Improving Time to Goals of Care Discussions in Invasively Ventilated Preterm Infants.
Gentle S, Cohen C, Carlo W, Winter L, Hallman M. Improving Time to Goals of Care Discussions in Invasively Ventilated Preterm Infants. Pediatrics 2024, 154 PMID: 39359206, PMCID: PMC11524032, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2024-066585.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostmenstrual ageBronchopulmonary dysplasiaPreterm infantsTracheostomy placementWeeks' PMA.Identifying preterm infantsWeeks postmenstrual ageBPD infantsTracheostomy dependenceInvasive ventilationGoC discussionsVentilatory requirementsTracheostomyVentilator liberationInfantsHospital dischargeMultidisciplinary conferenceQuality improvement initiativesWeeksChart analysisUniversity of AlabamaSMART aimStatistical process control chartsProcess control chartsControl chart analysisAchieved oxygen saturations and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia with pulmonary hypertension in preterm infants
Gentle S, Singh A, Travers C, Nakhmani A, Carlo W, Ambalavanan N. Achieved oxygen saturations and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia with pulmonary hypertension in preterm infants. Archives Of Disease In Childhood 2024, 109: 941-947. PMID: 38937062, PMCID: PMC11503043, DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2024-327014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBronchopulmonary dysplasia-associated pulmonary hypertensionOxygen saturation indexSurvival statusPreterm infantsPulmonary hypertensionHigher FiOLt;29 weeks' gestationFraction of inspired oxygenWeeks postmenstrual ageSingle-centre studyNon-invasive predictorCase-control studyPostmenstrual ageWeeks gestationBronchopulmonary dysplasiaRespiratory supportNon-survivorsInfantsOxygen saturationPatient outcomesPretermSurvivalHypertensionWeeksPredictors
Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects of Hydrocortisone by Risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or Death Among Extremely Preterm Infants in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network Trial
Gentle S, Rysavy M, Li L, Laughon M, Patel R, Jensen E, Hintz S, Ambalavanan N, Carlo W, Watterberg K, Laptook A, Keszler M, Vohr B, Hensman A, Vieira E, St. Pierre L, Burke R, Alksinis B, Caskey M, Hoffman L, Johnson K, Keszler M, Knoll A, Leach T, Little E, McGowan E, Stephens B, Watson V, Hibbs A, Walsh M, Wilson-Costello D, Newman N, Bhola M, Payne A, Siner B, Yalcinkaya G, Truog W, Kilbride H, Gauldin C, Pallotto E, Holmes A, Johnson K, Scott A, Poindexter B, Schibler K, Merhar S, Yolton K, Grisby C, Beiersdorfer T, Cahill T, Dudley J, Gratton T, Kirker K, Thompson J, Wuertz S, Polin R, Cotton M, Goldberg R, Malcolm W, Goldstein R, Finkle J, Ashley P, Fisher K, Gustafson K, Mago-Shah D, Warren M, Bose C, Bernhardt J, Bose G, Wereszczak J, Warner D, Clark C, Kicklighter S, Bentley A, Edwards L, Rhodes-Ryan G, White D, Carlton D, Stoll B, Hale E, Loggins Y, Bottcher D, Carter S, Kendrick-Allywood S, Mulligan LaRossa M, Mackie C, Smikle G, Comerford L, Laursen J, Sanders A, Maitre N, Adams-Chapman I, Bremer A, Wilson Archer S, Higgins R, Tyson J, Khan A, Kennedy K, Mosquera R, Duncan A, McDavid G, Alaniz N, Allain E, Arldt-McAlister J, Sana Boral D, Burson K, Dempsey A, Eason E, Evans P, Garcia C, Green C, Hall D, Jiminez M, John J, Jones P, Lillie M, Martin K, Martin S, Mason C, McKee S, Poe M, Rennie K, Rodgers S, Siddiki S, Sperry D, Stephens E, Pierce Tate P, Wright S, Sanchez P, Nelin L, Jadcherla S, Slaughter J, Luzader P, Burkhardt S, Carey H, Chao M, Clark E, Fearns E, Fortney C, Fowler A, Grothause