Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Fate Specification in Health and Disease
September 25, 2020Dr. Diane Krause
Professor of Laboratory Medicine, Pathology and Cell Biology, Yale University
Blood and Bone Webinar
March 23, 2020
- ID
- 5677
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- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:00OK, so welcome. I'm going to be
- 00:03talking about hematopoietic stem and
- 00:05progenitor cell fate specification
- 00:06in health predominantly and disease
- 00:08and I just loved megakaryocytes,
- 00:11so I have a picture of a gorgeous
- 00:13megakaryocyte here you can see all of
- 00:16the nuclei inside this megakaryocyte.
- 00:18This megakaryocyte became polyploid
- 00:19in vitro, so the nuclei,
- 00:21or separate and abstained the cytoskeleton.
- 00:24The actin and tubulin and you can
- 00:26just see how gorgeous these cells are.
- 00:30So I have to be able to go forward.
- 00:33There we go.
- 00:34So this is just the hematopoietic tree
- 00:36for anybody who is new to him out of
- 00:39police is these are hematopoietic stem cells.
- 00:42They divide and differentiate,
- 00:44become hematopoetic progenitor cells and
- 00:46then the classic tree shows that they
- 00:48split into common lymphoid progenitors,
- 00:50which will make the B&T cells and NK cells
- 00:52and Common myeloid progenitor cells,
- 00:55amongst which then you get me
- 00:57P Mega Rich Royd Projectors,
- 00:59which is what I'll be focusing on today.
- 01:02Since it's bright orange
- 01:03granulocyte monocyte for janitors,
- 01:04the maker annulus sites and monocytes
- 01:07and these mega rich right for janitors
- 01:09that make the megakaryocytes and
- 01:11are it's red cells and we produce
- 01:13about 2 * 10 to the 11th.
- 01:15New platelets and red blood cells daily,
- 01:18and if you calculate that down it's
- 01:20about 2 million platelets in 2
- 01:22million red cells at every second.
- 01:24So these MVP are very,
- 01:26very busy and we'd like to better
- 01:28understand how the MVP Self Renew
- 01:30and choose a fate to become.
- 01:32With Droid Versus Megakaryocytic.
- 01:35This image just shows that there
- 01:37are over 14 million platelet
- 01:38transfusions worldwide annually,
- 01:40which we would like to be able
- 01:42to decrease the need for donors.
- 01:45An if there were ways of making
- 01:47platelets in vitro that would be
- 01:49great and this is from an excellent
- 01:52video that might all talk will
- 01:54be available on YouTube later.
- 01:56Jonathan has a video of Platelet formation
- 01:58and this these images are from that.
- 02:01It's spectacular.
- 02:02I highly recommend it.
- 02:03OK,
- 02:03so why do we study the megakaryocyte?
- 02:06Erythroid progenitor or me P,
- 02:08which makes Mega Mega Carey site
- 02:11progenitors which make megakaryocytes
- 02:13and platelets and erythroid
- 02:14progenitors that make red blood cells.
- 02:17So we studied this for lots of
- 02:19reasons and you guys could probably
- 02:21come up with additional good ones.
- 02:23But first of all it just by
- 02:25learning how the MVP makes it date,
- 02:27it's fate.
- 02:28Decisions were learning really about
- 02:29cell fate decisions in general,
- 02:31basics of stem cell biology,
- 02:32what makes us Ella stem cell?
- 02:34What makes a cell at progenitor cell,
- 02:36and how does it make its fate?
- 02:39Decisions for regenerative medicine purposes,
- 02:40it's good to understand how this
- 02:42actually occurs in vivo,
- 02:43so that we can improve our
- 02:45approaches for making platelets
- 02:47and red blood cells in vitro.
- 02:48For patients,
- 02:49and also because understanding this
- 02:52entire lineages and how it's regulated
- 02:55will lead to the discovery of potential
- 02:58targets for disorders of the Mega.
- 03:00Carey's itinerary thread lineages.
- 03:02So how can one distinguish an
- 03:04Emmy PA megathread progenitor
- 03:06cell functionally in FINA?
- 03:07Typically this is a challenge that
- 03:10was initially taken up by Ched Sonata
- 03:12when he was a postdoc in my lab,
- 03:14and then followed up by
- 03:16Juliana Javie Ferruccio,
- 03:17who then finish the work and what
- 03:19they did is they figured out a way
- 03:21where you start with a single cell.
- 03:24You hope it's a mega rich Rd progenitor,
- 03:26and if you keep that cell in
- 03:29culture for about 2 weeks,
- 03:30it will form a colony of cells where
- 03:33the only cells in that colony.
- 03:35Are megakaryocytes and red blood cells,
- 03:37so this is this was the goal and this is
- 03:40what Chad and you figured out how to do.
- 03:43So basically what they would
- 03:45do is fax sort candidate MPs,
- 03:47megathread progenitor cells and
- 03:48put them into semisolid media.
- 03:50Very, very seriously.
- 03:51So none of the two colonies would
- 03:53be bumping up against each other
- 03:56and then waited 13 to 15 days and
- 03:58at the end of that period they
- 04:00stained with antibodies.
- 04:01They staying with an antibody
- 04:03against Glycophorin A,
- 04:04which is a red blood cell antigen.
- 04:06And again CD41A,
- 04:07which is on Maggie Carey sites and
- 04:09you can see we have some colonies
- 04:12that are erythroid only and some
- 04:14colonies that are Mega Carey site
- 04:15only and then we have some colonies
- 04:18that have both colors in them and
- 04:20these are colonies that we can see.
