Potential roles for vitamin D in preventing and treating impulse control disorders, behavioral addictions, and substance use disorders: A scoping review
Jalilian-Khave L, Kitaneh R, Ysrayl B, Borelli A, Funaro M, Potenza M, Angarita G. Potential roles for vitamin D in preventing and treating impulse control disorders, behavioral addictions, and substance use disorders: A scoping review. Addiction Neuroscience 2025, 14: 100190. DOI: 10.1016/j.addicn.2024.100190.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImpulse control disordersSubstance use disordersControl disordersBehavioral addictionsTreating impulse control disordersVitamin DClinical studiesAddictive disordersSerotonergic circuitsExposure to vitamin DVitamin D deficiencyVitamin D levelsSymptom presenceDisordersPotential beneficial effectsJoanna Briggs InstituteD deficiencyPotential therapeutic mechanismAddictionD levelsWeb of ScienceTherapeutic mechanismQuality of studiesCochrane LibraryOvid MEDLINESexual trauma and compulsive sexual behavior in young men and women: A network analysis involving two samples.
Scoglio A, Chen Y, Huang K, Borgogna N, Potenza M, Blycker G, Kraus S. Sexual trauma and compulsive sexual behavior in young men and women: A network analysis involving two samples. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2025 PMID: 39841161, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCompulsive sexual behaviorSexual trauma historySexual traumaSexual behaviorTrauma historyPsychological distressSubstance useSample of young adultsCo-occurring psychopathologyGender differencesSignificant gender differencesTime of traumaSample 1Young adultsDistressSupportive relationshipsTransactional sexNegative healthCentral nodeClinical concernPsychopathologyTraumaBehaviorSocial conditionsSexEpidemiology of Behavioral Addictions
Gjoneska B, BÅ‘the B, Potenza M, Szabo A, Demetrovics Z. Epidemiology of Behavioral Addictions. 2025, 47-62. DOI: 10.4135/9781529673913.n4.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Current Advances in Behavioral Addictions: From Fundamental Research to Clinical Practice.
Brand M, Antons S, Bőthe B, Demetrovics Z, Fineberg N, Jimenez-Murcia S, King D, Mestre-Bach G, Moretta T, Müller A, Wegmann E, Potenza M. Current Advances in Behavioral Addictions: From Fundamental Research to Clinical Practice. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2024 PMID: 39659159, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.20240092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBehavioral addictionsAddictive behaviorsGaming disorderDisorders due to addictive behaviorsCompulsive sexual behavior disorderCompulsive buying-shopping disorderAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderCognitive-behavioral therapyBuying-shopping disorderSexual behavior disorderEmpirical supportInternet gaming disorderDeficit hyperactivity disorderPoor treatment outcomesResearch to clinical practiceDSM-5Gambling disorderICD-11Psychiatric disordersHyperactivity disorderBehavior problemsBehavioral disordersAddictionDiagnostic instrumentsEfficacious treatmentSleep and Neurodevelopment
Parsapour Z, Bemanalizadeh M, Imani V, Potenza M, Pakpour A. Sleep and Neurodevelopment. 2024, 97-108. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-7433-3_8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSleep disordersSensory-motor abilitiesEmotion regulationAttention regulationMemory consolidationCognitive processesChildren's sleep needsMental healthNormal sleepLow-quality sleepLong-term adverse effectsSleepSleep needPotential risk factorsDisordersAdequate sleepChildhood developmentRisk factorsInfantsChildrenEarly childhood developmentAdverse effectsMemoryToddlersNeurodevelopmentVideo Gaming and Its Effects on Children and Adolescents: Research Priorities and Recommendations
King D, Galanis C, Delfabbro P, Billieux J, Király O, Canale N, Rehbein F, Gainsbury S, Potenza M. Video Gaming and Its Effects on Children and Adolescents: Research Priorities and Recommendations. 2024, 573-579. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-69362-5_78.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffectiveness of gamesYoung usersGame activitiesVideo gamesMedia effectsYoung people’s livesGame productionScreen timeSelf-report measuresPsychosocial effectsPriority research areasYoung people’s well-beingResearch areaUsersGameResearch prioritiesObjective measuresWell-beingEvaluability assessmentGlobal priorityLong-term effectsPeople's livesStudy of short-Holistic frameworkYoung peopleProblematic Internet Use: A General Perspective
