Feasibility of In-Hospital Administration of a Tool to Predict Persistent Post-ICU Functional Impairment Among Older ICU Survivors A Pilot Study
Stevenson J, Murphy T, Tessier-Sherman B, Pisani M, Gill T, Ferrante L. Feasibility of In-Hospital Administration of a Tool to Predict Persistent Post-ICU Functional Impairment Among Older ICU Survivors A Pilot Study. CHEST Critical Care 2024, 2: 100093. DOI: 10.1016/j.chstcc.2024.100093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk prediction toolsICU survivorsIn-hospital administrationOlder adultsFunctional impairmentPilot studyIn-hospital mobilityOlder ICU survivorsDevelopment of risk prediction modelsHospital-related factorsIn-hospital factorsPresence of deliriumRisk prediction modelModel discriminationPersistent functional impairmentStatistical significanceHospital settingStudy designFeasibility thresholdDaily activitiesIncreased riskInternational Consensus ConferenceConsensus conferenceSurvivorsCritical illnessEffect of a Three-Component Geriatrics Bundle on Incident Delirium among Critically Ill Older Adults: A Pilot Clinical Trial.
Ferrante L, Han L, Andrews B, Cohen A, Davis J, Gritsenko D, Lee S, Pisani M, Reed N, Rouse G, Truebig J. Effect of a Three-Component Geriatrics Bundle on Incident Delirium among Critically Ill Older Adults: A Pilot Clinical Trial. Annals Of The American Thoracic Society 2024, 21: 1333-1337. PMID: 38785442, PMCID: PMC11376353, DOI: 10.1513/annalsats.202311-963rl.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLong-term outcomes after treatment of delirium during critical illness with antipsychotics (MIND-USA): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
Mart M, Boehm L, Kiehl A, Gong M, Malhotra A, Owens R, Khan B, Pisani M, Schmidt G, Hite R, Exline M, Carson S, Hough C, Rock P, Douglas I, Feinstein D, Hyzy R, Schweickert W, Bowton D, Masica A, Orun O, Raman R, Pun B, Strength C, Rolfsen M, Pandharipande P, Brummel N, Hughes C, Patel M, Stollings J, Ely E, Jackson J, Girard T. Long-term outcomes after treatment of delirium during critical illness with antipsychotics (MIND-USA): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2024, 12: 599-607. PMID: 38701817, PMCID: PMC11296889, DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(24)00077-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffects of antipsychotic treatmentCognitive impairmentAssociated with long-term cognitive impairmentTreat deliriumLong-term cognitive impairmentLong-term outcomesTreatment of deliriumCritically ill patientsAntipsychotic treatmentZiprasidone groupHaloperidol groupFollow-upQuality-of-life outcomesAssessed survivorsZiprasidoneHaloperidolAntipsychoticsCognitive outcomesTreatment group assignmentDepartment of Veterans AffairsQuality-of-lifeIll patientsPlacebo-controlledCritical illnessLong-term follow-upChaos and Confusion: Antipsychotic Use in the ICU Within the Veterans Healthcare System During the COVID Pandemic
Murphy I, Akgun K, Burk M, Jiang R, Bryan K, Morneau K, Sutherland A, Rightnour E, Rosen A, Zavala S, Franck A, Davids B, Lee J, Wong M, Providence S, Schmitt T, Exline T, Guilbeault T, Drumright K, Klenosky B, Pisani M, Witcher P. Chaos and Confusion: Antipsychotic Use in the ICU Within the Veterans Healthcare System During the COVID Pandemic. 2024, a2717-a2717. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2024.209.1_meetingabstracts.a2717.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHow Much Is Too Much? An Assessment of Intensive Care Unit Sedative Use Across the Veterans Healthcare System During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Murphy I, Akgun K, Burk M, Jiang R, Bryan K, Sutherland A, Morneau K, Rightnour E, Providence S, Zavala S, Rosen A, Franck A, Wong M, Davids B, Lee J, Schmitt T, Exline T, Guilbeault T, Drumright K, Klenosky B, Pisani M, Witcher P. How Much Is Too Much? An Assessment of Intensive Care Unit Sedative Use Across the Veterans Healthcare System During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2024, a5032-a5032. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2024.209.1_meetingabstracts.a5032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffect of a Three-Component Geriatrics Bundle on Incident Delirium Among Critically Ill Older Adults
