Decidualization dampens toll-like receptor mediated inflammatory responses in human endometrial stromal cells by upregulating IκBα
Tong M, Scott J, Whirledge S, Abrahams V. Decidualization dampens toll-like receptor mediated inflammatory responses in human endometrial stromal cells by upregulating IκBα. Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2023, 159: 103988. PMID: 37451159, PMCID: PMC10530124, DOI: 10.1016/j.jri.2023.103988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometrial stromal cellsInflammatory responseStromal cellsHuman endometrial stromal cellsToll-like receptor signalingSex hormone levelsMenstrual cycle stageToll-like receptorsImmune response changesViral double-stranded RNAHuman EnSCsEndometrial responseProinflammatory cytokinesSuccessful pregnancyMenstrual cycleHuman endometriumHormone levelsMajor cell typesImmune responseNFκB p65Viral infectionDecidualizationBacterial lipopolysaccharideReceptor signalingBacterial componentsEndometrial responses to bacterial and viral infection: a scoping review.
Lindsay C, Potter J, Grimshaw A, Abrahams V, Tong M. Endometrial responses to bacterial and viral infection: a scoping review. Human Reproduction Update 2023, 29: 675-693. PMID: 37290428, PMCID: PMC10477945, DOI: 10.1093/humupd/dmad013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometrial responseViral infectionUterus/endometriumFull-text studiesInnate immune sensingInnate immune responseFree-text termsEmbase/MedlineIntrauterine infectionObstetric complicationsEndometrial productionCochrane LibraryFuture studiesImplantation failureNeisseria gonorrheaImmune cellsMost infectionsImmune responseUterine functionChlamydia trachomatisAnimal modelsImmune sensingEndometriumZika virusMajority of studies
Viral infection dampens human fetal membrane type I interferon responses triggered by bacterial LPS
Potter JA, Tong M, Aldo P, Kwon JY, Pitruzzello M, Mor G, Abrahams VM. Viral infection dampens human fetal membrane type I interferon responses triggered by bacterial LPS. Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2020, 140: 103126. PMID: 32289593, PMCID: PMC7299810, DOI: 10.1016/j.jri.2020.103126.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType I IFNsMaternal-fetal interfaceI IFNsAbility of LPSMouse fetal membranesI interferonFetal membranesViral infectionMHV-68IRF-7LPS treatmentBacterial LPSType I IFN productionLow-dose LPSPrior viral infectionΓ-herpes virusMHV-68 infectionPregnant C57BL/6 miceI IFN productionType I interferonHuman fetal membranesDose LPSInnate immune strategiesC57BL/6 miceIFN productionImmunology of the Placenta
Tong M, Abrahams VM. Immunology of the Placenta. Obstetrics And Gynecology Clinics Of North America 2020, 47: 49-63. PMID: 32008671, DOI: 10.1016/j.ogc.2019.10.006.ChaptersConceptsMaternal immune regulationMajor immune cellsMaternal-fetal interfaceInnate immune propertiesObstetric complicationsPregnancy complicationsPreterm birthPregnancy lossImmune cellsImmune regulationImmune propertiesHuman placentaPlacentaComplicationsPreeclampsiaPregnancyInfectionKey mechanismImmunology
Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Human Fetal Membranes Induce Neutrophil Activation and Release of Vital Neutrophil Extracellular Traps.
