Effectiveness of dolutegravir-based regimens compared to raltegravir-, elvitegravir-, bictegravir, and darunavir-based regimens among older adults with HIV in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS)
Yan L, Henegar C, Marconi V, Gordon K, Hicks C, Vannappagari V, Justice A, Aslan M. Effectiveness of dolutegravir-based regimens compared to raltegravir-, elvitegravir-, bictegravir, and darunavir-based regimens among older adults with HIV in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS). AIDS Research And Therapy 2024, 21: 96. PMID: 39709467, PMCID: PMC11662819, DOI: 10.1186/s12981-024-00681-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAmidesAnti-HIV AgentsCohort StudiesDarunavirDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleHeterocyclic Compounds, 3-RingHeterocyclic Compounds, 4 or More RingsHIV InfectionsHIV Integrase InhibitorsHumansMaleMiddle AgedOxazinesPiperazinesPyridazinesPyridonesQuinolonesRaltegravir PotassiumTreatment OutcomeVeteransViral LoadConceptsVeterans Aging Cohort StudyRAL-based regimenAntiretroviral therapyAging Cohort StudyCohort studyOdds of virologic suppressionIntegrase strand transfer inhibitorsDarunavir-based regimensDolutegravir-based regimensDTG-based regimensAntiretroviral therapy experienceHuman immunodeficiency virusDTG-based regimenInverse probability of treatment weightingStrand transfer inhibitorsBackgroundReal-world dataProbability of treatment weightingMethodsThis cohort studyVirologic suppressionVirological failureVirological effectImmunodeficiency virusDarunavir/ritonavirClinical outcomesRegimen initiationRisk Score for Hepatocellular Cancer in Adults Without Viral Hepatitis or Cirrhosis
Ilagan-Ying Y, Gordon K, Tate J, Lim J, Torgersen J, Re V, Justice A, Taddei T. Risk Score for Hepatocellular Cancer in Adults Without Viral Hepatitis or Cirrhosis. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2443608. PMID: 39504020, PMCID: PMC11541635, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.43608.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClassification of DiseasesBody mass indexRisk scoreNinth Revision and International Statistical Classification of DiseasesMass indexAlcohol useInternational Statistical Classification of DiseasesStatistical Classification of DiseasesElectronic health recordsNon-Hispanic blacksInternational Classification of DiseasesNon-Hispanic whitesClinical Modification diagnosisHepatocellular carcinoma risk scoreRisk of hepatocellular carcinomaCox proportional hazards regression modelsValidation sampleHigh-risk individualsProportional hazards regression modelsHCC risk factorsFIB-4Multivariate risk scoreHepatocellular carcinomaHazards regression modelsViral hepatitis
Graded chronic pain scale revised: validation in a Veteran sample
Taub C, Gordon K, Goulet J, Lee A, Mayhew M, Von Korff M, DeBar L, Kerns R. Graded chronic pain scale revised: validation in a Veteran sample. Pain Medicine 2023, 24: 1169-1175. PMID: 37220899, PMCID: PMC10546477, DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnad068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGraded Chronic Pain ScaleHigh-impact chronic painAdjusted odds ratioMild chronic painChronic Pain ScaleChronic painPain scaleConfidence intervalsLong-term opioid therapyHigh-risk populationOpioid therapyPain gradeUS veteransOdds ratioActivity limitationsPainPain researchLogistic regressionVeteran sampleHealth indicatorsStudy objectiveConvergent validityValidation studyVeteransPsychological variablesEstimated mortality with early empirical antibiotic coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitalized patients with bacterial infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Carey G, Holleck J, Alshaeba S, Jayakrishnan R, Gordon K, Grimshaw A, Gunderson C. Estimated mortality with early empirical antibiotic coverage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospitalized patients with bacterial infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2023, 78: 1150-1159. PMID: 36964648, DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkad078.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommon infectious syndromesEmpirical antibioticsPrevalence of MRSAInfectious syndromesMRSA infectionIll patientsMortality rateSystematic reviewAbsolute mortality benefitAnti-MRSA therapyEmpirical antibiotic coverageLow-risk infectionsSoft tissue infectionsUrinary tract infectionAbsolute risk reductionMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureusCatheter-related infectionsStudy of patientsBaseline mortality ratesSystematic literature searchWeb of ScienceMRSA coverageAntibiotic coverageEmpirical antimicrobialsMortality benefitHuman Immunodeficiency Virus Status, Tenofovir Exposure, and the Risk of Poor Coronavirus Disease 19 Outcomes: Real-World Analysis From 6 United States Cohorts Before Vaccine Rollout