- 04:22If you mke because they have both
- 04:25megakaryocytes and erythrocytes.
- 04:26So using this functional readout
- 04:28for a by potent progenitor chat and
- 04:31then shoe went through Facs sorting
- 04:33protocols to try to identify the best
- 04:36enrichment they could for primary
- 04:38human megathread progenitors and
- 04:40what they discovered is if you gate
- 04:43within the 34 positive Lynn negative 135.
- 04:45That's all three receptor negative CD,
- 04:4845 RA negative population.
- 04:49If you look for Maple,
- 04:51which is the receptor for thrombo
- 04:53poet and the vast majority of
- 04:56these cells are Maple positive.
- 04:58It's not limited to megakaryocytes,
- 05:00we know he mad about extending
- 05:02projector cells expressed nipple,
- 05:03but then there was also this nipple
- 05:06low population and if we look at that
- 05:09and compared to excuse me CD 38 which
- 05:11I'm sorry that should be labeled better.
- 05:14What we can find is that the
- 05:16erythroid progenitors tend to have
- 05:18less nipple and more CD 38 so
- 05:20if we enrich for this population
- 05:22they grow erythroid only colonies.
- 05:24If you then take this population which
- 05:27is really in the middle for 3038,
- 05:29it's not the most negative and
- 05:31it's not the most positive.
- 05:33And then you get on CD 41.
- 05:35You can find CD 41 positive Meg
- 05:38progenitors that make Mega Carey
- 05:39site only colonies and these MVP,
- 05:41which made colonies that have
- 05:44both Meg Anorith Royd cells.
- 05:46When they enriched for these populations,
- 05:48this is what the colonies look like,
- 05:51and you'll see a lot of these
- 05:53graphs in my talk,
- 05:55so I'm going to go through this slowly.
- 05:57What I'm showing you here on
- 05:59the Y axis is
- 06:00the number of colonies per 100 cells plated,
- 06:03and what I'm showing you in blue is the
- 06:06number of those colonies that had both
- 06:08megakaryocytes and erythrocytes in them,
- 06:10so a by potent colony and you can see
- 06:13about half of the colonies that grow.
- 06:16Have megakaryocytes and erythrocytes and E.
- 06:18Only colony has just erythrocytes and a Meg.
- 06:21Only colony has just megakaryocytes.
- 06:23We also enriched as I said for Meg
- 06:26Progenitors which are in the CD 41
- 06:29positive population and erythroid
- 06:31progenitors which are in the.
- 06:33Nipple low population that has more CD 38.
- 06:36So we were able to enrich for these cells.
- 06:39We always get some erythroid, only an MB.
- 06:42Only colonies in our cultures of MVP.
- 06:44So one of our questions is really,
- 06:46is this a uniform population where by
- 06:49chance some of the colonies will be
- 06:51erythroid only and some will be Meg only?
- 06:54Or we really contaminated here
- 06:55with some erythroid progenitors and
- 06:57some Meg progenitors.
- 06:58So what we next did is to better
- 07:00understand this Anne how fake
- 07:02decisions actually occur is performed.
- 07:04Single cell RNA seq on the
- 07:06different populations in this work.
- 07:08Was done by Yishun,
- 07:09or will Lou in my laboratory.
- 07:12So what he did is he fax sorted out the
- 07:15candidate Mega Rich Ride Projectors.
- 07:18The Meg Progenitors the erythroid
- 07:20progenitors and then the upstream
- 07:21common myeloid progenitors,
- 07:23and this was done with single cell seq
- 07:26that was run by Amazong in the Yale
- 07:29stem cell center or genomics core.
- 07:32The data were then analyzed with
- 07:33the assistance of Nathan Salamone's
- 07:35at University Cincinnati,
- 07:36and I want to take a minute to
- 07:38really look at this heat map,
- 07:40'cause it gave us a lot of information.
- 07:42That was some of it quite surprising.
- 07:45So what you can see here is these are
- 07:47single cells from top to bottom that are
- 07:49from the common myeloid progenitor gate.
- 07:52These are single cells from the
- 07:53Mega Rich Royd Projector Gate.
- 07:55These are cells from the megakaryocyte
- 07:57progenitor gate and the erythroid
- 07:58progenitor gate and what you can
- 08:00see is there are distinct gene
- 08:02expression patterns that are unique.
- 08:03To arrest rate for janitors.
- 08:05Jeans are from left to right here.
- 08:07So these are genes that are expressed
- 08:09uniquely in Eryth Roid Progenitors.
- 08:11These are genes that are expressed
- 08:13uniquely in Meg progenitors.
- 08:14Mazer jeans that are expressed
- 08:16predominantly in common myeloid progenitors.
- 08:18But there's no such group of jeans
- 08:20for the Mega Mega Carey Cider
- 08:22Ridge Rd for generators.
- 08:24They really seem to be a
- 08:26transitional population.
- 08:26That's between the CMP where some
- 08:28of the CMP jeans are still on,
- 08:31but they're all going to turn
- 08:33off when they be picked.
- 08:34A fate to be Mega Rich,
- 08:36Royd,
- 08:37and then you see some that are
- 08:39me P an MB only,
- 08:40and some that are me P Anorith Droid only,
- 08:43and what that taught us is that
- 08:45MVP really are a unique population.
- 08:48They are not contaminated
- 08:49with Meg Progenitors.
- 08:50'cause these jeans are
- 08:51not on yet and they're not
- 08:53contaminated with the rich Roy Projectors.
- 08:55They really are at their own
- 08:57unique population that has a
- 08:59little bit of expression of E.
