Case report: Novel variants cause developmental and epileptic encephalopathy in three unrelated families from Mali
Bamba S, Sidibé L, Diallo S, Cissé L, Dembélé K, Yalcouyé A, Ji W, Dembélé M, Diarra S, Maiga A, Traoré O, Diallo S, Mefoung S, Touré A, Koné A, Jeffries L, Guinto C, Mis E, Fischbeck K, Khokha M, Lakhani S, Landouré G. Case report: Novel variants cause developmental and epileptic encephalopathy in three unrelated families from Mali. Frontiers In Genetics 2024, 15: 1412442. PMID: 39624497, PMCID: PMC11609193, DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2024.1412442.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhole-exome sequencingGenetic basisIdentified rare variantsIn silico prediction analysisCompound heterozygous variantsPutative variantsIn silico toolsACMG criteriaExome sequencingProtein structureNovel variantsEpileptic encephalopathyAssess pathogenicityHeterozygous variantsRare variantsHomozygous variantSub-Saharan AfricaDisease mechanismsAssociated with earlier onsetRefractory to antiepileptic medicationsResistant to treatmentGroup of neurological disordersMalian familyEarly-onset seizuresPotential clinical implicationsGenetic profile of progressive myoclonic epilepsy in Mali reveals novel findings
Cissé L, Bamba S, Diallo S, Ji W, Dembélé M, Yalcouyé A, Coulibaly T, Traoré I, Jeffries L, Diarra S, Maiga A, Diallo S, Nimaga K, Touré A, Traoré O, Kotioumbé M, Mis E, Cissé C, Guinto C, Fischbeck K, Khokha M, Lakhani S, Landouré G. Genetic profile of progressive myoclonic epilepsy in Mali reveals novel findings. Frontiers In Neurology 2024, 15: 1455467. PMID: 39385815, PMCID: PMC11461190, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2024.1455467.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhole-exome sequencingACMG criteriaProgressive myoclonic epilepsyProtein 3D structuresHomozygous missense variantRecessive inheritance patternCADD scoresAutosomal recessive inheritance patternSequence variantsMissense variantsGenomic researchExome sequencingGenetic analysisGenetic studiesPathogenic variantsPedigree analysisGenetic epidemiologyGenetic researchGenetic profileHeterogeneous neurological disordersInheritance patternSporadic formsACMGGroup of neurological disordersMyoclonic epilepsyExome sequencing reveals genetic heterogeneity in consanguineous Pakistani families with neurodevelopmental and neuromuscular disorders
Bibi A, Ji W, Jeffries L, Zerillo C, Konstantino M, Mis E, Khursheed F, Khokha M, Lakhani S, Malik S. Exome sequencing reveals genetic heterogeneity in consanguineous Pakistani families with neurodevelopmental and neuromuscular disorders. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part C Seminars In Medical Genetics 2024, 196: e32103. PMID: 39152716, DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.c.32103.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExome sequencingConsanguineous Pakistani familyDisease-causing genesFamily segregation analysisAssociated with phenotypesAffected individualsAccurate molecular diagnosisACMG criteriaCandidate variantsGenomic studiesPakistani familyGenomic researchGenetic heterogeneityNovel variantsSegregation analysisConsanguineous familyGenetic variantsNeurodevelopmental disordersHomozygous variantNeuromuscular disordersMiddle-income countriesMolecular diagnosisExomeES dataClinical phenotypeA Novel Variant in the Cyto-Tail of SMO Gene Underlying Isolated Postaxial Polydactyly
