activity National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
MID Study Section member,07/01/2016 - Presentactivity American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Associate Editor. Special interest in images in clinical tropical medicine, malaria, zoonoses07/01/2000 - Presentactivity PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Deputy Editor2009 - Presenthonor Distinguished Medical Scientist for the Chair in the name of ‘Late P.N. Chuttani'
activity National Institutes of Health
CRFS Study Section member07/01/2008 - 06/30/2018activity Tropical Medicine Research
Abstract/SynopsisField and translation work in malaria and leptospirosis
honor Doctor Honoris Causa
honor Honorary Professor
honor Association of American Physicians
honor Bailey K. Ashford Medal
honor Fellow
honor American Society for Clinical Investigation
honor Fellow
honor Fellow
honor Charles E. Culpeper Foundation Medical Sciences Scholar
honor Physician Postdoctoral Award
honor HHMI-NIH Research Scholar