- 09:01Only jeans, MK only jeans,
- 09:03and some leftover from this
- 09:04common myeloid progenitor.
- 09:05So true transitional population.
- 09:08And we wanted to then look at the
- 09:10specific genes that turn on and off and
- 09:13understand whether the fate decisions
- 09:14are made according to what had been
- 09:17classic dogma in the literature.
- 09:19So the classic dug in the literature
- 09:21is than any pee pics to be a
- 09:23mega Carey Cider Inner it's roid
- 09:25commitment by expression of KLF one,
- 09:27or flee once OK LF one is also
- 09:30known as a rich Rd krupa like
- 09:32factor or E KLF and flea one is a
- 09:35transcription factor that is known
- 09:37to be necessary for Meg progenitors.
- 09:39To differentiate into megakaryocytes so when
- 09:41we looked at the gene expression of these,
- 09:43we thought we would find is that
- 09:45these cells are uniquely flea.
- 09:47One positive these cells are uniquely
- 09:49KLF one positive and these cells
- 09:51pick one or the other, or neither.
- 09:53But that's not what we got.
- 09:54Oh, and it's already been shown.
- 09:56I'm sorry in the dogma that
- 09:58fully one turns off KLF one.
- 10:00Tail F1 turns awfully one in cell lines,
- 10:03but when we looked at the gene expression
- 10:05patterns of all the various gene patterns,
- 10:07we could have jeans that are on and
- 10:09then off and the other lineages,
- 10:11or often CMP in them on in
- 10:13the other lineages,
- 10:14we found that there were very few
- 10:17transcription factors that really
- 10:18told us the story to as to how
- 10:20these state decisions are made.
- 10:22So just looking at flea one and KLF
- 10:24one what you can see is now what
- 10:26I've done is from the heat map.
- 10:29We still have.
- 10:29These are individual CMP's individual MPs,
- 10:31individual Meg progenitors and
- 10:32individual rich Rd projectors.
- 10:34And these are comb plots of individual genes,
- 10:37so KLF one.
- 10:38As you can see,
- 10:39is expressed in some me P in
- 10:41some Meg progenitors.
- 10:42It's predominantly expressed
- 10:43in the erythroid progenitors,
- 10:45but it's really not showing you that it's
- 10:48clearly making a fate decision of any sort.
- 10:50Flea.
- 10:51One is also expressed in almost
- 10:53every Lenny Edge at well.
- 10:55Yes,
- 10:55it is expressed strongly in Meg Progenitors.
- 10:57It's also expressed throughout MVP,
- 10:59and if you look for Co expression
- 11:02of flea one and KLF one in MVP.
- 11:04Sometimes it is coexpressed in,
- 11:06sometimes it's not,
- 11:07so it wasn't quite so simple.
- 11:08We also looked at Gotta One and
- 11:10got it two which are known to
- 11:12be critical for a rich Rd in
- 11:14megakaryocytic maturation.
- 11:15And what you can see is that gotta
- 11:17one comes on when the cells commit
- 11:19to the megathread progenitor
- 11:20lineages and then stay on.
- 11:21In both lineages got it too is
- 11:24expressed throughout as his NFE 2.
- 11:26So what really is going on and
- 11:28what's making these fate decisions?
- 11:29We looked at all of the different
- 11:32gene expression patterns and
- 11:33found some pretty interesting
- 11:34genes and genes that are
- 11:36somewhat me specific that we're
- 11:37pursuing further in my lab.
- 11:39But really, what the data ended
- 11:41up showing is that it's not one
- 11:43specific group of jeans I wanted
- 11:45to make sure to stop and say again,
- 11:48this is going to be.
- 11:50Publicly available on YouTube at
- 11:52this URL that I have down here and
- 11:54it's also available in the paper,
- 11:56you can actually put any gene
- 11:58of interest in an get the comb
- 12:00plots that you're interested in
- 12:02from the are single cell data.
- 12:04OK, So what ended up happening is
- 12:06when we analyze these data using gene
- 12:08ontogeny and other approaches is
- 12:10the cell cycle was amongst the most
- 12:12the genes of the cell cycle where
- 12:14the most differentially expressed.
- 12:15When you compared me, PETA,
- 12:17Meg progenitors and me Peter
- 12:19it's red projectors.
- 12:20You can see regulation of the
- 12:21cell cycle comes up here and then.
- 12:24All of these different differences
- 12:25between MVP and MKP and this actually
- 12:27kind of hit a nerve with us 'cause
- 12:30we already had a finding that
- 12:32suggested this might be the case.
- 12:34What we already knew.
- 12:35We had tried some candidate
- 12:37drugs to see if we could.
- 12:39If they affect the Mega Rich Rd
- 12:40fate decision and we had added for
- 12:42example all trans retinoic acid
- 12:44at low and high concentrations and
- 12:46seeing a dose dependent increase in
- 12:48megakaryocyte fate specification.
- 12:49Similarly with Rappo Mison with a dose
- 12:51dependent increase in Meg fate specification.
- 12:53And this was true for a lot of other
- 12:55drugs that we had tried that were
- 12:58known kinase inhibitors and what
- 12:59became clear to us is the thing
- 13:01that all of these inhibitors had.
- 13:03All of these drugs head is that they inhibit.
- 13:06Or slowed the cell cycle.
- 13:07So we decided to test that.
- 13:09So what we've done here is just
- 13:12treating with all trans retinoic acid,
- 13:14the 50 nanomolar,
- 13:15which is the same thing is down
- 13:17here you take any pee,
- 13:19stain them with CFC and then as
- 13:21the cells are in culture for
- 13:2372 hours that CFC gets diluted.
