Weghuber D, Khandpur N, Boyland E, Mazur A, Frelut M, Forslund A, Vlachopapadopoulou E, Erhardt É, Vania A, Molnar D, Ring‐Dimitriou S, Caroli M, Mooney V, Forhan M, Ramos‐Salas X, Pulungan A, Holms J, O'Malley G, Baker J, Jastreboff A, Baur L, Thivel D. Championing the use of people‐first language in childhood overweight and obesity to address weight bias and stigma: A joint statement from the European‐Childhood‐Obesity‐Group (ECOG), the European‐Coalition‐for‐People‐Living‐with‐Obesity (ECPO), the International‐Paediatric‐Association (IPA), Obesity‐Canada, the European‐Association‐for‐the‐Study‐of‐Obesity Childhood‐Obesity‐Task‐Force (EASO‐COTF), Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), The Obesity Society (TOS) and the World‐Obesity‐Federation (WOF). Pediatric Obesity 2023, 18: e13024. PMID: 37002830, DOI: 10.1111/ijpo.13024.Peer-Reviewed Original Research