Fineberg N, Grant D, Demetrovics Z, Brand M, Burkauskas J, Corazza O, Gansner M, Gentile D, Gjoneska B, Griffiths M, Király O, Potenza M, Weinstein A. Problematic Internet Use: A General Perspective. 2024, 179-185. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-69362-5_25.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOnline Gambling in Youth
Potenza M, Mestre-Bach G, Demetrovics Z, Derevensky J, Fernandez-Aranda F, Gainsbury S, Jiménez-Murcia S, Kraus S. Online Gambling in Youth. 2024, 597-603. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-69362-5_81.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLevels of sensation-seekingYouth gambling behaviourGambling disorderSensation-seekingSocial explorationDevelopmental trajectoriesGambling behaviorGambling problemsBrain developmentGamblingSports bettingIdentity formationOnline gamblingDaily fantasy sportsFantasy sportsYouthSocial acceptanceVulnerable populationsIncreased autonomyEvolving digital environmentSportsIntroduction to the Section on Video Gaming, Violence, and Gambling
Gentile D, Potenza M. Introduction to the Section on Video Gaming, Violence, and Gambling. 2024, 569-571. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-69362-5_77.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCross-Cultural Validation of the Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI-2) in 42 Countries and 26 Languages
Castro-Calvo J, Beltrán-MartÃnez P, Ballester-Arnal R, Nagy L, Koós M, Kraus S, Demetrovics Z, Potenza M, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Briken P, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csakó R, Fernandez D, Fernandez E, Fujiwara H, Fuss J, GabrhelÃk R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs J, Hashim H, Hsieh Y, Islam S, Ismail M, Jiménez-MartÃnez M, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, KöltÅ‘ A, Lee S, Lewczuk K, Lin C, Lochner C, Lopez-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller D, Orosova O, Orosz G, Team S, Ponce F, Quintana G, Garzola G, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer M, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein D, Å tulhofer A, Ãœnsal B, Vaillancourt-Morel M, Van Hout M, BÅ‘the B. Cross-Cultural Validation of the Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI-2) in 42 Countries and 26 Languages. The Journal Of Sex Research 2024, ahead-of-print: 1-14. PMID: 39560207, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2024.2417023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual Desire InventorySexual desireDesire InventorySDI-2Non-clinical sampleMeasurement invariance testingPsychometrically robust measureSexuality-related variablesConfirmatory factor analysisGroup-based differencesCross-cultural validitySexual orientationCross-cultural studiesPsychometric propertiesInvariance testingEffect sizeFactor analysisWell-beingExpression of sexual desireWeak-to-moderateSexual functionInventorySex surveysLanguageDesireIdentifying Factors Linked to Current Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in U.S. Veterans with a History of Alcohol Use Disorder
Jalilian-Khave L, Stefanovics E, Potenza M, Pietrzak R. Identifying Factors Linked to Current Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in U.S. Veterans with a History of Alcohol Use Disorder. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction 2024, 1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-024-01412-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHistory of alcohol use disorderAlcohol use disorderUse disorderU.S. veteransHazardous drinkingNational Health and ResilienceLifetime history of alcohol use disorderLifetime alcohol use disorderAlcohol use problemsDrug use disordersPatterns of alcohol consumptionAlcohol use patternsHigher education levelNationally representative sampleMultinomial logistic regression analysisVeterans StudyLifetime historyLifetime traumaAlcohol consumption patternsQuality of lifeNon-veteransLogistic regression analysisPsychosocial traitsTreatment effortsPsychosocial factorsCross-cultural Validation of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) in 42 Countries and 26 Languages
