Maternal CXCR4 deletion results in placental defects and pregnancy loss mediated by immune dysregulation
Lyu F, Burzynski C, Fang Y, Tal A, Chen A, Kisa J, Agrawal K, Kluger Y, Taylor H, Tal R. Maternal CXCR4 deletion results in placental defects and pregnancy loss mediated by immune dysregulation. JCI Insight 2023, 8: e172216. PMID: 37815869, PMCID: PMC10721256, DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.172216.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCXCR4-deficient micePlacental vascular developmentNK cellsCxcr4 deletionNormal placental vascular developmentPlacental developmentNK cell dysfunctionNK cell expressionNK cell infiltrationNK cell functionRole of CXCR4Cell functionMaternal-fetal interfaceImmune cell functionEarly placental developmentWt CXCR4Immune dysregulationVascular developmentGiant cell layerImmune toleranceCXCR4 expressionPeripheral bloodPregnancy failureCell infiltrationPregnancy lossMATERNAL CXCR4 DELETION RESULTS IN PLACENTAL DEFECTS AND PREGNANCY LOSS MEDIATED BY IMMUNE DYSREGULATION THAT IS RESCUED BY ADOPTIVE TRANSFER OF CXCR4+ BONE MARROW CELLS
Lyu F, Burzynski C, Chen A, Taylor H, Tal R. MATERNAL CXCR4 DELETION RESULTS IN PLACENTAL DEFECTS AND PREGNANCY LOSS MEDIATED BY IMMUNE DYSREGULATION THAT IS RESCUED BY ADOPTIVE TRANSFER OF CXCR4+ BONE MARROW CELLS. Fertility And Sterility 2023, 120: e43-e44. DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2023.08.153.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAMH predicts miscarriage in non-PCOS but not in PCOS related infertility ART cycles
Arkfeld C, Han E, Tal R, Seifer D. AMH predicts miscarriage in non-PCOS but not in PCOS related infertility ART cycles. Reproductive Biology And Endocrinology 2023, 21: 35. PMID: 37020210, PMCID: PMC10074664, DOI: 10.1186/s12958-023-01087-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexMiscarriage rateMean AMHART cyclesNumber of embryosElevated AMHAMH valuesOdds ratioNon-PCOS patientsOverall miscarriage rateConfidence intervalsAutologous embryo transferSART CORS databaseMultivariate regression analysisHeterotopic pregnancyClinical pregnancyAMH levelsIVF cyclesPCOS patientsPCOS populationIndependent predictorsMass indexPatient populationOocyte bankingAutologous transferAMH independently predicts aneuploidy but not live birth per transfer in IVF PGT-A cycles
Li H, Seifer D, Tal R. AMH independently predicts aneuploidy but not live birth per transfer in IVF PGT-A cycles. Reproductive Biology And Endocrinology 2023, 21: 19. PMID: 36739415, PMCID: PMC9898926, DOI: 10.1186/s12958-023-01066-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnti-Müllerian hormoneNumber of embryosEuploid embryosLive birthsOocyte qualityAge groupsSignificant independent predictorsCase-control analysisSART CORS databasePreimplantation genetic testingAMH levelsIVF cyclesIndependent predictorsIVF outcomesOocyte yieldNormal embryosPredictive roleGenetic testingFinal analysisBirthAgeIVFSubset of cyclesHormonePGT
The Role of Angiogenic Factor Dysregulation in the Pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Chen A, Seifer D, Tal R. The Role of Angiogenic Factor Dysregulation in the Pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. 2022, 449-487. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-92589-5_23.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPolycystic ovarian syndromeOvulatory dysfunctionGrowth factorOvarian syndromePathophysiology of PCOSAngiogenic factorsAbnormal endometrial receptivityPCOS animal modelsOvarian hyperstimulation syndromeReproductive-age womenMenstrual cycle functionVascular endothelial growth factorNormal follicular developmentComplex endocrine disorderPlatelet-derived growth factorBasic fibroblast growth factorEndothelial growth factorFibroblast growth factorAngiogenesis dysfunctionHyperstimulation syndromeAngiogenic imbalancePCOS patientsPCOS managementPolycystic ovariesAngiogenesis-based therapiesChemokine C-X-C receptor 4 mediates recruitment of bone marrow-derived nonhematopoietic and immune cells to the pregnant uterusâ€
