Cumulus cells of euploid versus whole chromosome 21 aneuploid embryos reveal differentially expressed genes
Tiegs AW, Titus S, Mehta S, Garcia-Milian R, Seli E, Scott RT. Cumulus cells of euploid versus whole chromosome 21 aneuploid embryos reveal differentially expressed genes. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 2021, 43: 614-626. PMID: 34417138, DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2021.06.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerum response factorCumulus cellsDifferential gene expressionRNA sequencing analysisGene expression analysisIngenuity Pathway AnalysisCellular communication network factor 1Embryo developmental competenceExpression analysisPreimplantation embryo qualityGene expressionPathway analysisSegment polarity protein 2Sequencing analysisGenesProtein 2Response factorTrisomy 21Factor 1Developmental competenceAneuploid embryosReal-time polymerase chain reaction assaysDevelopment of biomarkersEmbryosCells
Impaired Mitochondrial Stress Response due to CLPP Deletion Is Associated with Altered Mitochondrial Dynamics and Increased Apoptosis in Cumulus Cells
Esencan E, Jiang Z, Wang T, Zhang M, Soylemez-Imamoglu G, Seli E. Impaired Mitochondrial Stress Response due to CLPP Deletion Is Associated with Altered Mitochondrial Dynamics and Increased Apoptosis in Cumulus Cells. Reproductive Sciences 2020, 27: 621-630. PMID: 31939198, DOI: 10.1007/s43032-019-00063-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCaseinolytic peptidase PCumulus cell functionClpP deletionMitochondrial unfolded protein responseMitochondrial stress responseCumulus cellsUnfolded protein responseRNA sequencing analysisAltered mitochondrial dynamicsCell functionProtein homeostasisMitochondrial dynamics genesCLPP resultsMitochondrial dynamicsDynamic genesPhagosome pathwayProtein responseCellular metabolismGene expressionWild typeStress responseCumulus oophorus complexesMitochondrial ultrastructureSequencing analysisApoptotic activity
Cumulus cells have longer telomeres than leukocytes in reproductive-age women
Lara-Molina EE, Franasiak JM, Marin D, Tao X, DÃaz-Gimeno P, Florensa M, Martin M, Seli E, Pellicer A. Cumulus cells have longer telomeres than leukocytes in reproductive-age women. Fertility And Sterility 2019, 113: 217-223. PMID: 31594634, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.08.089.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLeukocyte telomere lengthGranulosa cellsCumulus cellsTelomere lengthAssisted reproductive technology centerRelative leukocyte telomere lengthProspective noninterventional studyAntimüllerian hormone levelsAntral follicle countReproductive-age womenReproductive technology centerLonger telomeresNoninterventional studyFollicle countMean ageHormone levelsFollicular environmentMAIN OUTCOMEMature folliclesStudy subjectsSignificant associationFollicular cellsMean numberMature oocytesSignificant differences
DNA methylation-based age prediction and telomere length in white blood cells and cumulus cells of infertile women with normal or poor response to ovarian stimulation
Morin SJ, Tao X, Marin D, Zhan Y, Landis J, Bedard J, Scott RT, Seli E. DNA methylation-based age prediction and telomere length in white blood cells and cumulus cells of infertile women with normal or poor response to ovarian stimulation. Aging 2018, 10: 3761-3773. PMID: 30530921, PMCID: PMC6326671, DOI: 10.18632/aging.101670.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronologic agePremature reproductive agingReproductive-age womenWhite blood cellsOvarian stimulationInfertile womenOvarian responsePatient ageInfertile patientsAge womenPoor responseFollicular somatic cellsReproductive agingFertility treatmentCumulus cellsBlood cellsTelomere lengthAgeWomenPatientsStimulationWBCFemale ageRiskReproductive senescence
Embryonic Poly(A)-Binding Protein (EPAB) Is Required for Granulosa Cell EGF Signaling and Cumulus Expansion in Female Mice
Yang CR, Lowther KM, Lalioti MD, Seli E. Embryonic Poly(A)-Binding Protein (EPAB) Is Required for Granulosa Cell EGF Signaling and Cumulus Expansion in Female Mice. Endocrinology 2015, 157: 405-416. PMID: 26492470, PMCID: PMC4701890, DOI: 10.1210/en.2015-1135.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBone Morphogenetic Protein 15Cell ProliferationCells, CulturedCoculture TechniquesCumulus CellsEpidermal Growth FactorErbB ReceptorsFemaleGranulosa CellsGrowth Differentiation Factor 9Luteinizing HormoneMAP Kinase Signaling SystemMice, KnockoutOocytesPhosphorylationPoly(A)-Binding ProteinsProtein Processing, Post-TranslationalReceptors, LHSignal TransductionConceptsEpidermal growth factorZygotic genome activationP90 ribosomal S6 kinaseBone morphogenetic protein 15Cumulus cellsRibosomal S6 kinaseImpaired oocyte maturationCumulus expansionGrowth differentiation factor 9Genome activationDifferentiation factor 9S6 kinaseEarly embryosTranslational activationEGF signalingEGF receptorFemale micePhosphorylated MEK1/2EGF treatmentBinding proteinFactor 9Cells exhibitOocyte maturationProteinProtein 15Poor ovarian response in women undergoing in vitro fertilization is associated with altered microRNA expression in cumulus cells