Lea A, Leyden W, Sofrygin O, Marafino B, Skarbinski J, Napravnik S, Agil D, Augenbraun M, Benning L, Horberg M, Jefferson C, Marconi V, Park L, Gordon K, Bastarache L, Gangireddy S, Althoff K, Coburn S, Gebo K, Lang R, Williams C, Silverberg M. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Status, Tenofovir Exposure, and the Risk of Poor Coronavirus Disease 19 Outcomes: Real-World Analysis From 6 United States Cohorts Before Vaccine Rollout. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2023, 76: 1727-1734. PMID: 36861341, PMCID: PMC10209434, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciad084.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virusAdjusted risk ratioCOVID-19 hospitalizationMechanical ventilationTenofovir useHIV statusAcute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infectionSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infectionSevere coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomesSyndrome coronavirus 2 infectionCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomesHuman immunodeficiency virus statusCohort of PWHCD4 cell countCharlson Comorbidity IndexCoronavirus 2 infectionHIV RNA levelsUnited States cohortBody mass indexCOVID-19 severityCOVID-19 vaccine availabilityReal-world analysisTenofovir exposureComorbidity indexMass indexVariation in firearm screening and access by LGBT status
Goulet J, Warren A, Workman T, Skanderson M, Farmer M, Gordon K, Abel E, Akgün K, Bean‐Mayberry B, Zeng‐Treitler Q, Haderlein T, Haskell S, Bastian L, Womack J, Post L, Hwang U, Brandt C. Variation in firearm screening and access by LGBT status. Academic Emergency Medicine 2023, 30: 420-423. PMID: 36661348, DOI: 10.1111/acem.14664.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDelirium among people aging with and without HIV: Role of alcohol and Neurocognitively active medications
Akgün K, Krishnan S, Tate J, Bryant K, Pisani M, Re V, Rentsch C, Crothers K, Gordon K, Justice A, team F. Delirium among people aging with and without HIV: Role of alcohol and Neurocognitively active medications. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 1861-1872. PMID: 36786300, PMCID: PMC10258127, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18265.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-ConsumptionActive medicationAlcohol useOdds ratioRelative riskDose-response associationDate of admissionSeverity of illnessIndependent dose-response associationsRace/ethnicityInpatient deliriumIndex dateMedication exposureRole of alcoholHIV statusMultivariable analysisMedication countNeurocognitive dysfunctionUnderappreciated causeDeliriumHigh incidencePWHMedicationsPWOHLogistic regressionEnhanced Identification of Hispanic Ethnicity Using Clinical Data
Ochoa-Allemant P, Tate J, Williams E, Gordon K, Marconi V, Bensley K, Rentsch C, Wang K, Taddei T, Justice A, Cohorts F. Enhanced Identification of Hispanic Ethnicity Using Clinical Data. Medical Care 2023, 61: 200-205. PMID: 36893404, PMCID: PMC10114212, DOI: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000001824.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBurden of diseaseHispanic patientsCountry of birthClinical dataHispanic ethnicityNon-Hispanic white patientsSex-adjusted prevalenceChronic liver diseaseHuman immunodeficiency virusDemographic characteristicsElectronic health record dataHealth careHealth record dataPrevalence of conditionsUS health care systemMedicare administrative dataHealth care systemWhite patientsLiver diseaseImmunodeficiency virusSelf-reported ethnicityHigh prevalenceGastric cancerHepatocellular carcinomaVeteran populationWhat internal medicine attendings talk about at morning report: a multicenter study
Redinger J, Heppe D, Albert T, Cornia P, Gordon K, Arundel C, Bradley J, Caputo L, Chun J, Cyr J, Ehlers E, Guidry M, Jagannath A, Kwan B, Laudate J, Mitchell C, Smeraglio A, Sweigart J, Tuck M, Gunderson C. What internal medicine attendings talk about at morning report: a multicenter study. BMC Medical Education 2023, 23: 84. PMID: 36732763, PMCID: PMC9893973, DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04057-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFactors Associated with Bothersome Symptoms in Individuals With and Without HIV Who Report Alcohol Use
Bahji A, Gordon K, Crystal S, Satre D, Wiliams E, Edelman E, Justice A. Factors Associated with Bothersome Symptoms in Individuals With and Without HIV Who Report Alcohol Use. AIDS And Behavior 2023, 27: 2455-2462. PMID: 36622487, PMCID: PMC10225332, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03972-3.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Temporal and Geographic Patterns of Documentation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Keywords in Clinical Notes
