Carolyn M. Macica
Addressing challenges in diagnosis and management of rare disease through interprofessional education
Helderman R, Macica C, Weinstein A, Feinn R, Doyle M. Addressing challenges in diagnosis and management of rare disease through interprofessional education. Rare 2024, 2: 100044. DOI: 10.1016/j.rare.2024.100044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInterprofessional educationInterprofessional teamHealthcare studentsEducating health professional studentsEffective interprofessional teamInterprofessional team membersInterprofessional healthcare teamsHealth professional studentsPrevalence of rare diseasesInterprofessional education eventsSignificant public health challengePublic health challengeOpen-ended questionsInterprofessional modelManagement of rare diseasesInterprofessional communicationHealthcare teamImprove careHealthcare professionalsLack of resourcesProfessional studentsSupport resourcesPerceived confidenceParticipants' knowledge acquisitionHealth challenges
Biomechanical Impact of Phosphate Wasting on Articular Cartilage Using the Murine Hyp Model of X‐linked hypophosphatemia
Macica C, Tommasini S. Biomechanical Impact of Phosphate Wasting on Articular Cartilage Using the Murine Hyp Model of X‐linked hypophosphatemia. JBMR Plus 2023, 7: e10796. PMID: 37808393, PMCID: PMC10556269, DOI: 10.1002/jbm4.10796.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWT miceHyp miceMechanical propertiesArticular cartilageTrabecular bone volumeProgression of osteoarthritisEtiology of osteoarthritisRange of motionSubchondral bone plateOral phosphateDegenerative osteoarthritisTibial articular cartilageDaily livingAC stiffnessBone volumeTherapeutic restorationOsteoarthritisStructural stiffnessCompressive loadingMicePeak loadTherapyCellular changesMineral deficitStress relaxation
Suspected cholinergic toxicity due to cevimeline hydrochloride and Bacopa monnieri interaction: a case report
Acquarulo B, Tandon P, Macica C. Suspected cholinergic toxicity due to cevimeline hydrochloride and Bacopa monnieri interaction: a case report. Journal Of Medical Case Reports 2022, 16: 253. PMID: 35765109, PMCID: PMC9241182, DOI: 10.1186/s13256-022-03479-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSjögren's syndromePossible drug-herb interactionsPrimary care officesDrug-herb interactionsST-T changesCevimeline hydrochlorideClinical improvementUndesirable side effectsUrinary retentionCase presentationACare officesCase reportCholinergic toxicityCaucasian femaleHerbal supplementsSide effectsClinical relevanceDrug responsivenessCommon genetic variantsSyndromeDrugsPrevious nightCytochrome P450Genetic variantsSupplementation interactionAn Evidence-based Physical Therapy Prescription for Adults With X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Kanamalla K, Fuchs R, Herzog C, Steigbigel K, Macica C. An Evidence-based Physical Therapy Prescription for Adults With X-linked Hypophosphatemia. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2022, 6: bvac094. PMID: 35795809, PMCID: PMC9249973, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvac094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdult disordersConsiderable physical disabilityLower extremity ROMPhosphate-wasting disordersPhysical therapy prescriptionPhysical therapy recommendationsPT programKinetic chain exercisesPatient-centered studiesMusculoskeletal comorbiditiesExercise modificationsPatient goalsTherapy prescriptionFunctional improvementTherapy recommendationsClinical studiesActive rangeDaily livingProgression statusFunctional abilityXLHPhysical disabilityMinimal improvementFunctional effectsHypophosphatemiaThe Enthesopathy of XLH Is a Mechanical Adaptation to Osteomalacia: Biomechanical Evidence from Hyp Mice
Macica CM, Luo J, Tommasini SM. The Enthesopathy of XLH Is a Mechanical Adaptation to Osteomalacia: Biomechanical Evidence from Hyp Mice. Calcified Tissue International 2022, 111: 313-322. PMID: 35618776, DOI: 10.1007/s00223-022-00989-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUltimate strengthLoading conditionsMaximum strainNormal loading conditionsTensile testsMechanical propertiesTensile stiffnessWT miceHyp miceMechanical loadingMechanical stressBiomechanical testingSoft boneStiffnessBone matrixAlkaline phosphataseMajor comorbiditiesAchilles insertionClinical picturePhysical functionMechanical adaptationHyperplastic expansionMurine modelTriceps suraeStrength
Creation of an Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Program for Adults with XLH: Translational Application of an Interprofessional Clinical Study
