Tolerating hate: Racial bias, freedom of speech, and responses to hate crimes.
Roussos G, Dovidio J. Tolerating hate: Racial bias, freedom of speech, and responses to hate crimes. 2020, 225-249. DOI: 10.1037/0000180-011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFreedom of speechCore American valuesFirst AmendmentCriminal actsLegal sanctionsU.S. ConstitutionGovernment lawsFree speechHate speechIntergroup biasAmerican valuesActsPrejudice levelsSocial valuesFreedomRacial biasSpeechPolicy implicationsFuture researchHatePotential actsSanctionsLawConstitutionCrime
Enhancing the salience of free speech rights increases differential perceived free speech protections for criminal acts against Black versus White targets
Roussos G, Dovidio J. Enhancing the salience of free speech rights increases differential perceived free speech protections for criminal acts against Black versus White targets. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology 2019, 49: 519-533. DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCrime chargesCriminal actsAnti-Black prejudiceFree speech protectionsFree speech rightsSpeech protectionSpeech rightsCulture-specific valuesLess supportACT targetRightsRights increasesPrejudiceDifferential perceptionsSalienceTargeted groupTarget groupActsInfluence applicationsJustification processSupportBlacksVictimsWhite targetsProtection
Homonegativity, Perceived Free Speech Protections, and Perceptions of Harm Predict Judgments of Hateful Acts Motivated by Sexual Prejudice
Roussos G, Dovidio J. Homonegativity, Perceived Free Speech Protections, and Perceptions of Harm Predict Judgments of Hateful Acts Motivated by Sexual Prejudice. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity 2018, 5: 457-470. DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000295.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFree speech protectionsFree speech rightsCrime chargesSpeech protectionSpeech rightsCriminal actsKey legal elementsLevels of homonegativityCurrent public discourseLegal elementsLegal systemFree speechHateful actsSuch actsHate speechHate crimesACT targetPublic discourseSexual minoritiesGay menActsPerceived HarmfulnessSexual prejudiceAntigay attitudesHomonegativityHate Speech Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Roussos G, Dovidio J. Hate Speech Is in the Eye of the Beholder. Social Psychological And Personality Science 2018, 9: 176-185. DOI: 10.1177/1948550617748728.Peer-Reviewed Original Research