Karakaya C, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Uyar A, Kallen AN, Babayev E, Bozkurt N, Unsal E, Karabacak O, Seli E. Poor ovarian response in women undergoing in vitro fertilization is associated with altered microRNA expression in cumulus cells. Fertility And Sterility 2015, 103: 1469-1476.e3. PMID: 25910568, PMCID: PMC5648585, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.02.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIVF-intracytoplasmic sperm injectionMiR-21-5p expressionPoor respondersMiR-21-5pMiR-21-3pCumulus cellsHuman granulosa-like tumor cellsMicro-ribonucleic acid (miRNA) expressionMiR-21-3p expressionLower serum E2 levelsMiR-21Elevated expressionPoor ovarian responseSerum E2 levelsReverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reactionTranscription real-time polymerase chain reactionNumber of oocytesLower E2 concentrationsAcademic medical centerReal-time polymerase chain reactionRespective age groupsMicroRNA microarray analysisOvarian responseAltered miRNA expressionE2 levels
Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) alternative skipping of exon 2 or 3 affects ovarian response to FSH
Karakaya C, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Hobbs RJ, Gerasimova T, Uyar A, Erdem M, Oktem M, Erdem A, Gumuslu S, Ercan D, Sakkas D, Comizzoli P, Seli E, Lalioti MD. Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) alternative skipping of exon 2 or 3 affects ovarian response to FSH. Molecular Human Reproduction 2014, 20: 630-643. PMID: 24670307, PMCID: PMC4072182, DOI: 10.1093/molehr/gau024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlternative splicingAlternative skippingExon 2Species-specific regulationDNA sequence variationPost-transcriptional modificationsFull-length proteinNorth American originMammalian ovarian functionAmino acid substitutionsDifferent genetic backgroundsHormone receptor geneGood comparative modelResult of evolutionSequence variationFollicle-stimulating hormoneSplicing variantsSplicingSpecies-specific formsAcid substitutionsHEK293 cellsFollicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) geneGenetic backgroundHuman FSHRAmerican origin
Characterization of the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor (GnRHR) Expression and Activity in the Female Mouse Ovary
Torrealday S, Lalioti MD, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Seli E. Characterization of the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor (GnRHR) Expression and Activity in the Female Mouse Ovary. Endocrinology 2013, 154: 3877-3887. PMID: 23913446, PMCID: PMC3776864, DOI: 10.1210/en.2013-1341.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGranulosa/cumulus cellsGranulosa cellsMouse ovariesReceptor expressionPrimary mouse granulosa cellsCumulus cellsPregnant mare serum gonadotropinIntracellular cAMPHormone receptor expressionGnRH receptor expressionCultured granulosa cellsOvarian granulosa cellsMouse granulosa cellsMechanism of actionGonadotoxic chemotherapyQuantitative RT-PCRGnRH agonistGnRHR mRNAFertility preservationMouse pituitary cellsLuciferase reporter plasmidSerum gonadotropinPituitary cell linePituitary cellsPituitary tissueCumulus and granulosa cell markers of oocyte and embryo quality
Uyar A, Torrealday S, Seli E. Cumulus and granulosa cell markers of oocyte and embryo quality. Fertility And Sterility 2013, 99: 979-997. PMID: 23498999, PMCID: PMC3866131, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.01.129.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reactionGranulosa cell gene expressionRelevant outcome parametersReverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reactionTranscriptase-polymerase chain reactionMural granulosa cellsGranulosa cell markersBiomarkers of oocyteClinical benefitOutcome parametersWhole genome expression profilingGranulosa cellsOocyte qualityEmbryo qualityCell markersFollicular cellsNoninvasive meansCell gene expressionGenome expression profilingChain reactionEmbryo competenceMultitude of studiesOocytesTranscriptomic profilingExpression profiling