Cost-Effectiveness of Rapid Hemosil Versus in-House and Send-out ADAMTS13 Activity Testing in the Care of Patients with Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Allen C, Ito S, Butt A, Purcell A, Richmond R, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Rapid Hemosil Versus in-House and Send-out ADAMTS13 Activity Testing in the Care of Patients with Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Blood 2023, 142: 368. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-184927.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraTherapeutic plasma exchangeIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpuraPLASMIC scoreIncremental net monetary benefitProbabilistic sensitivity analysesPlasma exchangeThrombocytopenic purpuraMedical intensive care unitADAMTS13 activity testingIntensive care unitCare of patientsActivity levelsHigh pretest probabilityClinical trial dataCost-effectiveness ratioCost-effectiveness evaluationDeterministic sensitivity analysesNet monetary benefitEmpiric treatmentAdverse eventsPrimary outcomeIll adultsCare unitEquitable Care for Severe Hemophilia_A: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness of Prophylactic Weekly Efanesoctocog Alfa Versus Standard-Care Factor VIII in Patients with Severe Hemophilia_A in the United States
Ito S, Potnis K, Allen C, Richmond R, Waldron C, Viswanathan G, Bona R, Goshua G. Equitable Care for Severe Hemophilia_A: Distributional Cost-Effectiveness of Prophylactic Weekly Efanesoctocog Alfa Versus Standard-Care Factor VIII in Patients with Severe Hemophilia_A in the United States. Blood 2023, 142: 492. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-190420.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioSevere hemophilia A.Quality-adjusted life expectancySevere haemophilia AHemophilia AFactor VIIIDistributional cost-effectiveness analysisHemophilia A.Chronic arthropathyOpen-label multicenter studyCoagulation factor replacementLifelong prophylactic treatmentCare of patientsCost-effectiveness ratioUSD/QALYProbabilistic sensitivity analysesCost-effectiveness analysisPackage insert informationDeterministic sensitivity analysesWeekly prophylaxisPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesWeekly dosingFactor replacementIntracranial hemorrhageCost-Effectiveness of Long-Term Prophylaxis with Plasma-Derived Vs. Recombinant Von Willebrand Factor in Severe Von Willebrand Disease
Waldron C, Ito S, Wang D, Allen C, Viswanathan G, Bona R, Cuker A, Goshua G. Cost-Effectiveness of Long-Term Prophylaxis with Plasma-Derived Vs. Recombinant Von Willebrand Factor in Severe Von Willebrand Disease. Blood 2023, 142: 3698. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-188018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere von Willebrand diseaseLong-term prophylaxisIncremental net monetary benefitVon Willebrand diseasePlasma-derived von Willebrand factorIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioNet monetary benefitVon Willebrand factorProbabilistic sensitivity analysesDeterministic sensitivity analysesSevere haemophiliaWillebrand factorRecombinant von Willebrand factorWillebrand diseasePhase 3 clinical trialsHealth resource utilizationFactor replacement therapyFrequency of infusionsSubset of patientsCost of prophylaxisType 3 von Willebrand diseaseFactor replacement productsSimilar significant improvementsSevere phenotypeNon-significant reduction