Tong M, Potter JA, Mor G, Abrahams VM. Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Human Fetal Membranes Induce Neutrophil Activation and Release of Vital Neutrophil Extracellular Traps. The Journal Of Immunology 2019, 203: 500-510. PMID: 31167775, PMCID: PMC6616008, DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1900262.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeutrophil extracellular trapsNeutrophil recruitmentFetal membranesReactive oxygen species productionPreterm birthExtracellular trapsOxygen species productionCytokine/chemokine secretionChemokine/cytokine productionMajor risk factorSpecies productionBacterial LPS stimulationNeutrophil infiltrationProinflammatory factorsFetal interfaceChemokine secretionNeonatal mortalityCytokine productionNeutrophil activationRisk factorsTissue injuryNeutrophil viabilityLPS stimulationEx vivoNET formation
Antiphospholipid antibodies increase the levels of mitochondrial DNA in placental extracellular vesicles: Alarmin-g for preeclampsia
Tong M, Johansson C, Xiao F, Stone PR, James JL, Chen Q, Cree LM, Chamley LW. Antiphospholipid antibodies increase the levels of mitochondrial DNA in placental extracellular vesicles: Alarmin-g for preeclampsia. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 16556. PMID: 29185455, PMCID: PMC5707355, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-16448-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk of preeclampsiaAntiphospholipid antibodiesTLR-9Placental vesiclesEndothelial cellsFirst trimester human placental explantsMaternal endothelial cell dysfunctionToll-like receptor 9Danger-associated molecular patternsHuman placental explantsPathogenesis of preeclampsiaEndothelial cell dysfunctionEndothelial cell activationPlacental extracellular vesiclesLevels of mtDNAPlacental factorsPlacental explantsReceptor 9Cell dysfunctionNano-vesiclesPreeclampsiaPharmaceutical interventionsCell activationAmount of mtDNAMolecular patternsLow molecular weight heparin and aspirin exacerbate human endometrial endothelial cell responses to antiphospholipid antibodies
Quao ZC, Tong M, Bryce E, Guller S, Chamley LW, Abrahams VM. Low molecular weight heparin and aspirin exacerbate human endometrial endothelial cell responses to antiphospholipid antibodies. American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2017, 79 PMID: 29135051, PMCID: PMC5728699, DOI: 10.1111/aji.12785.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAntibodies, AntiphospholipidAntiphospholipid SyndromeAspirinbeta 2-Glycoprotein ICells, CulturedChemokinesDisease ProgressionDrug Therapy, CombinationEndometriumEndothelial CellsFemaleHeparin, Low-Molecular-WeightHumansMembrane ProteinsNeovascularization, PhysiologicPregnancyPregnancy ComplicationsTrophoblastsVascular Endothelial Growth Factor AVascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-1ConceptsLow molecular weight heparinHuman endometrial endothelial cellsMolecular weight heparinUterine endotheliumAntiphospholipid antibodiesWeight heparinInfluence of LMWHLow dose low molecular weight heparinAnti-angiogenic sFlt-1Chemokine MCP-1Endometrial endothelial cellsEffects of aPLSFlt-1 releaseAngiogenic factor secretionObstetric APSPregnancy complicationsControl IgGChemokine profilesEndothelium dysfunctionChemokine secretionPro-angiogenic VEGFCombination therapySFlt-1Impaired placentationMCP-1Viral Infection Sensitizes Human Fetal Membranes to Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide by MERTK Inhibition and Inflammasome Activation.
Cross SN, Potter JA, Aldo P, Kwon JY, Pitruzzello M, Tong M, Guller S, Rothlin CV, Mor G, Abrahams VM. Viral Infection Sensitizes Human Fetal Membranes to Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide by MERTK Inhibition and Inflammasome Activation. The Journal Of Immunology 2017, 199: 2885-2895. PMID: 28916522, PMCID: PMC5659726, DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1700870.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCells, CulturedChorioamnionitisc-Mer Tyrosine KinaseExtraembryonic MembranesFemaleGammaherpesvirinaeHerpesviridae InfectionsHerpesvirus 2, HumanHumansImmunizationInflammasomesIntercellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsInterleukin-1betaLipopolysaccharidesMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, KnockoutPregnancyPremature BirthProto-Oncogene ProteinsReceptor Protein-Tyrosine KinasesConceptsFetal membranesViral infectionImmune responseTAM receptorsSubsequent preterm birthAdverse pregnancy outcomesIL-1β productionIL-1β responseHerpes viral infectionsInnate immune responseVivo mouse modelHuman fetal membranesAggravated inflammationIL-1β processingPregnancy outcomesPreterm birthAssociated complicationsPremature rupturePregnant womenLocal infectionInflammasome activationMerTK inhibitionMouse modelBacterial LPSLigand expressionAggregated transthyretin is specifically packaged into placental nano-vesicles in preeclampsia