Khan M, Abdullah, Khan H, Zaman A, Ahmed S, Iqbal P, Bilal M, Ullah K, Hasni M, Ullah I, Mis E, Lakhani S, Ahmad W. A Novel Variant in the Cyto-Tail of SMO Gene Underlying Isolated Postaxial Polydactyly. Molecular Syndromology 2024, 15: 443-449. DOI: 10.1159/000539279.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHomozygous missense variantWhole-exome sequencingHereditary limb malformationsSonic hedgehog pathwayAutosomal recessive mannerSequence variantsMissense variantsProtein foldingIsolated postaxial polydactylyExome sequencingSegregation analysisNovel variantsConsanguineous familySanger sequencingSMO genesExtra digitsHomology modelingCellular differentiationHedgehog pathwayRecessive mannerEmbryonic cellsPostaxial polydactylySequencePreaxial polydactylyVariantsAP2A2 mutation and defective endocytosis in a Malian family with hereditary spastic paraplegia
Diarra S, Ghosh S, Cissé L, Coulibaly T, Yalcouyé A, Harmison G, Diallo S, Diallo S, Coulibaly O, Schindler A, Cissé C, Maiga A, Bamba S, Samassekou O, Khokha M, Mis E, Lakhani S, Donovan F, Jacobson S, Blackstone C, Guinto C, Landouré G, Bonifacino J, Fischbeck K, Grunseich C. AP2A2 mutation and defective endocytosis in a Malian family with hereditary spastic paraplegia. Neurobiology Of Disease 2024, 198: 106537. PMID: 38772452, PMCID: PMC11209852, DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2024.106537.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHereditary spastic paraplegiaPatient-derived neuronsAdaptor proteinEndocytosis of transferrin receptorsSpastic paraplegiaXenopus tropicalis tadpolesNeuronal cellsHomozygous missense variantWhole-exome sequencingMalian familyComplicated hereditary spastic paraplegiaMissense variantsExome sequencingAccessory proteinsGroup of neurogenetic disordersDefective endocytosisWestern blot analysisProgressive lower extremity spasticityGenetic diagnosisGenetic testingBlot analysisAP2A2Neurological evaluationFrog modelEndocytosis
Biallelic CRELD1 variants cause a multisystem syndrome, including neurodevelopmental phenotypes, cardiac dysrhythmias, and frequent infections
Jeffries L, Mis E, McWalter K, Donkervoort S, Brodsky N, Carpier J, Ji W, Ionita C, Roy B, Morrow J, Darbinyan A, Iyer K, Aul R, Banka S, Chao K, Cobbold L, Cohen S, Custodio H, Drummond-Borg M, Elmslie F, Finanger E, Hainline B, Helbig I, Hewson S, Hu Y, Jackson A, Josifova D, Konstantino M, Leach M, Mak B, McCormick D, McGee E, Nelson S, Nguyen J, Nugent K, Ortega L, Goodkin H, Roeder E, Roy S, Sapp K, Saade D, Sisodiya S, Stals K, Towner S, Wilson W, Disorders D, Borras S, Clark C, Dean J, Miedzybrodzka Z, Ross A, Tennant S, Dabir T, Donnelly D, Humphreys M, Magee A, McConnell V, McKee S, McNerlan S, Morrison P, Rea G, Stewart F, Cole T, Cooper N, Cooper-Charles L, Cox H, Islam L, Jarvis J, Keelagher R, Lim D, McMullan D, Morton J, Naik S, O’Driscoll M, Ong K, Osio D, Ragge N, Turton S, Vogt J, Williams D, Bodek S, Donaldson A, Hills A, Low K, Newbury-Ecob R, Norman A, Roberts E, Scurr I, Smithson S, Tooley M, Abbs S, Armstrong R, Dunn C, Holden S, Park S, Paterson J, Raymond L, Reid E, Sandford R, Simonic I, Tischkowitz M, Woods G, Bradley L, Comerford J, Green A, Lynch S, McQuaid S, Mullaney