- 13:25So from as cells become lower in
- 13:28their fluorescence for CFC that means
- 13:30that they have proliferated more
- 13:31times and what you can see is the
- 13:34control population or blue population here.
- 13:36Has proliferated more times than
- 13:38the population that was treated
- 13:40with Aptra and which gave you a
- 13:41Meg lineages bias suggesting that
- 13:43this lower cell cycle might be
- 13:45associated with the Meg bias.
- 13:47Similarly with Rappa Mice and we see
- 13:49a slower cell cycle that's shown here
- 13:51in red is associated with the Meg bias.
- 13:54So what we did is we tested just
- 13:56inhibiting the cell cycle with
- 13:58the CD K46 Inhibitor and here you
- 14:00can see that the cells that were
- 14:02treated with the inhibitor or
- 14:04practically not dividing at all,
- 14:06whereas the control population is Dividing.
- 14:08And again we see a dose.
- 14:10Specific increase in the Meg
- 14:12progenitor cell fate decision.
- 14:14So the next thing we had to do
- 14:16is figure out a way to increase
- 14:19this cell cycle speed,
- 14:20and for this we ended up trying
- 14:23to knock down CD 21 and CD 57,
- 14:25but those things didn't work very well.
- 14:28They killed the cells so we
- 14:30tried something else and what we
- 14:32did is from the Vascular lab.
- 14:34We got two different constructs.
- 14:36One is C DK2 cycle independent,
- 14:38two cyclin dependent kinase
- 14:39to driving cycling.
- 14:40E phosphorylation and cycling depending
- 14:42kinase for which promotes cycling.
- 14:44D phosphorylation,
- 14:45and we coexpressed either CD K2 and
- 14:48Cyclin E or C DK foreign cyclin
- 14:50D in our MVP and what you can
- 14:53see up here is for the site CD.
- 14:55K for Cyclin D, which we call for.
- 14:58D actually promotes G one of the cell
- 15:01cycle and CK2 Cyclin E which we call
- 15:042 E promotes the G1 to S transition and down.
- 15:07Here we can see the data the two E.
- 15:11And four deconstructs gave
- 15:12us Anorith Royd Bias,
- 15:13which is what we were looking for.
- 15:15It's the opposite of the Meg bias that
- 15:17we get when we slowed the cell cycle.
- 15:20When you just had to Ian 40 to Meg
- 15:22progenitors in Eryth Roid Progenitors,
- 15:24you don't see any specific change
- 15:26in their fate specification.
- 15:27And up here,
- 15:28we're just showing that when you
- 15:30overexpress the 2E or 4D in the cells,
- 15:32you get a faster cell cycle,
- 15:34or the CFC is more diluted.
- 15:35So this really suggested to us
- 15:37that the faster cell cycle is
- 15:39associated with the River police is.
- 15:41Slower cell cycle with Mega Carey
- 15:43side of Louise is so can we assess
- 15:46cell cycle in vivo and now I'm bout
- 15:48to present to you some unpublished
- 15:50work using and now recently published
- 15:53fluorescent Reporter mouse.
- 15:54They shun ching glow at Yale University
- 15:56has developed and what she did is
- 15:59she made a mouse that basically
- 16:01tells you the cell cycle speed of
- 16:03any given cell that you look at.
- 16:05She did this by overexpressing a cell
- 16:08cycle timer protein that starts out
- 16:10blue and then gradually becomes red overtime.
- 16:13And this has been described previously.
- 16:15She fused it with Histone
- 16:16H2B so it was nuclear.
- 16:18And what you can see in the math is
- 16:20all in this paper that's available
- 16:22in bio archive soon to be out
- 16:25in a peer reviewed publication.
- 16:27Basically what happens is the blue
- 16:29because it is expressed for just
- 16:31a short time after the protein
- 16:33comes on is always steady,
- 16:35whereas the red gets brighter and
- 16:37brighter and brighter as as the cell.
- 16:40Proliferates So what you can see is
- 16:42if you look at the blue red ratio
- 16:44you get a sense of how quickly
- 16:46that cell has been proliferating.
- 16:48So when we did this and I think the
- 16:51main thing here is to look down here,
- 16:53I'll tell you what we did.
- 16:55What we did is we took urine cells from
- 16:58these Reporter Mice and we gated on them.
- 17:00You Ring me pee Meg.
- 17:02Progenitor eryth roid for genitor
- 17:04or fully differentiated cells that
- 17:06were Lynn positive and then for
- 17:08every cell we looked
- 17:09at the ratio of blue to red.
- 17:11If you have a lot of red,
- 17:13so a high red to blue ratio,
- 17:15that means you're proliferating much,
- 17:17much faster and what you can see is that the
- 17:19erythroid cells the erythroid progenitors
- 17:21are the fastest cells in the proliferation.
- 17:24The Meg progenitors were in the middle.
- 17:26And the MVP,
- 17:27the by potent progenitors upstream,
- 17:29where the slowest.
- 17:30So this was new information to us,
- 17:32although it was consistent with
- 17:33what we've seen in vitro for human
- 17:36cells is that MVP are probably
- 17:37the slowest proliferating cells,
- 17:39then the Meg progenitor cells,
- 17:40then the erythroid progenitor cells.
- 17:42So our model right now is that
- 17:44me PR is quite slow.
- 17:46They do self renew and then
- 17:47if you pick up the cell cycle,
- 17:50so it's a little faster than that,
- 17:52you're a Meg progenitor and a faster
- 17:54cell cycle, Anorith raid progenitor.
- 17:56And we haven't.