Tong M, Cheng SB, Chen Q, DeSousa J, Stone PR, James JL, Chamley LW, Sharma S. Aggregated transthyretin is specifically packaged into placental nano-vesicles in preeclampsia. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 6694. PMID: 28751735, PMCID: PMC5532246, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-07017-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreeclamptic placentasMaternal circulationNormotensive placentasPreeclampsia-like symptomsProduction of transthyretinPathogenesis of preeclampsiaNano-vesiclesPlacental extracellular vesiclesSerum levelsPreeclamptic seraMaternal organsPreeclampsiaPlacentaTotal transthyretinWestern blottingQRT-PCRExtracellular vesiclesSignificant proportionTransthyretin
The reduction in circulating levels of melatonin may be associated with the development of preeclampsia
Zeng K, Gao Y, Wan J, Tong M, Lee A, Zhao M, Chen Q. The reduction in circulating levels of melatonin may be associated with the development of preeclampsia. Journal Of Human Hypertension 2016, 30: 666-671. PMID: 27251079, DOI: 10.1038/jhh.2016.37.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncidence of preeclampsiaLevels of melatoninDevelopment of preeclampsiaSerum levelsPreeclamptic placentasMelatonin receptorsLate-onset preeclampsiaHealthy pregnant womenPregnancy-specific disorderPathogenesis of preeclampsiaHealthy pregnancyPlacental dysfunctionPregnant womenSuccessful pregnancyPreeclampsiaMelatonin levelsPregnancyIncidenceMelatoninOxidative stressWomenTime onsetPlacentaReceptorsAssociation
An analysis of the differences between early and late preeclampsia with severe hypertension
Li X, Guo P, Xue Y, Gou W, Tong M, Chen Q. An analysis of the differences between early and late preeclampsia with severe hypertension. Pregnancy Hypertension 2015, 6: 47-52. PMID: 26955772, DOI: 10.1016/j.preghy.2015.12.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLate-onset preeclampsiaSevere hypertensionLate preeclampsiaEarly preeclampsiaOnset preeclampsiaRenal functionLaboratory biomarkersEarly onsetClinical parametersSubgroups of preeclampsiaDiastolic velocity ratioUniversity Teaching HospitalBlood urea nitrogenTime of deliveryAlkaline phosphatase levelsRenal dysfunctionPerinatal mortalitySevere headacheGestational ageClinical symptomsLiver functionVision disturbancesMaternal ageTeaching hospitalHypertensionAssociations between body mass index and maternal weight gain on the delivery of LGA infants in Chinese women with gestational diabetes mellitus
Chen Q, Wei J, Tong M, Yu L, Lee A, Gao Y, Zhao M. Associations between body mass index and maternal weight gain on the delivery of LGA infants in Chinese women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications 2015, 29: 1037-1041. PMID: 26376766, DOI: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2015.08.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBirth WeightBody Mass IndexChinaChi-Square DistributionDiabetes, GestationalFemaleFetal MacrosomiaHospitals, UniversityHumansIncidenceInfant, NewbornMaleMaternal Nutritional Physiological PhenomenaObesityOverweightPregnancyRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsThinnessWeight GainYoung AdultConceptsMaternal body mass indexGestational diabetes mellitusBody mass indexLGA infantsMaternal weight gainExcessive weight gainPregnant womenWeight gainDiabetes mellitusMass indexNormal weight pregnant womenChinese womenIncidence of deliveryIncidence of LGAGestational age infantsOverweight pregnant womenUniversity Teaching HospitalNormal weight gainOdds of deliveryFetal complicationsGestational weeksAge infantsOdds ratioTeaching hospitalInfantsSerum uric acid may not be involved in the development of preeclampsia
Chen Q, Lau S, Tong M, Wei J, Shen F, Zhao J, Zhao M. Serum uric acid may not be involved in the development of preeclampsia. Journal Of Human Hypertension 2015, 30: 136-140. PMID: 25994995, DOI: 10.1038/jhh.2015.47.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDevelopment of preeclampsiaSerum levelsSecond trimesterUric acidSeverity of preeclampsiaTime of presentationHigher serum levelsSerum uric acidTime of onsetNormotensive pregnanciesThird trimesterClinical symptomsPregnant womenPreeclampsiaPrediction biomarkersEarly changesRetrospective sampleProspective sampleTrimesterWomenPresentationLess evidenceMeaningful associations