Ballester-Arnal R, Elipe-Miravet M, Castro-Calvo J, Beltrán-MartÃnez P, Nagy L, Koós M, Kraus S, Demetrovics Z, Potenza M, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Briken P, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Chen J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez D, Fernandez E, Fujiwara H, Fuss J, GabrhelÃk R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs J, Hashim H, Islam M, Ismail M, Jiménez-MartÃnez M, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, KöltÅ‘ A, Lee S, Lewczuk K, Lin C, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller D, Orosová O, Orosz G, Ponce F, Quintana G, Garzola G, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer M, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib S, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein D, Ãœnsal B, Vaillancourt-Morel M, Van Hout M, BÅ‘the B. Cross-cultural Validation of the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) in 42 Countries and 26 Languages. Sexuality Research And Social Policy 2024, 1-23. DOI: 10.1007/s13178-024-01040-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArizona Sexual Experience ScaleSexual Experience ScaleSexual function problemsExperiences ScaleOne-factor solutionSexual functionCross-cultural validitySexual orientationCross-cultural differencesMulti-national sampleAsexual participantsResidual invariancePsychometric examinationConvergent validityPsychometric propertiesSexual function issuesSex driveInternal consistencyPolicy ImplicationsThe findingsImplicationsThe findingsFunctional problemsWell-beingTailored interventionsOrgasmLanguageGlobal action on problematic usage of the internet: announcing a Lancet Psychiatry Commission
Fineberg N, Demetrovics Z, Potenza M, Mestre-Bach G, Ekhtiari H, Roman-Urrestarazu A, Achab S, Kattau T, Bowden-Jones H, Thomas S, Babor T, Kidron B, Stein D. Global action on problematic usage of the internet: announcing a Lancet Psychiatry Commission. The Lancet Psychiatry 2024, 12: 11-13. PMID: 39427681, DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(24)00323-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPornography Use and Associated Factors in Adolescents: A Cross-Jurisdictional Approach (Spain vs. Mexico)
Villena-Moya A, Chiclana-Actis C, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Potenza M, Jiménez-Murcia S, Mestre-Bach G. Pornography Use and Associated Factors in Adolescents: A Cross-Jurisdictional Approach (Spain vs. Mexico). Archives Of Sexual Behavior 2024, 1-16. PMID: 39414731, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-03000-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPornography useFrequent pornography useNon-heterosexual orientationAdolescent pornography useCross-country differencesRisky sexual behaviorPoor family relationshipsPotential sociocultural factorsSexual risk behaviorsCross-jurisdictional approachFamily relationshipsPornographyCross-jurisdictionalRisk behaviorsSociocultural factorsSexual behaviorJurisdictional differencesLow religiositySpanish-speaking culturesReligiosityMexican sampleSpanish-speaking populationSociodemographic variablesSpanish sampleOlder ageVitamin D’s Capacity to Increase Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release in Healthy Humans: A Clinical Translational [11C]-PHNO Positron Emission Tomography Study
Worhunsky P, Mignosa M, Gallezot J, Pittman B, Nabulsi N, Stryjewski A, Jalilian-Khave L, Trinko R, DiLeone R, Carson R, Malison R, Potenza M, Angarita G. Vitamin D’s Capacity to Increase Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release in Healthy Humans: A Clinical Translational [11C]-PHNO Positron Emission Tomography Study. Biological Psychiatry 2024 PMID: 39395473, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.09.028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVentral striatumEffects of medicationDorsal caudateDopamine releaseDorsal putamenDopaminergic tonePlacebo-controlled within-subject studyIncreased amphetamine-induced dopamine releaseAmphetamine-induced dopamine releaseAmphetamine-stimulated dopamine releaseSubstantia nigraDysregulated dopamine functionPositron emission tomography studiesTreatment of ADHDEmission tomography studiesWithin-subject studyPost-amphetamineD2/3 receptorsDopamine functionTransdiagnostic relevanceVitamin DPhasic releaseGlobus pallidusStriatumTyrosine hydroxylaseSpanish Validation of the Brief Pornography Screen Within a Clinical Sample of Individuals with Gambling Disorder