Fang YY, Lyu F, Abuwala N, Tal A, Chen AY, Taylor HS, Tal R. Chemokine C-X-C receptor 4 mediates recruitment of bone marrow-derived nonhematopoietic and immune cells to the pregnant uterus†. Biology Of Reproduction 2022, 106: 1083-1097. PMID: 35134114, PMCID: PMC9198949, DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioac029.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBone marrow-derived progenitor cellsBM-derived cellsPregnant deciduaPregnant uterusMarrow-derived progenitor cellsC receptor 4Pregnancy-induced increaseRecruitment of boneProgenitor cellsWild-type C57BL/6CXCL12-CXCR4 axisStem/progenitor cellsTamoxifen-inducible CreNK cellsControl miceBM donorsCXCR4 expressionTransgenic GFP miceImmune cellsReceptor 4Nonpregnant uterusChemokine CCXCL12 ligandFemale recipientsSuccessful implantationChapter 23 Polycystic ovarian syndrome and reproductive failure
Duero J, Tal R. Chapter 23 Polycystic ovarian syndrome and reproductive failure. 2022, 351-378. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-90805-4.00009-2.ChaptersPolycystic ovarian syndromeInsulin resistanceOvarian syndromeEndometrial receptivityUterine abnormalitiesReproductive dysfunctionPathophysiology of PCOSRecurrent pregnancy lossReproductive-age womenAbnormal follicular developmentRisk of obesityComplex endocrine disorderEndometrial gene expressionMajority of womenType II diabetesPregnancy complicationsPolycystic ovariesPreterm birthPlacental dysfunctionChronic inflammationClinical manifestationsEndocrine disordersImplantation failurePregnancy lossCardiovascular disease
Bone Marrow-Derived Progenitor Cells Contribute to Remodeling of the Postpartum Uterus
Tal R, Kisa J, Abuwala N, Kliman HJ, Shaikh S, Chen AY, Lyu F, Taylor HS. Bone Marrow-Derived Progenitor Cells Contribute to Remodeling of the Postpartum Uterus. Stem Cells 2021, 39: 1489-1505. PMID: 34224633, PMCID: PMC9313624, DOI: 10.1002/stem.3431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostpartum uterusEndometrial stem/progenitor cellsBone marrow-derived progenitor cellsMarrow-derived progenitor cellsF4/80 macrophage markerUterine tissue regenerationProgenitor cellsC57BL/6J female micePostpartum day 1Cytokeratin-positive epithelial cellsBlood vessel endotheliumStem/progenitor cellsPrepregnancy levelsBM transplantsEndometrial regenerationEndometrial cellsFemale miceMacrophage markersPan-leukocytesLuminal epitheliumBone marrowDay 1BMDCsUterine cellsVessel endotheliumLoss of Cxcr4 in Endometriosis Reduces Proliferation and Lesion Number while Increasing Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Infiltration
Tal A, Tal R, Kliman HJ, Taylor HS. Loss of Cxcr4 in Endometriosis Reduces Proliferation and Lesion Number while Increasing Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Infiltration. American Journal Of Pathology 2021, 191: 1292-1302. PMID: 33964217, PMCID: PMC8261475, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2021.04.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometriosis lesionsEpithelial compartmentLesion numberDisruption of CXCR4Intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltrationAdult female miceLoss of CXCR4CXCL12-CXCR4 axisTotal lesion areaProgesterone receptor promoterEndometriosis inductionLymphocyte infiltrationCXCR4 expressionFemale miceHost miceControl lesionsProestrus stageEpithelial proliferationImmune evasionCXCR4LesionsTherapeutic potentialLesion areaReduces ProliferationEpithelial cellsAMH Highly Correlates With Cumulative Live Birth Rate in Women with Diminished Ovarian Reserve Independent of Age*