Kanamalla K, Fuchs R, Herzog C, Steigbigel K, Macica C. Creation of an Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Program for Adults with XLH: Translational Application of an Interprofessional Clinical Study. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2021, 5: a260-a260. PMCID: PMC8089516, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvab048.528.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower Extremity Functional ScaleBerg Balance ScaleBalance ScaleActivities-specific Balance Confidence ScaleLifelong metabolic diseasePT programBalance Confidence ScaleIntestinal phosphate absorptionPhysical therapy programMusculoskeletal comorbiditiesStandard therapyClinical pictureBalance exercisesDegenerative arthritisActive ROMLower extremitiesClinical studiesFunctional scalesDaily livingFunctional capacityFunctional abilityFunctional comorbiditiesTrunk swayAdult disordersMetabolic diseases
Giving Credence to the Experience of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia in Adulthood: An Interprofessional Mixed-Methods Study
Hughes M, Macica C, Meriano C, Doyle M. Giving Credence to the Experience of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia in Adulthood: An Interprofessional Mixed-Methods Study. Journal Of Patient-Centered Research And Reviews 2020, 7: 176-188. PMID: 32377551, PMCID: PMC7197891, DOI: 10.17294/2330-0698.1727.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFunctional outcomePhysical findingsPhysical therapy assessmentBurden of diseaseMetabolic bone diseaseHealth care providersPhysical comorbiditiesDental abscessChronic painDegenerative arthritisProvider awarenessBone diseaseCare providersTherapy assessmentNew treatmentsPhysical debilitationOccupational therapyDiagnostic imagingXLHMixed-methods studyHypophosphatemiaPainAdulthoodDiseaseAdequate assessmentOsteoarthritis, Osteophytes, and Enthesophytes Affect Biomechanical Function in Adults With X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Steele A, Gonzalez R, Garbalosa JC, Steigbigel K, Grgurich T, Parisi EJ, Feinn RS, Tommasini SM, Macica CM. Osteoarthritis, Osteophytes, and Enthesophytes Affect Biomechanical Function in Adults With X-linked Hypophosphatemia. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2020, 105: dgaa064. PMID: 32047911, PMCID: PMC8416779, DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMusculoskeletal comorbiditiesGait analysisPassive ROMLifelong metabolic diseaseWeight-bearing jointsHealth care teamDiagnosis of XLHInterprofessional health care teamsKinematic gait analysisMusculoskeletal manifestationsClinical presentationMusculoskeletal disabilityDegenerative arthritisPhysical functionRadiologic imagingCervical spineGoniometric rangeDaily livingFunctional limitationsTrunk swayMetabolic diseasesMusculoskeletal functionAnkle jointSynovial jointsXLH
The Lifelong Impact of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia: Results From a Burden of Disease Survey
Skrinar A, Dvorak-Ewell M, Evins A, Macica C, Linglart A, Imel E, Theodore-Oklota C, San Martin J. The Lifelong Impact of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia: Results From a Burden of Disease Survey. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2019, 3: 1321-1334. PMID: 31259293, PMCID: PMC6595532, DOI: 10.1210/js.2018-00365.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPatient-reported outcomesActive vitamin DParents/caregiversVitamin DMean ageExcess fibroblast growth factor 23Joint pain/stiffnessFibroblast growth factor 23Pain/stiffnessGrowth factor 23History of fractureSubstantial disease burdenBurden of diseaseHuman monoclonal antibodyTibia/fibulaAssistive device useSymptom onsetFactor 23Spinal stenosisPhysical functionDisease burdenDisease manifestationsPhysical functioningCurrent treatmentAbnormal gait
Joint replacement in X-linked hypophosphatemia
Mills E, Iorio L, Feinn R, Duignan K, Macica C. Joint replacement in X-linked hypophosphatemia. Journal Of Orthopaedics 2018, 16: 55-60. PMID: 30662239, PMCID: PMC6324762, DOI: 10.1016/j.jor.2018.12.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMean followOsteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Short FormPhysical Function Short FormHOOS-PS scoresKOOS-PS scoresTotal knee arthroplastyTotal joint arthroplastyTotal hip arthroplastySevere degenerative osteoarthritisKnee arthroplastyPatient surveyDegenerative osteoarthritisJoint arthroplastyHip arthroplastyAseptic looseningJoint replacementArthroplastyPolyethylene wearHypophosphatemiaShort formFollowKneeScoresPatientsOsteoarthritis
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