvementDiabetes outcomesImplement interventionsHealth centersSelf-managementUnique citationsType 2 diabetesSelf-efficacyRecommendations to Address Barriers to Patient Portal Use Among Persons With Diabetes Seeking Care at Community Health Centers: Interview Study With Patients and Health Care Providers
Akyirem S, Wagner J, Chen H, Lipson J, Minchala M, Cortez K, Whittemore R. Recommendations to Address Barriers to Patient Portal Use Among Persons With Diabetes Seeking Care at Community Health Centers: Interview Study With Patients and Health Care Providers. JMIR Diabetes 2024, 9: e58526. PMID: 39284181, PMCID: PMC11443204, DOI: 10.2196/58526.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient portal useCommunity health centersPortal useDiabetes self-managementPatient portalsClinician burdenHealth centersSelf-managementLow health literacyImprove health equityQualitative descriptive designPatient-clinician communicationHealth care providersBilingual research assistantsPerspective of adultsHealth care facilitiesHealth literacyHealth equityDescriptive designAddress barriersAssociated with significant improvementsCare providersSpanish interviewHealth informationCare facilities
The Impact of Blast Exposure—With or Without Traumatic Brain Injury—on Metabolic Abnormalities in Post-9/11 Veterans
Lendvai D, Whittemore R, Womack J, Fortier C, Milberg W, Fonda J. The Impact of Blast Exposure—With or Without Traumatic Brain Injury—on Metabolic Abnormalities in Post-9/11 Veterans. Journal Of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2023, 38: 380-390. PMID: 36951458, PMCID: PMC10514232, DOI: 10.1097/htr.0000000000000874.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsBlast-related traumatic brain injuryOverweight/obesityMetabolic abnormalitiesTraumatic brain injuryBlast exposurePost-9/11 veteransBrain injuryRelative riskCross-sectional secondary data analysisTranslational Research CenterSomatic conditionsHealth prevention interventionsCardiometabolic syndromeGlucose dysregulationMean ageWeight managementSecondary data analysisPrevention interventionsMeeting criteriaVeteran cohortPoisson regressionSecondary aimBaseline samplesMajority maleAbnormalitiesSelf-Management and Glycemic Targets in Adult Haitian Immigrants With Type 2 Diabetes
Magny-Normilus C, Whittemore R, Nunez-Smith M, Lee C, Schnipper J, Wexler D, Sanders J, Grey M. Self-Management and Glycemic Targets in Adult Haitian Immigrants With Type 2 Diabetes. Nursing Research 2023, 72: 211-217. PMID: 36929756, PMCID: PMC10121794, DOI: 10.1097/nnr.0000000000000649.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsType 2 diabetesSelf-management behaviorsGlycemic targetsSelf-management education programDiabetes self-management education programT2D-related complicationsHaitian immigrantsPrimary study objectiveResearch Electronic Data CaptureSelf-management practicesChronic conditionsGlucose variabilityContinuous glucose monitorMultiple recruitment methodsPhysical activityElevated riskElectronic data captureDisproportionate burdenU.S. adultsT2DDiabetesSelf-ManagementRecruitment methodsStudy objectiveGlucose monitorBody mass index and obesity-related behaviors in African American church-based networks: A social network analysis
Nam S, Jung S, Vlahov D, Latkin C, Kershaw T, Whittemore R. Body mass index and obesity-related behaviors in African American church-based networks: A social network analysis. PLOS ONE 2023, 18: e0281145. PMID: 36913354, PMCID: PMC10010537, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281145.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe 18-month efficacy of an Intensive LifeStyle Modification Program (ILSM) to reduce type 2 diabetes risk among rural women: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Zhong Q, Chen Y, Luo M, Lin Q, Tan J, Xiao S, Willey J, Chen J, Whittemore R, Guo J. The 18-month efficacy of an Intensive LifeStyle Modification Program (ILSM) to reduce type 2 diabetes risk among rural women: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Globalization And Health 2023, 19: 6. PMID: 36703168, PMCID: PMC9881320, DOI: 10.1186/s12992-023-00910-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsIntensive lifestyle modification programHistory of GDMGestational diabetes mellitusLifestyle modification programBody mass indexT2D risk scoreTreat analysisWaist circumferenceSubgroup analysisBlood glucoseModification programRisk scoreT2D riskChinese Clinical Trial RegistryDifferent body mass indexType 2 diabetes riskBlood glucose intoleranceHigher abdominal adiposityClinical Trials RegistryType 2 diabetesGeneralized estimation equation modelsLow glycemic index foodsQuality of lifeEstimation equation modelsGlycemic index foods
Clinical Trials
Current Trials
Lifestyle and Glucose Fluctuations (LGF)
HIC ID2000030766RoleSub InvestigatorPrimary Completion Date07/31/2023Recruiting Participants