J, Gutentag J, Hague C, McCool J, Nelin M, Park C, Pietruszewski L, Purnell J, Shadd J, Small K, Stein M, Sullivan M, Sullivan R, Timan C, Yeates K, Yoseff-Salameh L, Keim S, Newton J, Levengood K, Batterson N, Rice C, Moallem M, Harmon H, Das A, Wallace D, Banna C, Gantz M, O'Donnell Auman J, Crawford M, Gabrio J, Leblond D, Newman J, Petrie Huitema C, vonLehmden A, Zaterka-Baxter K, Li L, Van Meurs K, Stevenson D, Chock V, Ball M, Bentley B, Chitkara R, Davis A, DeAnda M, DeBattista A, Earhart B, Huffman L, Krueger C, Lucash R, Proud M, Hitchner Reichert E, Sivakumar D, Taylor H, Weiss H, Peralta-Carcelen M, Collins M, Cosby S, Biasini F, Domnanovich K, McNair T, Phillips V, Whitley S, York Chapman S, Devaskar U, Chanlaw T, Geller R, Garg M, Purdy I, Bell E, Colaizy T, Widness J, Brumbaugh J, Johnson K, Walker J, Goeke C, Schmelzel M, Eastman D, Baack M, Meyer L, Hogden L, Henning M, Elenkiwich C, Broadbent M, Van Muyden S, Ellsbury D, Campbell D, Tud T, Fuller J, Beauman S, Backstrom Lacy C, Ruffner Hanson M, Hartenberger C, Kuan E, Lowe S, Sokol G, Papile L, Harmon H, Hines A, Lytle C, Herron D, Gunn S, Smiley L, Dawn Wilson L, DeMauro S, Schmidt B, Eichenwald E, Kirpalani H, Abbasi S, Mancini T, Chaudhary A, Cucinotta D, Bernbaum J, Freeman Duncan A, Dysart K, Gerdes M, Hurt H, Snyder J, Ziolkowski K, D'Angio C, Guillet R, Myers G, Binion K, Chess P, Fallone C, Farooq O, Kent A, Maffett D, Merzbach J, Orme C, Sacilowski M, Sabaratnam P, Scorsone A, Wadkins H, Wynn K, Yost K, Reynolds A, Lakshminrusimha S, Chandrasekharan P, Guilford S, Hartley-McAndrews M, Williams A, Zorn W, Li E, Donato J, McKee K, Coleman K, Bean S, Coleman C, Horihan C, Wyckoff M, Brion L, Heyne R, Vasil D, Adams S, Chen L, De Leon M, Eubanks F, Guzman A, Heyne E, Lee L, Madden L, McDougald E, Pavageau L, Sepulveda P, Twell Boatman C, Tolentino-Plata K, Vera A, Waterbury J, Yoder B, Ohls R, Baserga M, Winter S, Minton S, Sheffield M, Rau C, Baker S, Burnett J, Christensen S, Cole Bledsoe L, Cunningham S, Davis B, Elmont J, Hall B, Loertscher M, Marchant T, Maxon E, McGrath K, Mickelsen H, Morshedzadeh G, Parry D, Reich B, Schaefer S, Stout K, Stuart A, Weaver-Lewis K, Woodbury K, Shankaran S, Chawla S, Natarajan G, Sood B, Bara R, Agarwal P, Bajaj M, Childs K, February M, Goldston L, Johnson M, Panaitescu B, Hinz Woldt E, Barks J, Carlson M, Christensen M, White D, Wiggins S. Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects of Hydrocortisone by Risk of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or Death Among Extremely Preterm Infants in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network Trial. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e2315315. PMID: 37256621, PMCID: PMC10233424, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.15315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere neurodevelopmental impairmentExtremely preterm infantsEffect of hydrocortisoneBronchopulmonary dysplasiaNeurodevelopmental impairmentNational Institute of Child HealthInstitute of Child HealthRandomized clinical trialsBaseline riskPreterm infantsGestational ageFollow-upQuartile 4Reduced rates of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaHuman Development Neonatal Research NetworkQuartile 1Clinical trialsMonths of corrected ageRate of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaRate of neurodevelopmental impairmentRisk of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaRelative riskDay of hydrocortisoneNeonatal Research NetworkTreatment groupsPatent Ductus Arteriosus and Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-associated Pulmonary Hypertension.