B, Berg J, Goudie D, Mavrak E, McLean J, McWilliam C, Reavey E, Azam T, Cleary E, Jackson A, Lam W, Lampe A, Moore D, Porteous M, Baple E, Baptista J, Brewer C, Castle B, Kivuva E, Owens M, Rankin J, Shaw-Smith C, Turner C, Turnpenny P, Tysoe C, Bradley T, Davidson R, Gardiner C, Joss S, Kinning E, Longman C, McGowan R, Murday V, Pilz D, Tobias E, Whiteford M, Williams N, Barnicoat A, Clement E, Faravelli F, Hurst J, Jenkins L, Jones W, Kumar V, Lees M, Loughlin S, Male A, Morrogh D, Rosser E, Scott R, Wilson L, Beleza A, Deshpande C, Flinter F, Holder M, Irving M, Izatt L, Josifova D, Mohammed S, Molenda A, Robert L, Roworth W, Ruddy D, Ryten M, Yau S, Bennett C, Blyth M, Campbell J, Coates A, Dobbie A, Hewitt S, Hobson E, Jackson E, Jewell R, Kraus A, Prescott K, Sheridan E, Thomson J, Bradshaw K, Dixit A, Eason J, Haines R, Harrison R, Mutch S, Sarkar A, Searle C, Shannon N, Sharif A, Suri M, Vasudevan P, Canham N, Ellis I, Greenhalgh L, Howard E, Stinton V, Swale A, Weber A, Banka S, Breen C, Briggs T, Burkitt-Wright E, Chandler K, Clayton-Smith J, Donnai D, Douzgou S, Gaunt L, Jones E, Kerr B, Langley C, Metcalfe K, Smith A, Wright R, Bourn D, Burn J, Fisher R, Hellens S, Henderson A, Montgomery T, Splitt M, Straub V, Wright M, Zwolinski S, Allen Z, Bernhard B, Brady A, Brooks C, Busby L, Clowes V, Ghali N, Holder S, Ibitoye R, Wakeling E, Blair E, Carmichael J, Cilliers D, Clasper S, Gibbons R, Kini U, Lester T, Nemeth A, Poulton J, Price S, Shears D, Stewart H, Wilkie A, Albaba S, Baker D, Balasubramanian M, Johnson D, Parker M, Quarrell O, Stewart A, Willoughby J, Crosby C, Elmslie F, Homfray T, Jin H, Lahiri N, Mansour S, Marks K, McEntagart M, Saggar A, Tatton-Brown K, Butler R, Clarke A, Corrin S, Fry A, Kamath A, McCann E, Mugalaasi H, Pottinger C, Procter A, Sampson J, Sansbury F, Varghese V, Baralle D, Callaway A, Cassidy E, Daniels S, Douglas A, Foulds N, Hunt D, Kharbanda M, Lachlan K, Mercer C, Side L, Temple I, Wellesley D, Consortium G, Ambrose J, Arumugam P, Baple E, Bleda M, Boardman-Pretty F, Boissiere J, Boustred C, Caulfield M, Chan G, Craig C, Daugherty L, de Burca A, Devereau A, Elgar G, Foulger R, Fowler T, FurióTarí P, Hackett J, Halai D, Hamblin A, Henderson S, Holman J, Hubbard T, Ibáñez K, Jackson R, Jones L, Kasperaviciute D, Kayikci M, Lahnstein L, Lawson K, Leigh S, Leong I, Lopez F, MaleadyCrowe F, Mason J, McDonagh E, Moutsianas L, Mueller M, Murugaesu N, Need A, Odhams C, Patch C, Perez-Gil D, Polychronopoulos D, Pullinger J, Rahim T, Rendon A, Riesgo-Ferreiro P, Rogers T, Ryten M, Savage K, Sawant K, Scott R, Siddiq A, Sieghart A, Smedley D, Smith K, Sosinsky A, Spooner W, Stevens H, Stuckey A, Sultana R, Thomas E, Thompson S, Tucci A, Walsh E, Watters S, Welland M, Williams E, Witkowska K, Network U, Acosta M, Adam M, Adams D, Agrawal P, Alejandro M, Alvey J, Amendola L, Andrews A, Ashley E, Azamian M, Bacino C, Bademci G, Baker E, Balasubramanyam A, Baldridge D, Bale J, Bamshad M, Barbouth D, Bayrak-Toydemir P, Beck A, Beggs A, Behrens E, Bejerano G, Bennet J, Berg-Rood B, Bernstein J, Berry G, Bican A, Bivona S, Blue E, Bohnsack J, Bonnenmann C, Bonner D, Botto L, Boyd B, Briere L, Brokamp E, Brown G, Burke E, Burrage L, Butte M, Byers P, Byrd W, Carey J, Carrasquillo O, Chang T, Chanprasert S, Chao H, Clark G, Coakley T, Cobban