Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Performance of CT without Oral Contrast Material
Stuhlfaut JW, Soto JA, Lucey BC, Ulrich A, Rathlev NK, Burke PA, Hirsch EF. Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Performance of CT without Oral Contrast Material. Radiology 2004, 233: 689-94. PMID: 15516605, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.2333031972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOral contrast materialMesenteric injurySolid organ injuryCT findingsNegative predictive valuePositive predictive valueContrast materialPredictive valueMesenteric hematomaOrgan injurySurgical repairFree fluidMulti-detector row scannersBowel wall abnormalitiesBlunt abdominal traumaMulti-detector row CTInvestigational Review BoardMulti-detector rowPerformance of CTHospital courseIntraabdominal injuriesAbdominal traumaAbdominopelvic CTBowel wallFalse-positive results