Gentle S, Travers C, Clark M, Carlo W, Ambalavanan N. Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-associated Pulmonary Hypertension. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2023, 207: 921-928. PMID: 36378949, PMCID: PMC10111998, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202203-0570oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBPD-associated pulmonary hypertensionPatent ductus arteriosusDuctus arteriosus patencyPreterm infantsBronchopulmonary dysplasiaPostnatal dayDuctus arteriosusPulmonary hypertensionRespiratory supportModerate to large patent ductus arteriosusBronchopulmonary dysplasia-associated pulmonary hypertensionPreterm infants of gestational ageInfants of gestational ageRetrospective case-control studyEvolving bronchopulmonary dysplasiaExtremely preterm infantsCase-control studyModifiable risk factorsGestational ageDuctal patencyComposite outcomeControl subjectsRisk factorsInfantsPatencyIntermittent Hypoxemia and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia with Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterm Infants.
Gentle S, Travers C, Nakhmani A, Indic P, Carlo W, Ambalavanan N. Intermittent Hypoxemia and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia with Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterm Infants. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2023, 207: 899-907. PMID: 36449386, PMCID: PMC10111996, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202203-0580oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBronchopulmonary dysplasia-associated pulmonary hypertensionIntermittent hypoxemiaHypoxemic eventsReceiver operating characteristicPreterm infantsPulmonary hypertensionControl subjectsWeeks 6 daysExtremely preterm infantsWeeks 0 daysHigher risk of deathIdentification of infantsCase-control studyRisk of deathBronchopulmonary dysplasiaDesaturation frequencyEchocardiographic dataPostnatal dayBedside biomarkersIH eventsHigh riskInfantsHypoxemiaHypertensionLong duration
Delivery timing for the opioid–exposed infant
Sanusi A, Gray M, Xue Y, Mohr S, Curtis P, Dismukes J, Gentle S, Szychowski J, Brocato B, Casey B, Harper L, Sinkey R. Delivery timing for the opioid–exposed infant. American Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM 2022, 4: 100719. PMID: 35977700, PMCID: PMC10961100, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2022.100719.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal opioid withdrawal syndromeOpioid withdrawal syndromeOpioid-exposed infantsIncidence of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndromeNeonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome treatmentLate-term periodsEarly term deliveryOpioid-exposed neonatesWithdrawal syndromePrimary composite outcomeOpioid use disorderNeonatal outcomesTerm deliveryMedication-assisted treatmentSyndrome treatmentComposite outcomeRisk of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndromeSeverity of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndromeNeonatal intensive care unit admissionAmerican College of Obstetricians and GynecologistsPositive urine toxicology screenPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesNeonatal intensive care unitPositive urine drug screenImproving Time to Independent Oral Feeding to Expedite Hospital Discharge in Preterm Infants.