L, Cogan J, Coggins M, Cole F, Colley H, Cooper C, Craigen W, Crouse A, Cunningham M, D'Souza P, Dai H, Dasari S, Davids M, Dayal J, Deardorff M, Dell'Angelica E, Dhar S, Dipple K, Doherty D, Dorrani N, Douine E, Draper D, Duncan L, Earl D, Eckstein D, Emrick L, Eng C, Esteves C, Estwick T, Falk M, Fernandez L, Ferreira C, Fieg E, Findley L, Fisher P, Fogel B, Forghani I, Fresard L, Gahl W, Glass I, Godfrey R, Golden-Grant K, Goldman A, Goldstein D, Grajewski A, Groden C, Gropman A, Gutierrez I, Hahn S, Hamid R, Hanchard N, Hassey K, Hayes N, High F, Hing A, Hisama F, Holm I, Hom J, Horike-Pyne M, Huang A, Huang Y, Isasi R, Jamal F, Jarvik G, Jarvik J, Jayadev S, Johnston J, Karaviti L, Kelley E, Kennedy J, Kiley D, Kohane I, Kohler J, Krakow D, Krasnewich D, Kravets E, Korrick S, Koziura M, Krier J, Lalani S, Lam B, Lam C, Lanpher B, Lanza I, Lau C, LeBlanc K, Lee B, Lee H, Levitt R, Lewis R, Lincoln S, Liu P, Liu X, Longo N, Loo S, Loscalzo J, Maas R, Macnamara E, MacRae C, Maduro V, Majcherska M, Mak B, Malicdan M, Mamounas L, Manolio T, Mao R, Maravilla K, Markello T, Marom R, Marth G, Martin B, Martin M, Martínez-Agosto J, Marwaha S, McCauley J, McCormack C, McCray A, McGee E, Mefford H, Merritt J, Might M, Mirzaa G, Morava E, Moretti P, Morimoto M, Mulvihill J, Murdock D, Nakano-Okuno M, Nath A, Nelson S, Newman J, Nicholas S, Nickerson D, Nieves-Rodriguez S, Novacic D, Oglesbee D, Orengo J, Pace L, Pak S, Pallais J, Papp J, Parker N, Phillips J, Posey J, Potocki L, Pusey B, Quinlan A, Raskind W, Raja A, Rao D, Renteria G, Reuter C, Rives L, Robertson A, Rodan L, Rosenfeld J, Rosenwasser N, Ruzhnikov M, Sacco R, Sampson J, Samson S, Saporta M, Scott C, Schaechter J, Schedl T, Scott D, Sharma P, Shin J, Signer R, Sillari C, Silverman E, Sinsheimer J, Sisco K, Smith E, Smith K, Solem E, Solnica-Krezel L, Stoler J, Stong N, Sullivan J, Sun A, Sutton S, Sweetser D, Sybert V, Tabor H, Tamburro C, Tekin M, Telischi F, Thorson W, Tifft C, Toro C, Tran A, Tucker B, Urv T, Vanderver A, Velinder M, Viskochil D, Vogel T, Wahl C, Wallace S, Walley N, Walsh C, Walker M, Wambach J, Wan J, Wang L, Wangler M, Ward P, Wegner D, Wener M, Wenger T, Perry K, Westerfield M, Wheeler M, Whitlock J, Wolfe L, Woods J, Yamamoto S, Yang J, Yu G, Zastrow D, Zhao C, Zuchner S, Khokha M, Bönnemann C, Lucas C, Lakhani S. Biallelic CRELD1 variants cause a multisystem syndrome, including neurodevelopmental phenotypes, cardiac dysrhythmias, and frequent infections. Genetics In Medicine 2023, 26: 101023. PMID: 37947183, PMCID: PMC10932913, DOI: 10.1016/j.gim.2023.101023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPeripheral blood mononuclear cellsPatient's immune cellsBlood mononuclear cellsImmune cell subtypesEarly-onset epilepsyAffected individualsInduced seizuresCardiac dysrhythmiasRecurrent infectionsClinical syndromeFrequent infectionsMononuclear cellsPatient cohortImmune cellsMultisystem syndromeHealthy donorsMultisystem disorderCardiac arrhythmiasBiallelic variantsCell subtypesDevelopmental delayGene variantsProtein overexpressionRecessive variantsMissense variantsSequence variants in different genes underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome in four consanguineous families