- 17:57Still answered the question
- 17:58as to how this happens.
- 18:00That's a really,
- 18:01really exciting,
- 18:02important question.
- 18:02We think there are lots of things
- 18:05going on in addition to maybe
- 18:07epigenetic things with DNA methylation.
- 18:09There are probably also changes
- 18:11in phosphorylation of critical
- 18:13transcription factors when you
- 18:15have a slower fast cell cycle.
- 18:17So I'm going to move on to now is
- 18:20whether there are clinical scenarios
- 18:22in patients where MP fate might
- 18:24play a critical role and this
- 18:26is work that was done again bij
- 18:28Juliana Javie Ferruccio and now in
- 18:30collaboration with Vanessa Scanlon,
- 18:32an instructor in my laboratory and
- 18:34what we're looking at is iron deficiency.
- 18:36So it's long been known anecdotally,
- 18:38the patients who become iron deficient
- 18:40have elevated platelet counts,
- 18:42and we decided we really wanted
- 18:44to look at that and see whether
- 18:46it might be an MVP fake decision.
- 18:49So what you're seeing here is just
- 18:51data from published accounts of
- 18:53patients with iron deficiency anemia,
- 18:55specifically in.
- 18:57Um Irida, which I'll tell you bout,
- 19:00which is a temporal 6 Mutation population,
- 19:03but they're highly iron deficient and.
- 19:06Refractory to when you add iron.
- 19:08So iron refractory iron deficiency
- 19:10anemia and what you can see is
- 19:13in individual patients.
- 19:14These are 11 of individual patients.
- 19:16As the hemoglobin goes down,
- 19:18the platelet count goes up.
- 19:20So if we could look at the
- 19:22MVP in these patients,
- 19:24that would be really cool.
- 19:25'cause we could determine whether
- 19:27or not there are megakaryocytes
- 19:28biased in the iron deficient state,
- 19:30given that we couldn't get bone
- 19:32marrow from these patients,
- 19:33we did the next best thing,
- 19:35which is to look at Immuring
- 19:37model of this disease.
- 19:38So the mooring model of the diseases
- 19:40that Empress 6 knockout mouse an
- 19:42we were very fortunate that current
- 19:44finberg is here at Yale and she
- 19:46really helped define the temper
- 19:486 knockout in patients and she
- 19:49also had the mice.
- 19:51So Long story short,
- 19:53temper 6 normally keeps hepcidin levels low.
- 19:56Low hepcidin levels allow you to absorb iron.
- 20:00If you have high hepcidin
- 20:02then you don't absorb any
- 20:04iron, so Long story short,
- 20:05our temporal 6 knockout mice do not absorb
- 20:08iron because their hepcidin levels are high.
- 20:11And So what we did is we got the temporal
- 20:146 nicean we looked to see whether they
- 20:16have microcytic anemia and thrombocytosis,
- 20:18and they do so with what
- 20:20I'm showing you here.
- 20:21Here's the temper 6 knockout.
- 20:23Here's the wild type.
- 20:24The hemoglobin is low, the hematocrit is low.
- 20:26The MCD mean corpuscular volume is low.
- 20:28So that's why their microcytic their small
- 20:30red blood cells and the platelet counts
- 20:32are significantly elevated in these mice.
- 20:34So the next thing we could do is
- 20:36look at these mice at their MPs.
- 20:39So what we did is we fax sorted
- 20:41out murin megathread progenitors.
- 20:43And we grew colonies and what you
- 20:45can see is that the temper 6 knockout
- 20:48me peas have a megakaryocyte bias,
- 20:50which is exactly what we predicted.
- 20:52So this was super exciting to us
- 20:54and the next thing we did is well,
- 20:57do they proliferate slower?
- 20:59And the answer is yes.
- 21:00So again,
- 21:01it's consistent with our previous
- 21:03data that slower cell cycle goes is
- 21:06consistent with a higher megakaryocyte bias.
- 21:09We wanted to also study this in human
- 21:11cells an what we did initially didn't
- 21:14workout and what we did initially is.
- 21:16We just tried growing the cells
- 21:18in the presence of iron chelators
- 21:21hoping to get a low iron environment
- 21:23for the cells that would allow
- 21:25us to see the human cells.
- 21:27Reiterate these Mooring Dataware
- 21:29with human me pee when you grew them
- 21:31in low iron you'd get a Meg bias.
- 21:34However that didn't workout because
- 21:35whenever we lowered the iron in
- 21:38vitro the cells didn't grow colonies
- 21:40so we ended up instead using.
- 21:41A more biochemical approach,
- 21:43which was to knock down TF are two,
- 21:46so TF are let me just go through back that
- 21:49there are two different cvars transfusion.
- 21:53I mean transferrin receptors, there's
- 21:55transparent Receptor One which is CD 71,
- 21:57and it's an all proliferating cells and very,
- 22:01very highly expressed in Eryth roid cells.
- 22:03And there's transparent receptor 2,
- 22:05which is entirely different.
- 22:07Transferrin receptor two
- 22:08acts more as an iron sensor,
- 22:10but not as an iron transporter.
- 22:13And what it does is it binds
- 22:16to Jolo transparent.
- 22:17That's transparent,
- 22:18that has iron bound to it,
- 22:20and when it's bound to that.
- 22:24Transparent it activates Erk 1
- 22:25two and P38 map kinase signaling,
- 22:28so it's kind of a baseline.
- 22:30The cells are always expressing
- 22:31TF R2 they have iron,
- 22:33they're saying to the MVP.
- 22:35We got plenty of iron.