Tal R, Seifer DB, Tal R, Granger E, Wantman E, Tal O. AMH Highly Correlates With Cumulative Live Birth Rate in Women with Diminished Ovarian Reserve Independent of Age*. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2021, 106: 2754-2766. PMID: 33729496, DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgab168.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCumulative live birth rateDiminished ovarian reserveLive birth rateSerum AMHLive birthsAge strataRetrieval cycleAntimüllerian hormone levelsReproductive technology cyclesCumulative live birthMain outcome measuresMultiple logistic regressionNumber of oocytesBirth rateRegression analysisPreimplantation genetic testingAddition of AMHPercentage of cyclesOvarian reserveIndependent predictorsOvarian responseHormone levelsRetrospective analysisOutcome measuresEmbryo transfer
Vertical transmission of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Kotlyar A, Grechukhina O, Chen A, Popkhadze S, Grimshaw A, Tal O, Taylor HS, Tal R. Vertical transmission of coronavirus disease 2019: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2020, 224: 35-53.e3. PMID: 32739398, PMCID: PMC7392880, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.07.049.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Syndrome coronavirus 2Coronavirus disease 2019Case series studyPooled proportionCoronavirus 2Disease 2019Vertical transmissionSystematic reviewNasopharyngeal swabsRNA testNeonatal serologySevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 positivitySeries studyCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infectionCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) diagnosisTesting of neonatesDisease 2019 infectionHours of birthNewcastle-Ottawa ScaleViral RNA testingNeonatal cord bloodRate of infection
Adult bone marrow progenitors become decidual cells and contribute to embryo implantation and pregnancy
Tal R, Shaikh S, Pallavi P, Tal A, López-Giráldez F, Lyu F, Fang YY, Chinchanikar S, Liu Y, Kliman HJ, Alderman M, Pluchino N, Kayani J, Mamillapalli R, Krause DS, Taylor HS. Adult bone marrow progenitors become decidual cells and contribute to embryo implantation and pregnancy. PLOS Biology 2019, 17: e3000421. PMID: 31513564, PMCID: PMC6742226, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000421.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBM transplantsDecidual cellsPregnancy lossMesenchymal stem cellsAdult bone marrow progenitorsDecidualization-related genesBone marrow progenitorsAdult bone marrowWT donorsPhysiologic contributionSuccessful pregnancyBMDC recruitmentStromal expansionImmune cellsEndometrial cellsDeficient miceUterine expressionUterine tissueDecidual stromaPregnancyBone marrowNonhematopoietic cellsBMDCsHemochorial placentaMarrow progenitorsAnti-Müllerian Hormone and its Predictive Utility in Assisted Reproductive Technologies Outcomes
GRANGER E, TAL R. Anti-Müllerian Hormone and its Predictive Utility in Assisted Reproductive Technologies Outcomes. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology 2019, Publish Ahead of Print: &na;. DOI: 10.1097/grf.0000000000000436.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnti-Müllerian hormoneART outcomesOvarian responseAssisted Reproductive Technology OutcomesControlled ovarian stimulationReproductive technology outcomesInformative biochemical markersHyperstimulation risksOvarian stimulationClinical utilitySensitive markerStimulation protocolBiochemical markersReproductive agingTechnology outcomesOutcomesHormonePredictive utilityBest predictorMarkersResponseAssessment of Ovarian Reserve
Nelson S, Tal R, Seifer D. Assessment of Ovarian Reserve. 2019, 36-48. DOI: 10.1017/9781316756744.003.ChaptersBone-marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells contribute to vasculogenesis of pregnant mouse uterusâ€
Tal R, Dong D, Shaikh S, Mamillapalli R, Taylor HS. Bone-marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells contribute to vasculogenesis of pregnant mouse uterus†. Biology Of Reproduction 2019, 100: 1228-1237. PMID: 30601943, PMCID: PMC6497522, DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioy265.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndothelial progenitor cellsPregnant uterusImplantation sitesPregnant miceBM-derived endothelial progenitor cellsProgenitor cellsEarly pregnant uterusUterine implantation sitesContribution of BMNew blood vesselsEndometrial growthBM transplantationEndothelial cell populationEndometrial vasculaturePregnancy maintenanceDecidual vasculatureMouse recipientsGestational dayVascular endotheliumEndothelial-specific promoterBone marrowTransgenic miceMouse deciduaFlow cytometryMiceChapter 25 The Role of Antimullerian Hormone in Assisted Reproduction