Ali A, Abdullah, Bilal M, Mis E, Lakhani S, Ahmad W, Ullah I. Sequence variants in different genes underlying Bardet-Biedl syndrome in four consanguineous families. Molecular Biology Reports 2023, 50: 9963-9970. PMID: 37897612, DOI: 10.1007/s11033-023-08816-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnique inheritance patternConsanguineous familyPakistani consanguineous familyMKK genesDifferent genesBBS7 geneBardet-Biedl syndromeWhole-exome sequencingRod-cone dystrophyBBS genesGenesCompound heterozygous variantsNovel homozygous variantHeterogeneous congenital disorderInheritance patternRelated phenotypesExome sequencingClinical manifestationsMutational screeningRenal abnormalitiesMutation spectrumCognitive impairmentHeterozygous variantsPakistani populationHomozygous variantSequence variants in DLX5, HOXD13 and 445 kb‐microduplication surrounding BTRC cause split‐hand/foot malformation in three different families
Abdullah, Hussain S, Ji W, Khan H, Mis E, Mushtaq R, Chodhary M, Raza M, Jan A, Ullah I, Khokha M, Lakhani S, Ahmad W. Sequence variants in DLX5, HOXD13 and 445 kb‐microduplication surrounding BTRC cause split‐hand/foot malformation in three different families. Clinical Genetics 2023, 105: 109-111. PMID: 37776184, DOI: 10.1111/cge.14430.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A retrospective cohort analysis of the Yale pediatric genomics discovery program
Al‐Ali S, Jeffries L, Faustino EVS, Ji W, Mis E, Konstantino M, Zerillo C, Jiang Y, Spencer‐Manzon M, Bale A, Zhang H, McGlynn J, McGrath JM, Tremblay T, Brodsky NN, Lucas CL, Pierce R, Deniz E, Khokha MK, Lakhani SA. A retrospective cohort analysis of the Yale pediatric genomics discovery program. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part A 2022, 188: 2869-2878. PMID: 35899841, PMCID: PMC9474639, DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62918.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRetrospective cohort analysisNext-generation sequencingCohort analysisSystem abnormalitiesImmune system abnormalitiesCardiovascular system abnormalitiesFunctional molecular analysesNovel genesPrecise molecular diagnosisClinical characteristicsFurther genetic evaluationDiscovery programsComplex patientsMultisystem diseaseDisease genesPediatric providersRare genetic diseaseNew diagnosisPhenotype relationshipsPatientsGenetic diseasesMolecular analysisDiagnosisParticipant demographicsNGS results
Microinjection of Xenopus tropicalis Embryos.
Lane M, Mis EK, Khokha MK. Microinjection of Xenopus tropicalis Embryos. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2021, 2022: pdb.prot107644. PMID: 34244348, DOI: 10.1101/pdb.prot107644.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmbryo sizeLarger embryo sizeTargeted gene manipulationEmbryo development timeSmall embryo sizeXenopus tropicalis embryosDevelopmental biologyEarly embryosMicroinjection protocolGene manipulationGenetic studiesFirst divisionXenopusEmbryosImportant modelDevelopment timeMicroinjectionMorpholinoCRISPRBiologySpeciesDNAMRNAOocytesFertilizationXenopus Tadpole Craniocardiac Imaging Using Optical Coherence Tomography.
Deniz E, Mis EK, Lane M, Khokha MK. Xenopus Tadpole Craniocardiac Imaging Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2021, 2022: pdb.prot105676. PMID: 34031211, DOI: 10.1101/pdb.prot105676.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchObtaining Xenopus tropicalis Eggs.
