Featured Publications
Mutations in KATNB1 Cause Complex Cerebral Malformations by Disrupting Asymmetrically Dividing Neural Progenitors
Mishra-Gorur K, Çağlayan AO, Schaffer AE, Chabu C, Henegariu O, Vonhoff F, Akgümüş GT, Nishimura S, Han W, Tu S, Baran B, Gümüş H, Dilber C, Zaki MS, Hossni HA, Rivière JB, Kayserili H, Spencer EG, Rosti RÖ, Schroth J, Per H, Çağlar C, Çağlar Ç, Dölen D, Baranoski JF, Kumandaş S, Minja FJ, Erson-Omay EZ, Mane SM, Lifton RP, Xu T, Keshishian H, Dobyns WB, C. N, Šestan N, Louvi A, Bilgüvar K, Yasuno K, Gleeson JG, Günel M. Mutations in KATNB1 Cause Complex Cerebral Malformations by Disrupting Asymmetrically Dividing Neural Progenitors. Neuron 2014, 84: 1226-1239. PMID: 25521378, PMCID: PMC5024344, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.12.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComplex cerebral malformationsCerebral cortical malformationsMicrotubule-severing enzyme kataninExome sequencing analysisMitotic spindle formationDrosophila optic lobeCerebral malformationsPatient-derived fibroblastsCell cycle progression delayCortical malformationsMotor neuronsComplex malformationsMicrotubule-associated proteinsCortical developmentReduced cell numberOptic lobeRegulatory subunitBrain developmentCatalytic subunitDeleterious mutationsSpindle formationSupernumerary centrosomesArborization defectsMalformationsHuman phenotypes
Exome sequencing implicates genetic disruption of prenatal neuro-gliogenesis in sporadic congenital hydrocephalus
Jin SC, Dong W, Kundishora AJ, Panchagnula S, Moreno-De-Luca A, Furey CG, Allocco AA, Walker RL, Nelson-Williams C, Smith H, Dunbar A, Conine S, Lu Q, Zeng X, Sierant MC, Knight JR, Sullivan W, Duy PQ, DeSpenza T, Reeves BC, Karimy JK, Marlier A, Castaldi C, Tikhonova IR, Li B, Peña HP, Broach JR, Kabachelor EM, Ssenyonga P, Hehnly C, Ge L, Keren B, Timberlake AT, Goto J, Mangano FT, Johnston JM, Butler WE, Warf BC, Smith ER, Schiff SJ, Limbrick DD, Heuer G, Jackson EM, Iskandar BJ, Mane S, Haider S, Guclu B, Bayri Y, Sahin Y, Duncan CC, Apuzzo MLJ, DiLuna ML, Hoffman EJ, Sestan N, Ment LR, Alper SL, Bilguvar K, Geschwind DH, Günel M, Lifton RP, Kahle KT. Exome sequencing implicates genetic disruption of prenatal neuro-gliogenesis in sporadic congenital hydrocephalus. Nature Medicine 2020, 26: 1754-1765. PMID: 33077954, PMCID: PMC7871900, DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-1090-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCongenital hydrocephalusPoor neurodevelopmental outcomesPost-surgical patientsCerebrospinal fluid accumulationNeural stem cell biologyGenetic disruptionWhole-exome sequencingPrimary pathomechanismEarly brain developmentNeurodevelopmental outcomesHigh morbidityCSF diversionMutation burdenFluid accumulationBrain ventriclesCH casesBrain developmentDe novo mutationsPatientsExome sequencingCSF dynamicsDisease mechanismsHydrocephalusNovo mutationsCell types
De Novo Mutation in Genes Regulating Neural Stem Cell Fate in Human Congenital Hydrocephalus
Furey CG, Choi J, Jin SC, Zeng X, Timberlake AT, Nelson-Williams C, Mansuri MS, Lu Q, Duran D, Panchagnula S, Allocco A, Karimy JK, Khanna A, Gaillard JR, DeSpenza T, Antwi P, Loring E, Butler WE, Smith ER, Warf BC, Strahle JM, Limbrick DD, Storm PB, Heuer G, Jackson EM, Iskandar BJ, Johnston JM, Tikhonova I, Castaldi C, López-Giráldez F, Bjornson RD, Knight JR, Bilguvar K, Mane S, Alper SL, Haider S, Guclu B, Bayri Y, Sahin Y, Apuzzo MLJ, Duncan CC, DiLuna ML, Günel M, Lifton RP, Kahle KT. De Novo Mutation in Genes Regulating Neural Stem Cell Fate in Human Congenital Hydrocephalus. Neuron 2018, 99: 302-314.e4. PMID: 29983323, PMCID: PMC7839075, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.06.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCohort StudiesExomeExome SequencingFemaleHumansHydrocephalusMaleMutationNeural Stem CellsPatched-1 ReceptorPedigreeTranscription FactorsConceptsCongenital hydrocephalusNeural stem cell fateHuman congenital hydrocephalusDamaging de novoCerebrospinal fluid homeostasisSubstantial morbidityCH patientsTherapeutic ramificationsSignificant burdenBrain ventriclesCH pathogenesisNeural tube developmentFluid homeostasisDe novo mutationsExome sequencingAdditional probandsHydrocephalusPathogenesisNovo mutationsNovo duplicationProbandsDe novoCell fateMorbidityPatients
