10 Clinical Studies of MHPG in Childhood and Adolescence**The research was supported in part by MHCRC grant MH30929, CCRC grant RR00125, NICHD grant HD-03008, the W. T. Grant Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, Mr. Leonard Berger, and The Solomon R. & Rebecca D. Baker Foundation, Inc.
YOUNG J, COHEN D, SHAYWITZ B, ANDERSON G, MAAS J. 10 Clinical Studies of MHPG in Childhood and Adolescence**The research was supported in part by MHCRC grant MH30929, CCRC grant RR00125, NICHD grant HD-03008, the W. T. Grant Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, Mr. Leonard Berger, and The Solomon R. & Rebecca D. Baker Foundation, Inc. 1983, 193-218. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-462920-2.50016-7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research