Gentle S, Meads C, Ganus S, Barnette E, Munkus K, Carlo W, Salas A. Improving Time to Independent Oral Feeding to Expedite Hospital Discharge in Preterm Infants. Pediatrics 2022, 149 PMID: 35229126, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-052023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBirth WeightGestational AgeHospitalsHumansInfantInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematurePatient DischargeConceptsIndependent oral feedingOral feeding initiationWeeks PMAPreterm infantsOral feedingFeeding initiationWeeks gestationAchievement of independent oral feedingMedian gestational ageCue-based feedingPlan-Do-Study-Act cyclesExpediting hospital dischargeGestational agePlan-Do-Study-ActBirth weightPretermInfantsHospital dischargeOutcome measuresFeeding assessmentWeeksPMAGestationMultidisciplinary teamAgeA Quality Improvement Bundle to Improve Outcomes in Extremely Preterm Infants in the First Week.
Travers C, Gentle S, Freeman A, Nichols K, Shukla V, Purvis D, Dolma K, Winter L, Ambalavanan N, Carlo W, Lal C. A Quality Improvement Bundle to Improve Outcomes in Extremely Preterm Infants in the First Week. Pediatrics 2022, 149 PMID: 35088085, PMCID: PMC9677934, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-037341.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere intracranial hemorrhageExtremely preterm infantsPreterm infantsIntracranial hemorrhageRates of acute kidney injuryMedian birth weightSpontaneous intestinal perforationDelayed cord clampingAcute kidney injuryQuality improvement initiativesBaseline rateGestational ageWeeks gestationCord clampingIndomethacin prophylaxisCongenital anomaliesIntestinal perforationBirth weightKidney injuryPrimary outcomeQuality improvement bundleInfantsFirst-weekBirthWeeksUsing dexamethasone wisely in invasively ventilated preterm infants
Gentle S, Sant'Anna G, Carlo W. Using dexamethasone wisely in invasively ventilated preterm infants. Pediatric Pulmonology 2022, 57: 785-786. PMID: 34994096, DOI: 10.1002/ppul.25819.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDuration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death
Gentle S, Carper B, Laughon M, Jensen E, Williams A, Travers C, Ambalavanan N, Lal C, Carlo W. Duration of noninvasive respiratory support and risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death. Journal Of Perinatology 2022, 42: 454-460. PMID: 35034096, PMCID: PMC9007818, DOI: 10.1038/s41372-021-01269-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBronchopulmonary DysplasiaGestational AgeHumansInfantInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureRespiratory RateRetrospective StudiesConceptsNoninvasive respiratory supportDuration of noninvasive respiratory supportBronchopulmonary dysplasiaRespiratory supportAssociated with bronchopulmonary dysplasiaDevelopment of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaRetrospective study of infantsStudy of infantsPreterm infantsWeeks gestationPropensity score matchingNoninvasive supportMedian durationRetrospective studyPotential confoundersIllness severityScore matchingInfantsPropensity scoreGestationDysplasiaDeathDurationAssociationPreterm
MicroRNA 219-5p inhibits alveolarization by reducing platelet derived growth factor receptor-alpha
Freeman A, Qiao L, Olave N, Rezonzew G, Gentle S, Halloran B, Pryhuber G, Gaggar A, Tipple T, Ambalavanan N, Lal C. MicroRNA 219-5p inhibits alveolarization by reducing platelet derived growth factor receptor-alpha. Respiratory Research 2021, 22: 57. PMID: 33596914, PMCID: PMC7891005, DOI: 10.1186/s12931-021-01654-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPlatelet-derived growth factor receptor alphaGrowth factor receptor alphaBronchopulmonary dysplasiaPDGFR-AReceptor alphaDevelopment of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaPathogenesis of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaModel of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaExtremely preterm neonatesInhibited alveolar developmentMiR-219Lungs of infantsPulmonary epithelial cellsProspective cohort studyBPD mouse modelGenome-wide analysis studiesHuman infant lungsExposure to hyperoxiaRegulation of alveolarizationIn situ hybridizationPreterm infantsPreterm neonatesTerm infantsNormoxia controlLevel of miR-219