Workman T, Goulet J, Brandt C, Lindemann L, Skanderson M, Warren A, Eleazer J, Kronk C, Gordon K, Pratt-Chapman M, Zeng-Treitler Q. Temporal and Geographic Patterns of Documentation of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Keywords in Clinical Notes. Medical Care 2022, 61: 130-136. PMID: 36511399, PMCID: PMC9931630, DOI: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000001803.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDifferences in COVID-19 testing and adverse outcomes by race, ethnicity, sex, and health system setting in a large diverse US cohort
Jefferson C, Watson E, Certa J, Gordon K, Park L, D’Souza G, Benning L, Abraham A, Agil D, Napravnik S, Silverberg M, Leyden W, Skarbinski J, Williams C, Althoff K, Horberg M, Team O. Differences in COVID-19 testing and adverse outcomes by race, ethnicity, sex, and health system setting in a large diverse US cohort. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0276742. PMID: 36417366, PMCID: PMC9683575, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276742.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2 testingRace/ethnicityRelative risk ratiosAdverse outcomesCOVID-19 testingHealth system typesWhite patientsBlack patientsUS cohortCOVID-19-related hospitalizationAsian/Pacific Islander patientsDiverse US cohortPacific Islander patientsLow positivity rateCOVID-19 pandemicEvidence of disparitiesElectronic health recordsCohort CollaborationHispanic patientsPatient reportingPrimary exposureRisk ratioRisk factorsPositivity rateHigh burdenPolypharmacy and medical intensive care unit (MICU) admission and 10-year all-cause mortality risk among hospitalized patients with and without HIV
Gordon KS, Crothers K, Butt AA, Edelman EJ, Gibert C, Pisani MM, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Wyatt C, Justice AC, Akgün KM. Polypharmacy and medical intensive care unit (MICU) admission and 10-year all-cause mortality risk among hospitalized patients with and without HIV. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0276769. PMID: 36302039, PMCID: PMC9612570, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276769.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedical intensive care unit admissionIntensive care unit admissionCare unit admissionMICU admissionSeverity of illnessHazard ratioHIV statusUnit admissionCause mortalityHospitalized patientsElectronic health record cohortLevel of polypharmacyRetrospective cohort studyCause mortality riskCohort studyHIV infectionCox regressionPolypharmacyMortality riskFiscal year 2009AdmissionPatientsMortalitySubstance useStrong associationAnalysis of Severe Illness After Postvaccination COVID-19 Breakthrough Among Adults With and Without HIV in the US
Lang R, Humes E, Coburn SB, Horberg MA, Fathi LF, Watson E, Jefferson CR, Park LS, Gordon KS, Akgün KM, Justice AC, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Browne LE, Agil DM, Silverberg MJ, Skarbinski J, Leyden WA, Stewart C, Hogan BC, Gebo KA, Marconi VC, Williams CF, Althoff KN. Analysis of Severe Illness After Postvaccination COVID-19 Breakthrough Among Adults With and Without HIV in the US. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e2236397. PMID: 36227594, PMCID: PMC9561947, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.36397.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreakthrough COVID-19Breakthrough infectionsHIV statusCohort studySevere illnessMAIN OUTCOMEBreakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infectionCOVID-19 vaccine typesLow CD4 cell countsSARS-CoV-2 infectionCOVID-19Severe immune suppressionCD4 cell countProportion of patientsCells/μLPrevious COVID-19Additional vaccine dosesProportional hazards modelDiscrete-time proportional hazards modelsRisk reduction recommendationsVaccine guidelinesCD4 cellsCumulative incidenceHazard ratioClinical factorsJoint longitudinal trajectories of pain intensity and opioid prescription in veterans with back pain
Buta E, Gordon KS, Gueorguieva R, Becker WC, Heapy A, Bathulapalli H, Zeng Q, Redd D, Brandt C, Goulet J. Joint longitudinal trajectories of pain intensity and opioid prescription in veterans with back pain. Pharmacoepidemiology And Drug Safety 2022, 31: 1262-1271. PMID: 35996825, DOI: 10.1002/pds.5531.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBack painOpioid prescriptionsPain/Pain intensityRetrospective cohort studyTrajectories of painElectronic health record dataMental health diagnosesHealth record dataHigh opioidCohort studyClinical predictorsHigher oddsPainLatent class growth analysisOpioidsPain classesHealth diagnosisRecord dataVeteransLongitudinal trajectoriesPrescriptionOddsTrajectory classesDistinct patternsPotentially inappropriate medication use by level of polypharmacy among US Veterans 49–64 and 65–70 years old