- 22:36Do what you need to do if you
- 22:39actually have no iron present
- 22:41so that you have transparent,
- 22:43but it's not bound to iron then that
- 22:45Fr two comes off the cell membrane.
- 22:48It gets internalised and you lose
- 22:50your Erk 12 signal so it's really an
- 22:53iron sensor in the presence of it.
- 22:55It's saying to the cell.
- 22:56There's plenty of iron available.
- 22:58Do what you need to do in the absence is
- 23:00saying wait no eryth roid differentiation.
- 23:02I'll show you the data
- 23:04'cause we're low on iron.
- 23:05So what we do is we knocked down TF are two.
- 23:08This is just showing you the M RNA
- 23:10levels are decreased and true enough
- 23:11when you knock down TF are to the
- 23:14cells have slower proliferation.
- 23:15So that told us we might end up seeing
- 23:17a Meg Bias which is what happened.
- 23:20So what you're looking at here
- 23:22is the colony distribution and
- 23:23non transduced primary human MVP.
- 23:25Me P transduced with the scrambled
- 23:27SH RNA and transduced with an SH RNA
- 23:30against TF are one against TFR 2.
- 23:32Two different SH RNA's against TF
- 23:34R2 and in both cases we're seeing
- 23:36a megakaryocyte bias so this was
- 23:38consistent with the low iron environment.
- 23:40Both the mouse and human leading to
- 23:42a Meg bias Anna slower proliferation
- 23:44but what's the mechanism of this?
- 23:47So in order to assess the mechanism
- 23:49what we did is we went back to
- 23:52the Meyssan we fax sorted out the
- 23:54Mega Rich ride for janitors.
- 23:56And looked at weather.
- 23:57Looked at the gene expression patterns
- 24:00between wild type and temper 6
- 24:02knockout MVP and this work was done
- 24:05in collaboration with Tomata Baldy
- 24:07who is does hit our bioinformatics and
- 24:10what he showed is that there are many
- 24:13genes that are upregulated when you
- 24:15knock out temper 6 in these empiezan.
- 24:17Those tend to be targets of veg F,
- 24:20whereas there's downregulation of Erk
- 24:23target genes again consistent with the
- 24:25idea that you're losing Erk signaling
- 24:27because the TF R2 would be internalised.
- 24:30So what we did is we looked in
- 24:32those MVP's to see if their fasfa
- 24:35lurk levels were actually decreased
- 24:37and they were consistent with the
- 24:39decreased Erk target genes being
- 24:41phosphorylated and being expressed.
- 24:42We actually have decreased
- 24:44or toss work levels.
- 24:47Similarly, so that was in the mooring system.
- 24:49Similarly in the human system,
- 24:51when you knock down the TF R2,
- 24:53you have decreased phospho, Erk levels.
- 24:56So the model that we have for what's
- 24:58going on in this fake decision is that
- 25:02under normal iron conditions you have
- 25:04the cells making their decisions to go
- 25:07down the megakaryocytic versus areth
- 25:09ride progenitor cell lineages and in
- 25:11the presence in the case of iron deficiency,
- 25:14you get anemia at least in part
- 25:17because you have decreased TF R2.
- 25:20Which leads to decreased phospho Erk levels,
- 25:23decreased proliferation and a
- 25:24megakaryocyte bias which leads you
- 25:27to have elevated platelet count
- 25:29and a decrease erythroid count and
- 25:31the microcytic microcytosis is the
- 25:33downstream effect of lacking iron
- 25:35as the erythroid cells are maturing.
- 25:40So there are a lot of
- 25:42unanswered questions here and.
- 25:44Some of them are listed here.
- 25:46To what extent do me P self renew?
- 25:49I showed you that me PR this
- 25:52unique transitional state can
- 25:54me pee themselves proliferate.
- 25:56Does cell cycle speed actually
- 25:58change as cells are about to
- 25:59undergo their fate specification?
- 26:01Could we see cells starting to slow
- 26:03their cell cycle speed in that predicts
- 26:05there about to pick the megakaryocytic
- 26:07and speed up their their fate,
- 26:09their speed up their cell cycle,
- 26:11and start to pick the erythritol image?
- 26:14Are there cell characteristics that
- 26:16predict fate decisions like the
- 26:19cell size or the cell motility?
- 26:22What about if we changed the cytokines?
- 26:24Does that affect fate decisions?
- 26:26How did cells in the micro
- 26:28environment affect decisions?
- 26:29These are all unanswered questions that
- 26:32we're addressing in our laboratory now in.
- 26:34This brings me to the beautiful
- 26:36dynamic system that Vanessa Scanlon
- 26:38in my laboratory has developed.
- 26:41So what Vanessa is doing is she is live
- 26:44image Ng me P as they form colonies.
- 26:47So she fax or it's out the MVP and
- 26:49she puts them into semisolid medium,
- 26:52the same semisolid medium that we
- 26:54use for a colony forming assays.
- 26:56It's a collagen based medium.
- 26:58It's basically mega cult from
- 27:00stem cell technologies,
- 27:01and we've added Orris Republican,
- 27:03and she puts these into an
- 27:05Olympus Viva view system.
- 27:07And what this system is is.
- 27:09It's basically an incubator.
- 27:10And inside the incubator are these
- 27:13spots where you can put the dishes.
- 27:15You can put eight dishes in its hooked up
- 27:17to a computer an underneath the incubator.
- 27:20There is a fluorescence camera so
- 27:22you tell the fluorescence camera
- 27:23where to take pictures and how
- 27:25often to take pictures overtime
- 27:27and you since this is actually an
- 27:29incubator you can keep them in the
- 27:31incubator for up to two weeks,
- 27:33three weeks and really watch
- 27:35the individual colonies form.
