Neighborhood Disadvantage in a Nationally Representative Sample of Community-Living Older US Adults
Gill T, Leo-Summers L, Vander Wyk B, Becher R, Liang J. Neighborhood Disadvantage in a Nationally Representative Sample of Community-Living Older US Adults. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2450332. PMID: 39666339, PMCID: PMC11638794, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.50332.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Health and Aging Trends StudyCommunity-living older adultsNationally representative sampleNon-Hispanic blacksNeighborhood disadvantageSocioeconomic deprivationOlder adultsIndividual-level socioeconomic characteristicsLong-term mortalityIndicators of socioeconomic deprivationNon-Hispanic White individualsNon-Hispanic white participantsRepresentative sampleCohort studySocioeconomic characteristicsCommunity-living personsNeighborhood socioeconomic disadvantageArea Deprivation IndexOlder US adultsGeriatric characteristicsPopulation-based estimatesAscertainment of mortalityHigher education levelCensus block levelHigh school diplomaChanges in neighborhood disadvantage over the course of 22 years among community‐living older persons
Gill T, Becher R, Leo‐Summers L, Gahbauer E. Changes in neighborhood disadvantage over the course of 22 years among community‐living older persons. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2024 PMID: 39206716, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.19172.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArea Deprivation IndexArea deprivation index scoreNeighborhood disadvantageDisadvantaged neighborhoodsOlder personsLongitudinal studies of older personsCommunity-living older personsSocial determinants of healthStudy of older personsCommunity-living personsDeterminants of healthFunctional well-beingCensus block levelSouth central ConnecticutDeprivation indexSocial determinantsFollow-upProspective longitudinal studyWell-beingLongitudinal studyDecile changeCentral ConnecticutNeighborhoodParticipantsPersons
Relationship Between Distressing Symptoms and Changes in Disability After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons
Gill T, Han L, Feder S, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Becher R. Relationship Between Distressing Symptoms and Changes in Disability After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2023, 279: 65-70. PMID: 37389893, PMCID: PMC10761592, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005984.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryDistressing symptomsElective surgeryFunctional outcomeOlder personsCommunity-living older personsMultiple distressing symptomsSocioeconomic disadvantageCommunity-living personsTiming of surgerySerious health eventsNumber of disabilitiesSurgerySignificant associationSymptomsHealth eventsRate ratioPotential targetDisabilityUnit increaseDeleterious effectsOutcomesPersonsMultimorbidityAdmission
Factors Associated With Days Away From Home in the Year After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Becher RD, Murphy TE, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Han L. Factors Associated With Days Away From Home in the Year After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2022, 278: e13-e19. PMID: 35837967, PMCID: PMC9840715, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005528.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealth care facilitiesMajor surgeryAge 85 yearsCare facilitiesOlder personsRisk factorsNumber of daysLower peak expiratory flowCommunity-living older personsShort Physical Performance BatteryIndependent risk factorCommunity-living personsPhysical Performance BatteryPeak expiratory flowCandidate risk factorsQuality of lifeHospital dischargeMultivariable analysisExpiratory flowMedian numberPerformance BatteryMusculoskeletal surgerySurgeryMean differenceHospitalGeriatric vulnerability and the burden of disability after major surgery
Gill TM, Murphy TE, Gahbauer EA, Leo‐Summers L, Becher RD. Geriatric vulnerability and the burden of disability after major surgery. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2022, 70: 1471-1480. PMID: 35199332, PMCID: PMC9106872, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.17693.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBurden of disabilityMajor surgeryGeriatric vulnerabilitiesHospital dischargeElective surgeryFunctional outcomeLong-term functional outcomeStrong epidemiologic evidenceCommunity-living personsPoor functional outcomeNon-elective surgeryProspective longitudinal studyAdditional vulnerability factorVulnerability factorsMultivariable analysisEpidemiologic evidenceSurgery increasesBlack raceDisability burdenFemale sexMore disabilityAge 85Hispanic ethnicitySurgeryOlder persons
Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Han L, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE, Becher RD. Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2020, 273: 834-841. PMID: 33074902, PMCID: PMC8370041, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000004438.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryED visitsRestricted activityFunctional statusFunctional declineOlder personsCommunity-living older personsAdjusted hazard ratioAdverse functional outcomesCommunity-living personsEmergency department visitsTraditional risk factorsCorresponding odds ratiosFunctional effectsIllness/injuryHazard ratioDepartment visitsFunctional recoveryFunctional outcomeRisk factorsOdds ratioHospitalizationSurgeryInjuryVisits