Alexandra Savinkina, MSPH
Alexandra Savinkina is a PhD candidate in the Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases. She is interested in using mathematical modeling to answer questions at the intersection of infectious disease epidemiology and national and global health policy, with a focus on health equity. Prior to coming to Yale, Alexandra was a data analyst at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and then worked in simulation modeling at Boston Medical Center's infectious disease department. Her current work involves modeling vaccination scenarios and outcomes of various infectious disease interventions in the recent COVID-19 and mpox outbreaks, both within the US and globally.
Education & Training
- Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Global Epidemiology (2016)
- BS
- Boston College, Biology (2013)
Modelling vaccination approaches for mpox containment and mitigation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Savinkina A, Kindrachuk J, Bogoch I, Rimoin A, Hoff N, Shaw S, Pitzer V, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Gonsalves G. Modelling vaccination approaches for mpox containment and mitigation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Lancet Global Health 2024, 12: e1936-e1944. PMID: 39393385, DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(24)00384-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEstimated Deaths Averted in Adults by COVID-19 Vaccination in Select Latin American and Caribbean Countries
Savinkina A, Weinberger D, Toscano C, De Oliveira L. Estimated Deaths Averted in Adults by COVID-19 Vaccination in Select Latin American and Caribbean Countries. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2024, 11: ofae528. PMID: 39411224, PMCID: PMC11474601, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae528.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStrategies for isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV-positive patients who consume alcohol.
Savinkina A, Muyindike W, Hahn J, Emenyonu N, Fatch R, Ngabirano C, Adong J, Jacobson K, Linas B. Strategies for isoniazid preventive therapy in HIV-positive patients who consume alcohol. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2024, 28: 335-342. PMID: 38961548, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.23.0303.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyTB preventive therapyTuberculin skin testPreventive therapyReport alcohol useAlcohol useHIV-positive patientsTB disease incidenceLiver enzyme monitoringLatent TB infectionTB burden settingsSkin testTB infectionBurden settingsConsuming alcoholTB diseaseTB riskWHO guidanceTherapyEnzyme monitoringPLWHIsoniazidEvaluate hepatotoxicityHepatotoxicity concernsAST/ALT
Mortality, incarceration and cost implications of fentanyl felonization laws: A modeling study
Savinkina A, Jurecka C, Gonsalves G, Barocas J. Mortality, incarceration and cost implications of fentanyl felonization laws: A modeling study. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2023, 121: 104175. PMID: 37729682, PMCID: PMC10840895, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104175.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEconomic Evaluation of Extended-Release Buprenorphine for Persons With Opioid Use Disorder
Flam-Ross J, Marsh E, Weitz M, Savinkina A, Schackman B, Wang J, Madushani R, Morgan J, Barocas J, Walley A, Chrysanthopoulou S, Linas B, Assoumou S. Economic Evaluation of Extended-Release Buprenorphine for Persons With Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e2329583. PMID: 37703018, PMCID: PMC10500382, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.29583.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExtended-release buprenorphineIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioMedication treatmentHealth care utilization costsTreatment of OUDOpioid agonist treatmentOpioid use disorderMean lifetime costsCost-effectiveness ratioProbabilistic sensitivity analysesEconomic evaluationCohort studyAgonist treatmentTreatment optionsClinical trialsClosed cohortMAIN OUTCOMEBuprenorphineSimulated cohortUse disordersDrug AdministrationUS FoodPharmaceutical costsQALY willingnessInjectable formPopulation-Level Health Effects of Involuntary Displacement of People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness Who Inject Drugs in US Cities