Early Skin-to-Skin Care with a Polyethylene Bag for Neonatal Hypothermia: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Travers C, Ramani M, Gentle S, Schuyler A, Brown C, Dills M, Davis C, Mwenechanya M, Chomba E, Aban I, Manasyan A, Ambalavanan N, Carlo W. Early Skin-to-Skin Care with a Polyethylene Bag for Neonatal Hypothermia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2020, 231: 55-60.e1. PMID: 33373672, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.12.064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSkin-to-skin careResource-limited settingsEarly skin-to-skin careSequentially numbered sealed opaque envelopesSevere hypothermiaTertiary referral centerPhase 2 treatmentReferral centerNeonatal hypothermiaMaternal temperatureAdverse eventsAlone groupReduce hypothermiaBag groupInfantsHypothermiaClinical trial objectivesOpaque envelopesBirthSkin careTrial objectivesPhase 2CareHoursGroupBronchopulmonary dysplasia is associated with reduced oral nitrate reductase activity in extremely preterm infants
Gentle S, Ahmed K, Yi N, Morrow C, Ambalavanan N, Lal C, Patel R. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is associated with reduced oral nitrate reductase activity in extremely preterm infants. Redox Biology 2020, 38: 101782. PMID: 33166868, PMCID: PMC7658701, DOI: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101782.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWeeks post menstrual agePost menstrual ageBronchopulmonary dysplasiaPreterm infantsOral microbiomeBronchopulmonary dysplasia statusMorbidities of prematurityNO bioavailabilityBronchopulmonary dysplasia developmentNitric oxideAssociated with morbidityMenstrual ageNR activitySevere morbidityOral microbiotaPretermInfantsTherapeutic targetNitrate reductase activityPrematurityDysplasiaWeeksBioavailabilityNitrate reductaseDiseaseAirway nitrite is increased in extremely preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Gentle S, Freeman A, Patel R, Ambalavanan N, Lal C. Airway nitrite is increased in extremely preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Respiratory Research 2020, 21: 244. PMID: 32957939, PMCID: PMC7504869, DOI: 10.1186/s12931-020-01508-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTracheal aspiratesPreterm infantsNitrite levelsLow birth infantsComplications of prematurityAirways of infantsProspective cohort studyPremature infantsVentilated infantsBirth infantsIncreased nitrite levelsPredictive biomarkersPostnatal dayLung diseaseCohort studyInfantsAirwayConclusionsIn conclusionGestationElevated nitrite levelsUniversity of AlabamaAspirationPretermResultsInfantsPrematurityAssociation of Antenatal Corticosteroids and Magnesium Sulfate Therapy With Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Extremely Preterm Children.
Gentle S, Carlo W, Tan S, Gargano M, Ambalavanan N, Chawla S, Bell E, Bann C, Hintz S, Heyne R, Tita A, Higgins R. Association of Antenatal Corticosteroids and Magnesium Sulfate Therapy With Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Extremely Preterm Children. Obstetrics And Gynecology 2020, 135: 1377-1386. PMID: 32459430, PMCID: PMC7278037, DOI: 10.1097/aog.0000000000003882.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdrenal Cortex HormonesChild, PreschoolDatabases, FactualFemaleGestational AgeHumansInfantInfant MortalityInfant, Extremely PrematureInfant, NewbornLogistic ModelsMagnesium SulfateMaleNeurodevelopmental DisordersPregnancyPregnancy OutcomePrenatal CarePrenatal Exposure Delayed EffectsProspective StudiesUnited StatesConceptsSevere neurodevelopmental impairmentExposed to antenatal corticosteroidsExposure to antenatal corticosteroidsAntenatal corticosteroidsWeeks of gestationNeurodevelopmental impairmentMagnesium sulfateAssociation of antenatal corticosteroidsEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child HealthMagnesium sulfate therapyNational Institute of Child HealthInstitute of Child HealthAssociated with lower ratesExposure groupRate of deathPreterm childrenNeurodevelopmental outcomesLogistic regression modelsCorticosteroidsFollow-upPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesTherapyGestationNetwork hospitalsOxygen saturation histograms predict nasal continuous positive airway pressure-weaning success in preterm infants