Lane M, Mis EK, Khokha MK. Obtaining Xenopus tropicalis Eggs. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2021, 2022: pdb.prot106344. PMID: 34031209, DOI: 10.1101/pdb.prot106344.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDevelopmental biologyGene manipulation toolsPowerful model systemCell biological studiesCell-free systemTetraploid genomeDiploid genomeThousands of eggsEgg extractsGenetic studiesXenopusGenomePremier systemModel systemEggsBiological studiesBiologyEmbryosFrogsManipulation toolsTiming of stepsSpeciesHormoneFemalesCellsExpansion of NEUROD2 phenotypes to include developmental delay without seizures
Mis EK, Sega AG, Signer RH, Cartwright T, Ji W, Martinez‐Agosto J, Nelson SF, Palmer CGS, Lee H, Mitzelfelt T, Konstantino M, Network U, Jeffries L, Khokha MK, Marco E, Martin MG, Lakhani SA. Expansion of NEUROD2 phenotypes to include developmental delay without seizures. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part A 2021, 185: 1076-1080. PMID: 33438828, PMCID: PMC8212414, DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDevelopmental delayEarly-onset seizuresDe novo heterozygous variantsNovo heterozygous variantsDifferentiation factor 2Xenopus laevis tadpolesHeterozygous variantsSeizuresNeuronal differentiationParental studiesFunctional testingMissense variantsPatient variantsFunctional evidenceFactor 2Vivo assaysLaevis tadpolesVariant pathogenicityFunction effectsAdolescentsVariants
The latest FADS: Functional analysis of GLDN patient variants and classification of GLDN‐associated AMC as a type of viable fetal akinesia deformation sequence
Mis EK, Al‐Ali S, Ji W, Spencer‐Manzon M, Konstantino M, Khokha MK, Jeffries L, Lakhani SA. The latest FADS: Functional analysis of GLDN patient variants and classification of GLDN‐associated AMC as a type of viable fetal akinesia deformation sequence. American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part A 2020, 182: 2291-2296. PMID: 32812332, DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.61783.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFetal akinesia deformation sequenceArthrogryposis multiplex congenitaCohort of patientsScope of illnessPulmonary hypoplasiaAdditional patientsClinical featuresNeonatal supportNervous system developmentMultiplex congenitaCongenital contracturesPatientsHeterogenous conditionRecessive variantsPatient variantsFunctional evidenceCohortNovel variantsContractureFunctional dataSyndromeHypoplasiaIllnessVariantsFindingsDLG5 variants are associated with multiple congenital anomalies including ciliopathy phenotypes
Marquez J, Mann N, Arana K, Deniz E, Ji W, Konstantino M, Mis EK, Deshpande C, Jeffries L, McGlynn J, Hugo H, Widmeier E, Konrad M, Tasic V, Morotti R, Baptista J, Ellard S, Lakhani SA, Hildebrandt F, Khokha MK. DLG5 variants are associated with multiple congenital anomalies including ciliopathy phenotypes. Journal Of Medical Genetics 2020, 58: 453-464. PMID: 32631816, PMCID: PMC7785698, DOI: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2019-106805.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLoss of ciliaPatient tissuesPatient variantsCongenital heart diseaseMultiple organ systemsMultiple congenital anomaliesDLG5 variantsVariety of pathologiesNephrotic syndromeHeart diseaseCongenital anomaliesRespiratory tractKidney tissueOrgan systemsCystic kidneysPatient phenotypesKidneyDiseaseLimb abnormalitiesUnrelated familiesRescue experimentsCraniofacial malformationsCilia dysfunctionTissue-specific manifestationsTissueNovel truncating mutations in CTNND1 cause a dominant craniofacial and cardiac syndrome
Alharatani R, Ververi A, Beleza-Meireles A, Ji W, Mis E, Patterson QT, Griffin JN, Bhujel N, Chang CA, Dixit A, Konstantino M, Healy C, Hannan S, Neo N, Cash A, Li D, Bhoj E, Zackai EH, Cleaver R, Baralle D, McEntagart M, Newbury-Ecob R, Scott R, Hurst JA, Au PYB, Hosey MT, Khokha M, Marciano DK, Lakhani SA, Liu KJ. Novel truncating mutations in CTNND1 cause a dominant craniofacial and cardiac syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 2020, 29: 1900-1921. PMID: 32196547, PMCID: PMC7372553, DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddaa050.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCell-cell junctionsNovel protein-truncating variantsP120-catenin proteinProtein-truncating variantsNext-generation sequencingTranscriptional signalingP120-cateninCRISPR/Epithelial-mesenchymal transitionSubset of phenotypesDevelopmental roleLimb dysmorphologiesAdditional phenotypesHuman diseasesCTNND1Conditional deletionDe novoTruncating mutationsBlepharocheilodontic syndromeEpithelial integrityNovel truncating mutationCraniofacial dysmorphismPhenotypeCleft palateNeurodevelopmental disordersFamilial Dilated Cardiomyopathy Associated With a Novel Combination of Compound Heterozygous TNNC1 Variants