Tal R, Seifer D. Chapter 25 The Role of Antimullerian Hormone in Assisted Reproduction. 2019, 403-414. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-813209-8.00025-x.ChaptersAntimullerian hormoneOvarian responseControlled ovarian stimulationOnset of menopausePrimordial follicle poolInformative biochemical markersOvarian stimulationOvarian reserveFertility preservationAbnormal folliculogenesisFollicle poolClinical utilityParacrine regulatorSensitive markerStimulation protocolChronologic ageOvarian folliclesGranulosa cellsBiochemical markersReproductive agingReproductive medicineInverse correlationAssisted reproductionReproductive technologiesClinical application
Survival of the fastest
Das D, Tal R. Survival of the fastest. Molecular Reproduction And Development 2018, 86: 3-3. DOI: 10.1002/mrd.23056.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesCharacterization of cell fusion in an experimental mouse model of endometriosisâ€
Tal A, Tal R, Shaikh S, Gidicsin S, Mamillapalli R, Taylor H. Characterization of cell fusion in an experimental mouse model of endometriosis†. Biology Of Reproduction 2018, 100: 390-397. PMID: 30304517, PMCID: PMC7302516, DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioy221.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMouse modelLimited proliferative activityFunctional endometrial tissueBone marrow transplantation modelExperimental mouse modelEndometrial stem cellsPrincipal cell sourceRepair/regeneration processBone marrow cellsEndometriosis shareCell fusionEndometrial tissueEndometriosis lesionsEndometriotic lesionsUterine cavityTransplantation modelCell fusion eventsCre-lox systemEndometriosisEpithelial markersStromal compartmentLesionsMarrow cellsProliferative activitySca-1Same-day confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy failure in women with first- and early second-trimester bleeding
Mor A, Tal R, Haberman S, Kalgi B, Nasab SH, Minkoff H. Same-day confirmation of intrauterine pregnancy failure in women with first- and early second-trimester bleeding. Fertility And Sterility 2018, 109: 1060-1064. PMID: 29935643, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.02.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAbortion, IncompleteAbortion, LegalAbortion, SpontaneousAbortion, ThreatenedAdultalpha-FetoproteinsBlood Chemical AnalysisCerclage, CervicalDilatation and CurettageFemaleHumansMaternal Serum Screening TestsPregnancyPregnancy Trimester, FirstPregnancy Trimester, SecondReproducibility of ResultsSensitivity and SpecificityTime FactorsUterine HemorrhageVaginaConceptsMaternal serumVaginal bloodVaginal bleedingFetal tissuesSecond trimester bleedingProspective cohort studyAlpha-fetoprotein concentrationAFP concentrationProducts of conceptionGroup of womenCerclage groupCerclage placementCohort studyIncomplete miscarriagePregnancy failureMedical CenterMAIN OUTCOMEBleedingMiscarriageBloodSerumAFPTissueWomenCharacteristic analysisPathway of Maternal Serotonin to the Human Embryo and Fetus
Kliman HJ, Quaratella SB, Setaro AC, Siegman EC, Subha ZT, Tal R, Milano KM, Steck TL. Pathway of Maternal Serotonin to the Human Embryo and Fetus. Endocrinology 2018, 159: 1609-1629. PMID: 29381782, DOI: 10.1210/en.2017-03025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnimalsATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B, Member 1Connexin 43FemaleFetusHumansMaternal-Fetal ExchangeMiceMonoamine OxidaseOctamer Transcription Factor-3PlacentaPregnancyPregnancy Trimester, FirstPregnancy Trimester, SecondSerotoninSerotonin Plasma Membrane Transport ProteinsTrophoblastsTryptophan Hydroxylase