Ferrante L, Han L, Andrews B, Cohen A, Davis J, Gritsenko D, Lee S, Pisani M, Reed N, Rouse G, Truebig J. Effect of a Three-Component Geriatrics Bundle on Incident Delirium Among Critically Ill Older Adults. 2024, a2721-a2721. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2024.209.1_meetingabstracts.a2721.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Trends in use of antipsychotics and psychoactive drugs in older patients after major surgery
Kim D, Lee H, Pawar A, Lee S, Park C, Levin R, Metzger E, Bateman B, Ely E, Pandharipande P, Pisani M, Hohmann S, Marcantonio E, Inouye S. Trends in use of antipsychotics and psychoactive drugs in older patients after major surgery. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 3755-3767. PMID: 37676699, PMCID: PMC10841351, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18580.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUse of antipsychoticsAcademic medical centerCommunity hospitalPostoperative periodHospital typeSurgical admissionsOlder patientsMajor surgeryAtypical antipsychoticsPsychoactive drugsIntensive care unit settingRetrospective cohort studyUse of haloperidolNon-ICU settingsUse of antiepilepticsProfessional society guidelinesPostoperative deliriumPatients 65Cohort studyHospital daysHypnotic useAgonist dexmedetomidineSociety guidelinesUnit settingMedical CenterComparative Safety Analysis of Oral Antipsychotics for In-Hospital Adverse Clinical Events in Older Adults After Major Surgery : A Nationwide Cohort Study.
Kim D, Lee S, Park C, Levin R, Metzger E, Bateman B, Ely E, Pandharipande P, Pisani M, Jones R, Marcantonio E, Inouye S. Comparative Safety Analysis of Oral Antipsychotics for In-Hospital Adverse Clinical Events in Older Adults After Major Surgery : A Nationwide Cohort Study. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2023, 176: 1153-1162. PMID: 37665998, PMCID: PMC10625498, DOI: 10.7326/m22-3021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTransient ischemic attackAdverse clinical eventsHospital deathMajor surgeryClinical eventsPostoperative deliriumCohort studyOlder patientsAntipsychotic drugsArrhythmia eventsCardiac arrhythmia eventsHospital adverse clinical eventsModerate-dose treatmentPremier Healthcare DatabaseHospital adverse eventsNationwide cohort studyRetrospective cohort studyAtypical antipsychotic useOral antipsychotic drugsSignificant differencesHaloperidol useIschemic attackOral antipsychoticsAdverse eventsOral haloperidol
Life-Threatening Amlodipine Overdose in an Obese Male
Israel R, Lemieux S, Chernova I, Pisani M. Life-Threatening Amlodipine Overdose in an Obese Male. CHEST Journal 2016, 150: 372a. DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2016.08.385.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDexmedetomidine for hyperactive delirium: worth further study
Knauert MP, Pisani MA. Dexmedetomidine for hyperactive delirium: worth further study. Journal Of Thoracic Disease 2016, 8: e999-e1002. PMID: 27747045, PMCID: PMC5059358, DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2016.08.14.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersRisk factorsIntensive care unit patientsLength of ICUHistory of hypertensionCare unit patientsManagement of painPre-existing dementiaSeverity of illnessClinical practice guidelinesCritical care issuesHigher healthcare costsHistory of alcoholismLong-term cognitionPoor ICU outcomesCritical care medicineICU incidenceICU medicationsIntravenous haloperidolHospital stayHyperactive deliriumICU deliriumAdult patientsUnit patientsMechanical ventilationICU outcomesPerceptions and Practices Regarding Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit. A Survey of 1,223 Critical Care Providers
Kamdar BB, Knauert MP, Jones SF, Parsons EC, Parthasarathy S, Pisani MA. Perceptions and Practices Regarding Sleep in the Intensive Care Unit. A Survey of 1,223 Critical Care Providers. Annals Of The American Thoracic Society 2016, 13: 1370-7. PMID: 27104770, PMCID: PMC5021080, DOI: 10.1513/annalsats.201601-087oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor sleepICU outcomesProviders' perceptionsIntensive care unit outcomesAvailable evidence-based guidelinesDevelopment of deliriumIntensive care unitEvidence-based guidelinesCritical care providersBetter sleep qualityMinority of providersICU surveyICU patientsIll patientsCare unitMechanical ventilationICU providersPatient outcomesRecent guidelinesPhysical therapyMost cliniciansPromotion protocolSleep qualityCare providersICUCommunity-based Participatory Research Is Needed to Address Pulmonary Health Disparities