Landim-Vieira M, Johnston JR, Ji W, Mis EK, Tijerino J, Spencer-Manzon M, Jeffries L, Hall EK, Panisello-Manterola D, Khokha MK, Deniz E, Chase PB, Lakhani SA, Pinto JR. Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy Associated With a Novel Combination of Compound Heterozygous TNNC1 Variants. Frontiers In Physiology 2020, 10: 1612. PMID: 32038292, PMCID: PMC6990120, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01612.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCardiac muscle preparationsIsometric forcePatient variantsEarly-onset DCMDilated Cardiomyopathy AssociatedCompound heterozygous variantsSteady-state isometric forceCardiomyopathy AssociatedContractile functionMuscle preparationsCardiomyopathy phenotypeHeterozygous variantsCardiac phenotypeMyofilament CaSarcomeric genesFurther studiesDisrupted ER membrane protein complex-mediated topogenesis drives congenital neural crest defects
Marquez J, Criscione J, Charney RM, Prasad MS, Hwang WY, Mis EK, García-Castro MI, Khokha MK. Disrupted ER membrane protein complex-mediated topogenesis drives congenital neural crest defects. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2020, 130: 813-826. PMID: 31904590, PMCID: PMC6994125, DOI: 10.1172/jci129308.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein complexMultipass membrane proteinsNeural crest cellsMembrane proteinsHuman NCC developmentER membrane proteinsMembrane protein complexesCell-cell signalsMyriad of functionsNCC defectsNCC developmentProtein complexesUnbiased proteomicsXenopus modelTransmembrane proteinFunction allelesPatient phenotypesCrest cellsMolecular connectionNeural crestMolecular mechanismsBirth defectsPatient variantsEMC1Β-catenin
RPSA, a candidate gene for isolated congenital asplenia, is required for pre-rRNA processing and spleen formation in Xenopus
Griffin JN, Sondalle SB, Robson A, Mis EK, Griffin G, Kulkarni SS, Deniz E, Baserga SJ, Khokha MK. RPSA, a candidate gene for isolated congenital asplenia, is required for pre-rRNA processing and spleen formation in Xenopus. Development 2018, 145: dev166181. PMID: 30337486, PMCID: PMC6215398, DOI: 10.1242/dev.166181.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-rRNA processingSmall ribosomal subunitCommon disease-associated mutationDisease-associated mutationsRpsA mRNARibosome biogenesisRibosome productionRibosome functionRibosomal subunitCandidate genesHuman mRNAsProtein componentsImpairs expressionSpleen developmentMolecular patterningRPSASpleen anlageMutationsXenopusGenesFirst animal modelUniversal requirementMRNADe novo pathogenic variants in neuronal differentiation factor 2 (NEUROD2) cause a form of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy
Sega AG, Mis EK, Lindstrom K, Mercimek-Andrews S, Ji W, Cho MT, Juusola J, Konstantino M, Jeffries L, Khokha MK, Lakhani SA. De novo pathogenic variants in neuronal differentiation factor 2 (NEUROD2) cause a form of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy. Journal Of Medical Genetics 2018, 56: 113. PMID: 30323019, DOI: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2018-105322.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly infantile epileptic encephalopathyInfantile epileptic encephalopathyEpileptic encephalopathyPatient variantsDe novo pathogenic variantsNovel de novo variantNovo pathogenic variantsEarly-onset refractory seizuresDifferentiation factor 2Whole-exome sequencingNeuronal differentiation factorRefractory seizuresSignificant developmental delaySpontaneous seizuresUnderlying etiologyEctopic neuronsDe novo variantsPatient's conditionEncephalopathyPathogenic variantsSevere disordersDevelopmental delayUnrelated childrenExome sequencingGene mutations