Tarragón E, Testa G, Granero R, Potenza M, Kraus S, UrÃszar J, Chiclana Actis C, Fernández-Aranda F, Jiménez-Murcia S, Mestre-Bach G. Spanish Validation of the Brief Pornography Screen Within a Clinical Sample of Individuals with Gambling Disorder. Archives Of Sexual Behavior 2024, 53: 3759-3768. PMID: 39358592, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02986-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrief Pornography ScreenProblematic pornography useClinical sample of individualsConfirmatory factor analysisGambling disorderSample of individualsPsychometric propertiesLow self-directednessOne-factor solutionAdequate psychometric propertiesClinical samplesGeneral psychopathologySelf-directednessBehavioral addictionsImpulsive tendenciesConvergent validityPornography usePsychological distressScreening instrumentSpanish versionSpanish validationFactor analysisBriefDisordersIndividualsPrediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods
Antons S, Yip S, Lacadie C, Dadashkarimi J, Scheinost D, Brand M, Potenza M. Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024, 13: 695-701. PMID: 39356557, PMCID: PMC11457034, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00050.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddictive behaviorsDisorders due to addictive behaviorsConnectome-based predictive modelingPrediction of cravingInvestigate neural mechanismsSubstance use disordersNeural mechanismsCravingSubstance useMethodological considerationsDisordersMethodological featuresBehaviorConceptualizationCommentaryStudyFindingsSubstancesGambling and Substance Use Disorders in U.S. Military Veterans: Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics, and Suicide Risk
Stefanovics E, Potenza M, Tsai J, Pietrzak R. Gambling and Substance Use Disorders in U.S. Military Veterans: Prevalence, Clinical Characteristics, and Suicide Risk. Journal Of Gambling Studies 2024, 40: 2119-2139. PMID: 39342537, DOI: 10.1007/s10899-024-10359-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersU.S. military veteransMental health treatmentGambling groupSUD-onlySuicide riskHealth treatmentMilitary veteransNon-suicidal self-injuryLifetime substance use disorderNational Health and ResilienceRisk of substance use disordersSUD-only groupSelf-report measuresMental health difficultiesAdverse childhood experiencesMental health burdenPast-year gamblingSelf-injurySuicidality/self-harmVeterans StudyUse disorderNicotine dependenceTrauma variablesBehavioral correlatesAdvancing readiness for change in substance use for people with substance use disorders using the Kawa model based intervention program: A quasi-experimental study
Hsiao H, Wang T, Lee C, Lu Y, Huang Y, Chien Y, Potenza M, Lin C. Advancing readiness for change in substance use for people with substance use disorders using the Kawa model based intervention program: A quasi-experimental study. Hong Kong Journal Of Occupational Therapy 2024, 37: 91-101. PMID: 39539406, PMCID: PMC11556248, DOI: 10.1177/15691861241268143.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersKawa modelDrug use behaviorsPsychoeducation courseUniversity of Rhode Island Change AssessmentStage-of-change scoresBackground Substance use disordersChanging drug use behaviourUse behaviorsQuasi-experimental studyChange scoresIntervention programsSubstance useCompulsory treatmentHealth problemsHigher scoresAdequate treatmentPsychoeducationPreliminary findingsParticipantsSouthern TaiwanDisordersTherapyTreatmentPeopleClinical characteristics associated with problematic pornography use among individuals seeking treatment for opioid use disorder.
Stefanovics E, Kraus S, Madden L, Farnum S, Cannata E, Potenza M, Barry D. Clinical characteristics associated with problematic pornography use among individuals seeking treatment for opioid use disorder. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024 PMID: 39298267, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrief Pornography ScreenOpioid use disorderPornography useOpioid use disorder treatmentUse disorderMeasures of substance useMeasures of impulsivityProblematic pornography useMinority of individualsNegative urgencyPositive urgencyPsychotic symptomsSelf-reported dataBehavioral addictionsGambling disorderPsychiatric disordersPsychiatric symptomsSensation-seekingEmotional labilitySelf-harmSubstance useDisordersOpioidIndividualsSymptoms