Guillot J, Rentsch CT, Gordon KS, Justice AC, Bezin J. Potentially inappropriate medication use by level of polypharmacy among US Veterans 49–64 and 65–70 years old. Pharmacoepidemiology And Drug Safety 2022, 31: 1056-1074. PMID: 35780391, PMCID: PMC9464694, DOI: 10.1002/pds.5506.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLevel of polypharmacyRace/ethnicityPIM prevalencePrevalence of PIMsInappropriate medication useElectronic health recordsCommon PIMsPharmacy fillsPROMPT criteriaInappropriate medicationsOlder patientsMedication usePsychotropic medicationsRefill recordsPolypharmacyPatientsVeterans AffairsMedicationsPrevalenceHealth recordsFiscal year 2016AgeMeaningful differencesSexTarget ageSARS-CoV-2 Testing and Positivity Among Persons With and Without HIV in 6 US Cohorts
Park LS, McGinnis KA, Gordon KS, Justice AC, Leyden W, Silverberg MJ, Skarbinski J, Jefferson C, Horberg M, Certa J, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Westreich D, Bastarache L, Gangireddy S, Benning L, D'Souza G, Williams C, Althoff KN. SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Positivity Among Persons With and Without HIV in 6 US Cohorts. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2022, 90: 249-255. PMID: 35195574, PMCID: PMC9203911, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0000000000002943.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2SARS-CoV-2 testingHIV statusClinical cohortPositive SARS-CoV-2 testSARS-CoV-2 positivitySARS-CoV-2 testCOVID-19-related outcomesProportion of PWHProportion of patientsSARS-CoV-2 variantsCOVID-19 vaccineLatest therapeutic optionsTherapeutic optionsUS cohortPositivity proportionInterval cohortPWHPWOHCohortHealth systemDiverse cohortHIVPositivityTesting proportionsAnalysis of Postvaccination Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections Among Adults With HIV in the United States
Coburn SB, Humes E, Lang R, Stewart C, Hogan BC, Gebo KA, Napravnik S, Edwards JK, Browne LE, Park LS, Justice AC, Gordon KS, Horberg MA, Certa JM, Watson E, Jefferson CR, Silverberg MJ, Skarbinski J, Leyden WA, Williams CF, Althoff KN. Analysis of Postvaccination Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections Among Adults With HIV in the United States. JAMA Network Open 2022, 5: e2215934. PMID: 35671054, PMCID: PMC9175076, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.15934.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreakthrough infectionsFull vaccinationAdditional doseSARS-CoV-2 infection riskBreakthrough COVID-19 infectionsCOVID-19 breakthrough infectionsHIV viral load suppressionInfection riskSARS-CoV-2 infectionBreakthrough infection riskHigher CD4 countsViral load suppressionHIV viral loadAdditional vaccine dosesCOVID-19 vaccinationCOVID-19 infectionIntegrated health systemNon-Hispanic blacksCOVID-19 vaccineSARS-CoV-2Non-Hispanic whitesExpansion of RecommendationsCOVID-19 diagnosisAdvanced diseaseCD4 countPatient-Reported Bothersome Symptoms Attributed to Alcohol Use Among People With and Without HIV
Gordon KS, Becker WC, Bryant KJ, Crystal S, Maisto SA, Marshall BDL, McInnes DK, Satre DD, Williams EC, Edelman EJ, Justice AC. Patient-Reported Bothersome Symptoms Attributed to Alcohol Use Among People With and Without HIV. AIDS And Behavior 2022, 26: 3589-3596. PMID: 35553287, PMCID: PMC10084471, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03628-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-Reported Cannabis Use and HIV Viral Control among Patients with HIV Engaged in Care: Results from a National Cohort Study
Bahji A, Li Y, Vickers-Smith R, Crystal S, Kerns RD, Gordon KS, Macmadu A, Skanderson M, So-Armah K, Sung ML, Bhondoekhan F, Marshall BDL, Edelman EJ. Self-Reported Cannabis Use and HIV Viral Control among Patients with HIV Engaged in Care: Results from a National Cohort Study. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2022, 19: 5649. PMID: 35565045, PMCID: PMC9101884, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19095649.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDetectable viral loadPast-year cannabis useViral loadAntiretroviral therapyCannabis useCohort studyUnadjusted analysesViral controlDetectable HIV viral loadVeterans Aging Cohort StudyHIV viral controlHIV viral loadAging Cohort StudyFirst study visitHIV-1 RNANational cohort studyBenefits of cannabisSelf-reported cannabis usePast-year useMean ageStudy visitHigher oddsPWHSignificant associationSubstance use