Barocas J, Nall S, Axelrath S, Pladsen C, Boyer A, Kral A, Meehan A, Savinkina A, Peery D, Bien M, Agnew-Brune C, Goldshear J, Chiang J, Linas B, Gonsalves G, Bluthenthal R, Mosites E, Wortley P, Todd J, Melton D, Flynn C, German D, Klevens M, Doherty R, O'Cleirigh C, Jimenez A, Clyde T, Poe J, Vaaler M, Deng J, Al-Tayyib A, Shodell D, Higgins E, Griffin V, Sanger C, Khuwaja S, Lopez Z, Padgett P, Kwa Sey E, Ma Y, Santacruz H, Brantley M, Mathews C, Marr J, Spencer E, Nixon W, Forrest D, Anderson B, Tate A, Abrego M, Robinson W, Barak N, Beckford J, Braunstein S, Rivera A, Carrillo S, Ibrahim A, Wogayehu A, Moraga L, Brady K, Shinefeld J, Nnumolu C, Menza T, Orellana E, Bhattari A, Flynn A, Chambers O, Ramos M, McFarland W, Lin J, Miller D, Miranda De Leon S, Rolon-Colon Y, Martinez M, Jaenicke T, Glick S, Kienzle J, Smith B, Reid T, Opoku J, Kuo I, Adams M, Baugher A, Broz D, Burnett J, Chambers S, Chapin-Bardales J, Denning P, Finlayson T, Handanagic S, Hickey T, Kanny D, Lee K, Lewis R, Morris E, Olansky E, Robbins T, Sionean C, Smith A, Teplinskaya A, Trujillo K, Wejnert C, Whiteman A, Xia M. Population-Level Health Effects of Involuntary Displacement of People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness Who Inject Drugs in US Cities. JAMA 2023, 329: 1478-1486. PMID: 37036716, PMCID: PMC10087093, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2023.4800.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational HIV Behavioral Surveillance SystemInitiation of medicationInjection-related infectionsOpioid use disorderUse disordersHealth effectsInjection drug useLong-term health effectsDrug-related morbidityPopulation attributable fractionBehavioral Surveillance SystemSubstance use disordersMAIN OUTCOMEOverdose deathsRepresentative cohortAdditional deathsOverdose mortalityHealth outcomesDrug useNatural historyDisease controlMortalityDisorder outcomesDrugsHealth implicationsEstimated Costs and Outcomes Associated With Use and Nonuse of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder During Incarceration and at Release in Massachusetts
Chatterjee A, Weitz M, Savinkina A, Macmadu A, Madushani R, Potee R, Ryan D, Murphy S, Walley A, Linas B. Estimated Costs and Outcomes Associated With Use and Nonuse of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder During Incarceration and at Release in Massachusetts. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e237036. PMID: 37058306, PMCID: PMC10105308, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.7036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioIncremental costCost-effectiveness ratioEconomic evaluationEconomic studiesOpioid use disorderXR-naltrexoneOverdose deathsTreatment startQALYOverdose mortalityUse disordersCostExtended-release naltrexoneTreatment costsDiscontinue medicationsMOUD accessQALYsOpen cohortMost prisonsIncarcerated individualsMOUD treatmentTreatment strategiesMoneyFatal overdosesEstimated Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness Associated With Provision of Addiction Treatment in US Primary Care Clinics
Jawa R, Tin Y, Nall S, Calcaterra S, Savinkina A, Marks L, Kimmel S, Linas B, Barocas J. Estimated Clinical Outcomes and Cost-effectiveness Associated With Provision of Addiction Treatment in US Primary Care Clinics. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e237888. PMID: 37043198, PMCID: PMC10098970, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.7888.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioPrimary care practitionersClinical outcomesPCP servicesPrimary careAddiction servicesAddiction careUS primary care clinicsLong-term clinical outcomesHealth care sector costsInjection-related infectionsPrimary care clinicsHealth care sector perspectivePrimary care practicesCost-effectiveness ratioObservational cohortBuprenorphine prescribingCare clinicsClinical trialsPCP practicesTreatment strategiesMAIN OUTCOMESimulated cohortCare practitionersCare practicesKeep it up! 3.0: Study protocol for a type III hybrid implementation-effectiveness cluster-randomized trial
Mustanski B, Saber R, Jones J, Macapagal K, Benbow N, Li D, Brown C, Janulis P, Smith J, Marsh E, Schackman B, Linas B, Madkins K, Swann G, Dean A, Bettin E, Savinkina A. Keep it up! 3.0: Study protocol for a type III hybrid implementation-effectiveness cluster-randomized trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2023, 127: 107134. PMID: 36842763, PMCID: PMC10249332, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2023.107134.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV riskHybrid effectiveness-implementation clusterCommunity-based organizationsPublic health scaleCluster-randomized trialHIV prevention programsRE-AIM modelHealth technology interventionStudy protocolOutcome measurementsCBO staffHealth ScalePrevention programsEHealth approachesConsolidated FrameworkIntervention implementationTrialsImplementation researchKIUImplementation outcomesYoung menCounty-level population estimatesYMSMConsumer recruitmentMenPlanning for Mpox on a College Campus: A Model-Based Decision-Support Tool.
Savinkina A, Chitwood M, Kwon J, Pitzer V, Gonsalves G, Paltiel A. Planning for Mpox on a College Campus: A Model-Based Decision-Support Tool. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2023, 176: 340-347. PMID: 36716454, PMCID: PMC10338074, DOI: 10.7326/m22-2734.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSustained transmissionNational InstituteLow-risk groupHigh-risk populationPopulation of MSMHealth-National InstituteResidential college campusSymptomatic casesHypothetical cohortCongregate settingsStudy populationPreemptive vaccinationReactive vaccinationInfectious diseasesVaccinationDrug abuseBasic reproductive numberFuture outbreaksFrequent physical contactMSMReproductive numberOutbreakDaysMenTimely detection