- 27:36I should mention also that when.
- 27:39Vanessa was putting this system together.
- 27:41What she realizes she had to have
- 27:43some way of flattening the colonies so
- 27:45that we could watch the cells overtime
- 27:47and they didn't form a big stick.
- 27:49Big, thick 3 dimensional colony.
- 27:51So when she puts the cells in the
- 27:53first thing she does is she puts him
- 27:55in about 15 microliters and then
- 27:57put the cover slip on top of that.
- 27:59It doesn't affect the distribution
- 28:01of colony subtypes and it allows
- 28:03us to see the individual cells.
- 28:04So what we're seeing here is
- 28:06a colony with megakaryocytes.
- 28:07That's the green and erythrocytes in red.
- 28:10Here's a megakaryocyte only colony,
- 28:11and here's an Areth Royd Colony.
- 28:13I left out.
- 28:14The fact I'm sorry that towards
- 28:15the end of the culture period,
- 28:17she adds antibodies against 235 a.
- 28:19That's like a four and A and CD
- 28:2141 so that we can identify the
- 28:23different cell types.
- 28:24If you add these antibodies
- 28:26too early in the culture,
- 28:27then the cells will die.
- 28:29So there's some phototoxicity
- 28:30that we really needed to address,
- 28:32but we're still.
- 28:32We're still optimizing that,
- 28:34so we can add the antibodies sooner.
- 28:37So what I'm going to show you
- 28:39here is one of the initial images.
- 28:42Stacked images or movies that
- 28:43Vanessa was able to get when
- 28:45she sorted primary human MVP,
- 28:47put them in culture and
- 28:49watch them form a colony of
- 28:51megakaryocytes and erythroid cells.
- 28:57I'm still here, I just want you to watch.
- 29:01When you start to see the green color,
- 29:04that's when she's added
- 29:05the antibody against E 41,
- 29:06so those are the megakaryocytes an,
- 29:08then the pink cells are the ones
- 29:09that are standing with two,
- 29:1135 A and those are the erythroid cells.
- 29:14So the wonderful thing about
- 29:15having these time lapse images is
- 29:18that then you can play it back
- 29:19and forth and actually figure out
- 29:21which cell divided to Weikum which
- 29:23other cell type and make a tree.
- 29:25So here is it.
- 29:26Tree or lineages tree from a single
- 29:28by potent megathread for Genitor
- 29:30and what we've done with these
- 29:32trees is any cell that was green
- 29:34at the end or Meg committed at the
- 29:37end became a green cell at the end.
- 29:39Any cell at the end? That's red.
- 29:42That was a rich Rd committed if.
- 29:44There's a cell that has downstream of it,
- 29:46some green cells and some red cells.
- 29:48We call data by Potence Elan, it's blue.
- 29:52So one of the first things you can
- 29:54see here is the blue cells can self
- 29:56renew that me P can self renew so
- 29:58that had not previously been show.
- 30:00Phone and now we have that in every
- 30:02video we have with by potent colonies,
- 30:05we can see that the MVP themselves
- 30:07self renew in vitro.
- 30:08What you can also see is that
- 30:10there are different patterns.
- 30:11Sometimes we have a cell that commits to
- 30:13the erythroid lineages quite early on,
- 30:15and sometimes it takes much,
- 30:17much longer to commit to
- 30:18the erythroid lineage.
- 30:19Similarly with the megakaryocyte Lenny edge.
- 30:22We also have colonies that
- 30:23are eryth roid only.
- 30:25That came from our sorted me pee
- 30:26and colonies that are mega only.
- 30:28They come from our original MVP and
- 30:30what you can see is initially the.
- 30:33Cell cycle is relatively slow,
- 30:35but when it's a erythroid only colony
- 30:37they get very very fast overtime,
- 30:39whereas the megakaryocytes or
- 30:41have a slower colony formation.
- 30:45So this gave us the opportunity to
- 30:47address to start to address some of
- 30:50the many many questions that we have,
- 30:53and the analysis is on going.
- 30:55I'll just give you a glimpse as to some
- 30:58one of the stories that has become more
- 31:00clear now that we have this dynamic
- 31:03system of looking at the colonies.
- 31:06So the dogma that many people believe.
- 31:09Maybe not.
- 31:09The folks on this conference on this
- 31:12web and R is that an Emmy P might
- 31:15make its fate decision by in the
- 31:17presence of Thrombo poet and picking
- 31:19the megakaryocyte Lenny edge and
- 31:20in the presence of erythropoetin
- 31:22picking theorist Freud Lenny Edge.
- 31:24So just to blow that up here that
- 31:26if we were to grow the cells in
- 31:28the presence of Thrombo poet and
- 31:30in the absence of Ipoh we would get
- 31:33colonies that are only megakaryocyte.
- 31:34And if we left out the thrombi poet,
- 31:37and we'd get colonies that are
- 31:39just eryth roid.
- 31:41Those of you who know the literature
- 31:43more deeply might not predict that
- 31:45something just didn't show up here,
- 31:47which is the background on this
- 31:49information background here.
- 31:50So what I wanted to make sure to tell
- 31:52you is some of the background as to why.
- 31:56If you culture the cells in the
- 31:58presence of minus Devitte Bowen tipo,
- 32:00you might not predict that this
- 32:02is what that you would get.
- 32:04The only in MK only colonies.