Disruptions in asymmetric centrosome inheritance and WDR62-Aurora kinase B interactions in primary microcephaly
Sgourdou P, Mishra-Gorur K, Saotome I, Henagariu O, Tuysuz B, Campos C, Ishigame K, Giannikou K, Quon JL, Sestan N, Caglayan AO, Gunel M, Louvi A. Disruptions in asymmetric centrosome inheritance and WDR62-Aurora kinase B interactions in primary microcephaly. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 43708. PMID: 28272472, PMCID: PMC5341122, DOI: 10.1038/srep43708.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAurora Kinase BBrainCell CycleCell Cycle ProteinsCell DifferentiationCell ProliferationCentrosomeConsanguinityDisease Models, AnimalEpistasis, GeneticFluorescent Antibody TechniqueGene ExpressionHumansInheritance PatternsMaleMiceMice, KnockoutMicrocephalyMutationNerve Tissue ProteinsNeural Stem CellsPedigreeWhole Genome SequencingConceptsChromosome passenger complexPatient-derived fibroblastsCentrosome inheritanceNeocortical progenitorsDisease-associated mutant formsSpindle pole localizationAurora kinase BPassenger complexMitotic progressionMouse orthologDiverse functionsMutant formsWD repeat domain 62Key regulatorCPC componentsKinase BPole localizationPrimary microcephalyLate neurogenesisRecessive mutationsNeuronal differentiationWDR62Severe brain malformationsReduced proliferationNeocortical development
Ccm3, a gene associated with cerebral cavernous malformations, is required for neuronal migration
Louvi A, Nishimura S, Günel M. Ccm3, a gene associated with cerebral cavernous malformations, is required for neuronal migration. Development 2014, 141: 1404-1415. PMID: 24595293, PMCID: PMC3943187, DOI: 10.1242/dev.093526.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsApoptosis Regulatory ProteinsCell MovementCell ProliferationCyclin-Dependent Kinase 5FemaleHemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous SystemIntracellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsMiceMice, KnockoutMice, TransgenicNeocortexNeural Stem CellsNeurogliaPregnancyrho GTP-Binding ProteinsrhoA GTP-Binding ProteinSignal TransductionConceptsCerebral cavernous malformation 3Neuronal migrationCerebral cavernous malformationsRadial glia progenitorsCell non-autonomous functionCerebrovascular disordersPyramidal neuronsCortical plateLaminar positioningSubventricular zoneCortical developmentCavernous malformationsRadial gliaLoss of functionNascent neuronsNeuronal morphologySevere malformationsGlia progenitorsNeural progenitorsNeuronsNon-autonomous functionsMalformationsRhoA pathwayPossible interactionsGlia
The Essential Role of Centrosomal NDE1 in Human Cerebral Cortex Neurogenesis
Bakircioglu M, Carvalho OP, Khurshid M, Cox JJ, Tuysuz B, Barak T, Yilmaz S, Caglayan O, Dincer A, Nicholas AK, Quarrell O, Springell K, Karbani G, Malik S, Gannon C, Sheridan E, Crosier M, Lisgo SN, Lindsay S, Bilguvar K, Gergely F, Gunel M, Woods CG. The Essential Role of Centrosomal NDE1 in Human Cerebral Cortex Neurogenesis. American Journal Of Human Genetics 2011, 88: 523-535. PMID: 21529752, PMCID: PMC3146716, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.03.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCell Cycle ProteinsCentrosomeCerebral CortexChild, PreschoolDNA Mutational AnalysisEpithelial CellsExonsFemaleGenetic LinkageHeLa CellsHomozygoteHumansInfantMaleMiceMicrocephalyMicrotubule-Associated ProteinsMutationNeural Stem CellsNeurogenesisNeuronsPhenotypePregnancyRNA, MessengerTransfectionConceptsCortical laminationPatient-derived cell linesDistinct homozygous mutationsProfound mental retardationCerebral cortexCerebral cortex neurogenesisMouse embryonic brainNeuron productionBrain scansPostmortem dataEmbryonic brainNeural precursorsHomozygous mutationNeuroepithelial cellsNeurogenesisPatient cellsMental retardationExtreme microcephalyAffected individualsEarly neurogenesisCell linesT mutationPakistani originBrainTurkish family