Harris DA, Pensa MA, Redlich CA, Pisani MA, Rosenthal MS. Community-based Participatory Research Is Needed to Address Pulmonary Health Disparities. Annals Of The American Thoracic Society 2016, 13: 1231-1238. PMID: 27249657, DOI: 10.1513/annalsats.201601-054ps.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsCommunity-based participatory researchHealth disparitiesPulmonary diseaseHealth equityPediatric asthma outcomesOutcome of treatmentAmerican Thoracic SocietyAdult asthmaAsthma outcomesMedical managementLung diseaseThoracic SocietyPulmonary medicineHealth behaviorsSpecific interventionsRacial disparitiesParticipatory researchCommunity healthHealth careDiseaseNational InstituteOutcomesSustainable interventionsCommunity-based approachHealthFactors Associated with Functional Recovery among Older Intensive Care Unit Survivors
Ferrante LE, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers LS, Gill TM. Factors Associated with Functional Recovery among Older Intensive Care Unit Survivors. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2016, 194: 299-307. PMID: 26840348, PMCID: PMC4970594, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201506-1256oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigher body mass indexOlder ICU survivorsIntensive care unitBody mass indexFunctional recoveryICU survivorsICU admissionMass indexOlder Intensive Care Unit SurvivorsIntensive care unit survivorsOlder adultsPoor functional recoveryCritical illnessIndependent predictorsCare unitMultivariable analysisFunctional outcomePremorbid functionPotential predictorsVision impairmentAdmissionSurvivorsAnalytic sampleFunctional activityMonthsComparing average levels and peak occurrence of overnight sound in the medical intensive care unit on A-weighted and C-weighted decibel scales
Knauert M, Jeon S, Murphy TE, Yaggi HK, Pisani MA, Redeker NS. Comparing average levels and peak occurrence of overnight sound in the medical intensive care unit on A-weighted and C-weighted decibel scales. Journal Of Critical Care 2016, 36: 1-7. PMID: 27546739, PMCID: PMC5097003, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntensive care unitMedical intensive care unitCare unitWorld Health Organization recommendationsProspective observational studyICU patient roomsIllness severityPatient factorsMechanical ventilationObservational studyPeak occurrenceICU environmentSignificant discordanceCircadian disruptionPatient roomsDecibel scaleSound levelsEquivalent sound levelPeak measuresDeliriumLevelsMeaningful factorsSleepLow-frequency soundAverage levelQuantifying the Severity of a Delirium Episode Throughout Hospitalization: the Combined Importance of Intensity and Duration
Vasunilashorn SM, Marcantonio ER, Gou Y, Pisani MA, Travison TG, Schmitt EM, Jones RN, Inouye SK. Quantifying the Severity of a Delirium Episode Throughout Hospitalization: the Combined Importance of Intensity and Duration. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2016, 31: 1164-1171. PMID: 27259291, PMCID: PMC5023588, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-016-3671-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-hospital outcomesDelirium intensitySeverity measuresEpisode of deliriumPoor clinical outcomeDelirium durationDelirium episodesEntire hospitalizationAdult patientsClinical outcomesDelirium severityRelative riskIndependent cohortDeliriumStrong associationOutcomesHospitalizationCognitive changesDurationSeverityPredictive validityEpisodesAssociationCombined importancePatientsContinuation Rate of Atypical Antipsychotics After Discharge When Initiated in the Intensive Care Unit