Gentle S, Ambalavanan N, Carlo W. Oxygen saturation histograms predict nasal continuous positive airway pressure-weaning success in preterm infants. Pediatric Research 2020, 88: 637-641. PMID: 31972856, PMCID: PMC7223394, DOI: 10.1038/s41390-020-0772-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreterm infantsCPAP discontinuationOxygen saturationHigher oxygen saturationBackgroundContinuous positive airway pressureConclusionsIn preterm infantsPositive airway pressureCase-control studyWeeks gestationGestational ageAirway pressureControl infantsCPAP exposureBaseline characteristicsCPAPPostnatal weekClinical variablesPretermInfantsInclusion criteriaConsecutive daysGestationFiO2DaysWeaning
Oxygen saturation histogram monitoring to reduce death or retinopathy of prematurity: a quality improvement initiative
Gentle S, El-Ferzli G, Winter L, Salas A, Philips III J. Oxygen saturation histogram monitoring to reduce death or retinopathy of prematurity: a quality improvement initiative. Journal Of Perinatology 2019, 40: 163-169. PMID: 31506527, DOI: 10.1038/s41372-019-0486-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere retinopathy of prematurityRetinopathy of prematuritySevere retinopathyWeeks gestationReduce deathsRate of deathPreterm infantsConclusionIn infantsPrematurityGestationOxygen saturationHospital dischargeInfantsOutcome measuresQuality improvement initiativesDeathChart auditWeeksCare providersPeriodic assessmentRetinopathyIncreasing timeImprovement initiativesOxygen Therapy and Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterm Infants
Gentle S, Abman S, Ambalavanan N. Oxygen Therapy and Pulmonary Hypertension in Preterm Infants. Clinics In Perinatology 2019, 46: 611-619. PMID: 31345551, DOI: 10.1016/j.clp.2019.05.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsHumansHypertension, PulmonaryInfant, NewbornInfant, PrematureInfant, Premature, DiseasesOxygen Inhalation TherapyConceptsOxygen saturation targetsPulmonary hypertensionPreterm infantsSaturation targetsOxygen therapyHigher oxygen saturation targetsDevelopment of pulmonary hypertensionOptimal oxygen saturation targetsGoal of oxygen therapyEvaluating infantsCo-morbiditiesPretermHypertensionInfantsTherapyTrialsOutcomesNeOProMPrematurityHypoxemiaHyperoxemia
Environmental or Nasal Cannula Supplemental Oxygen for Preterm Infants: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial
Travers C, Carlo W, Nakhmani A, Bhatia S, Gentle S, Amperayani V, Indic P, Aban I, Ambalavanan N. Environmental or Nasal Cannula Supplemental Oxygen for Preterm Infants: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2018, 200: 98-103. PMID: 29705116, PMCID: PMC6109600, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.03.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpisodes of intermittent hypoxemiaPreterm infantsNasal cannulaIntermittent hypoxemiaSupplemental oxygenRandomized cross-over trialCross-over trialGestational agePostnatal dayBirth weightPretermHypoxemiaDecreased episodesInfantsOxygen saturationCannulaHoursPatient monitoringPatientsBirthWeeksTrialsCaffeine controversies
Gentle S, Travers C, Carlo W. Caffeine controversies. Current Opinion In Pediatrics 2018, 30: 177-181. PMID: 29346141, DOI: 10.1097/mop.0000000000000588.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsApnea of prematurityBronchopulmonary dysplasiaPreterm infantsEvidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasiaCaffeine usePatent ductus arteriosusRate of motor impairmentCaffeine therapyRate of deathRandomized controlled trialsDuctus arteriosusNeurodevelopmental impairmentTherapy initiationNeonatal careCaffeine groupFollow-upTiming of initiationInfantsPretermCaffeineDoseMotor impairmentRisk reductionImpairmentApnea