Farrokh S, Castle AC, Heavner M, Pisani MA. Continuation Rate of Atypical Antipsychotics After Discharge When Initiated in the Intensive Care Unit. Journal Of Pharmacy Practice 2016, 30: 342-346. PMID: 27129913, DOI: 10.1177/0897190016645026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntensive care unitAtypical antipsychoticsHospital dischargeCare unitSafety outcomesLarge tertiary academic medical centerTertiary academic medical centerFinal study populationAcademic medical centerICU stayLack of evidenceCritical illnessMedical chartsQTc prolongationExtended therapyContinuation ratesInappropriate continuationMedical CenterStudy populationAntipsychoticsExclusion criteriaPhysician documentationPatientsProgress notesOutcomesEndobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Cautery-Assisted Transbronchial Forceps Biopsies: Safety and Sensitivity Relative to Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
Bramley K, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo KL, Homer RJ, Puchalski JT. Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Cautery-Assisted Transbronchial Forceps Biopsies: Safety and Sensitivity Relative to Transbronchial Needle Aspiration. The Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 2016, 101: 1870-1876. PMID: 26912301, PMCID: PMC4861078, DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2015.11.051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTransbronchial needle aspirationTransbronchial forceps biopsyForceps biopsyClinical trialsEndobronchial ultrasoundNeedle aspirationConvex probe EBUSSignificant adverse eventsDiagnosis of sarcoidosisExcellent diagnostic yieldSelect clinical scenariosSequential useTBNA samplesSecondary outcomesUnselected patientsAdverse eventsLymph nodesThoracic lymphadenopathyEBUS guidanceGranulomatous inflammationCore biopsyGranulomatous diseaseAdequate specimensNeedle biopsyDiagnostic yieldUse of Self-Matching to Control for Stable Patient Characteristics While Addressing Time-Varying Confounding on Treatment Effect: A Case Study of Older Intensive Care Patients
Han L, Pisani MA, Araujo KL, Allore HG. Use of Self-Matching to Control for Stable Patient Characteristics While Addressing Time-Varying Confounding on Treatment Effect: A Case Study of Older Intensive Care Patients. International Journal Of Statistics In Medical Research 2016, 5: 8-16. PMID: 27123153, PMCID: PMC4844076, DOI: 10.6000/1929-6029.2016.05.01.2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDelirium severity scoresIntensive care unitSeverity scoreOld intensive care patientsIntensive care patientsOlder medical patientsDose of haloperidolStable patient characteristicsICU stayBaseline characteristicsAcute outcomesPatient characteristicsCare patientsCare unitMeasures of exposureMedical patientsAntipsychotic medicationFull cohortPatientsStable baselineAnalytic sampleTreatment effectsHaloperidolCohortScoresAn Empirical Method of Detecting Time-Dependent Confounding: An Observational Study of Next Day Delirium in a Medical ICU
Murphy TE, Van Ness PH, Araujo KL, Pisani MA. An Empirical Method of Detecting Time-Dependent Confounding: An Observational Study of Next Day Delirium in a Medical ICU. International Journal Of Statistics In Medical Research 2016, 5: 41-47. PMID: 26798411, PMCID: PMC4718607, DOI: 10.6000/1929-6029.2016.05.01.4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComparison of Transbronchial and Cryobiopsies in Evaluation of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease
Ramaswamy A, Homer R, Killam J, Pisani MA, Murphy TE, Araujo K, Puchalski J. Comparison of Transbronchial and Cryobiopsies in Evaluation of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease. Journal Of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 2016, 23: 14-21. PMID: 26705007, PMCID: PMC4864578, DOI: 10.1097/lbr.0000000000000246.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDiffuse parenchymal lung diseaseTransbronchial lung cryobiopsyTransbronchial lung biopsyParenchymal lung diseaseLung diseaseFlexible bronchoscopyDiagnostic yieldTertiary care academic centerVideo-assisted thoracoscopic surgeryInterstitial lung diseaseHigh diagnostic yieldTBLB specimensLung biopsyLung cryobiopsyMassive hemoptysisPrior malignancyThoracoscopic surgeryClinicopathologic featuresHypersensitivity pneumonitisModerate sedationRetrospective studyTherapeutic optionsMean ageFinal diagnosisPostprocedural outcomes