- 32:07So initially what we did is we just
- 32:09perform static colony forming unit
- 32:11assays in the presence and absence of
- 32:14vivo en tipo and the background here
- 32:16is that we knew that if you don't
- 32:18have the Erythropoetin Receptor,
- 32:19you don't form normal Aris Freud Colonies,
- 32:22but you have some colonies,
- 32:23so it's not that they can't pick
- 32:25the fate decision.
- 32:26It really sounds like it really appears
- 32:29more that it's a survival signal,
- 32:31and similarly if you overexpress
- 32:32the thrombopoietin receptor,
- 32:33it doesn't cause the cells to just become
- 32:36megakaryocytes and not a rich way itself.
- 32:38So we thought there would probably
- 32:40be more to it and we decided to
- 32:42test that using this dynamic model.
- 32:44So the first thing that we did and
- 32:46this was work that was done by an
- 32:49undergrad in my lab several years
- 32:50ago is when we grew the colonies.
- 32:53In the absence of tipo,
- 32:54we saw no difference in the
- 32:56fate specification,
- 32:56just fewer colonies suggesting
- 32:58a survival detect.
- 32:59In contrast,
- 33:00when we leave out erythropoetin,
- 33:02we got absolutely no erythroid colonies,
- 33:04suggesting maybe that it was that
- 33:06are important is necessary for
- 33:08the erythroid colonies to grow,
- 33:10or it was necessary for the fate decision,
- 33:12but we couldn't tell the difference,
- 33:15but we've gotten a little smarter since then,
- 33:18and what we did is instead of just using
- 33:21CD-235-A as our marker for with Tripoli Sis,
- 33:24we're using an earlier
- 33:25marker which is CD71 CD 71,
- 33:27which is transparent.
- 33:28Receptor one goes up.
- 33:30Logarithmically as cells commit
- 33:31to the erythroid lineage and we
- 33:33found that if we staying for
- 33:35CD71 and CD41 instead of 2:35,
- 33:37but we could actually see that
- 33:39the cells were committing to
- 33:41be a Richard Lenny Edge even in
- 33:43the absence of a riffle poet.
- 33:45So these are now the data
- 33:47with this new marker,
- 33:48the CD 235 a what you're looking at is.
- 33:51This is a colony that formed both Mega.
- 33:53These are three different colonies that
- 33:55formed megakaryocytes and erythroid cells.
- 33:57Control colony.
- 33:58Here's one in the absence of Thrombopoietin,
- 34:00and here's one in the absence of A with
- 34:02report and see the colonies are much smaller,
- 34:05but they're still here.
- 34:06This is the and MK only colony,
- 34:09and here's a risk.
- 34:10Weighed only colony, so they all form.
- 34:12They're just much,
- 34:13much smaller in the absence of.
- 34:15Otherwise,
- 34:15report when we think in retrospect
- 34:17that this is that the standing
- 34:20for 235 was really the problem,
- 34:22but that neither equal nor tipo
- 34:24affects the fate decision of the MVP,
- 34:26so we wanted to look at to improve
- 34:29this further by making a video of
- 34:31timeless microscopy of colony forming
- 34:33in the absence of humble poet.
- 34:35And so this is a colony growing
- 34:38in the absence of crumble poet,
- 34:40and you saw that other colony earlier
- 34:42and it just kept growing and growing.
- 34:45And what you'll see here is as the cells.
- 34:48So start to proliferate and form a colony.
- 34:52Still start to die so you can
- 34:54see that we picked.
- 34:55Those red ones are the
- 34:56erythroid limited sells.
- 34:57The green ones are the Meg committed cells,
- 34:59but you're not seeing that same
- 35:01log Arhythmic expansion itself
- 35:03because they're starting to die.
- 35:05And what this is showing us is
- 35:06that are smaller colonies are not
- 35:08just due to decreased proliferation
- 35:10in the absence of from a potent,
- 35:12but actually do to cell death in
- 35:14the absence of Fraud Department,
- 35:15which we wouldn't want otherwise
- 35:17have been able to see.
- 35:21Mrs. Just showing you these
- 35:22colonies side-by-side,
- 35:23here's a normal colony with
- 35:24megakaryocytes in erythrocytes,
- 35:25and here's a colony with that has both
- 35:28megakaryocytes in a richer sites,
- 35:30but the vast majority of cells died so that
- 35:32you didn't get this huge colony expansion.
- 35:35So our data really have shown quite
- 35:37nicely that tipo versus EPO do
- 35:39not affect the MVP fake decision,
- 35:41so it's negative data,
- 35:43but it's negative data where we're
- 35:45starting to get a clue as to the
- 35:47fact that tipo is necessary for cell
- 35:49survival and Ipoh is necessary.
- 35:51For with Droid maturation.
- 35:54So of course we have a lot of on
- 35:56going studies looking at whether MVP,
- 35:59self renew and weather cell cycle speed
- 36:01predicts subsequent fate decisions,
- 36:02whether there are other characteristics
- 36:04that affect cell motility and really
- 36:06exciting new data that Vanessa is
- 36:08getting was on the role of cells,
- 36:10other cells within the micro environment,
- 36:11and how they affect MVP,
- 36:13fate specification 'cause all of
- 36:15our videos to Dayton colonies or
- 36:17with pure MVP and not with the
- 36:19other cells that they would be next
- 36:21to in the bone marrow environment.
- 36:24So to summarize what I told you today,
- 36:27single cell RNA seq reveals that
- 36:30MVP represented unique transitional
- 36:32state in both primary human cells
- 36:34and primary mooring cells.
- 36:36That these MVP are capable of self renewal.
- 36:39The single cell RNA seq also gave us
- 36:42a clue that cell cycle differences
- 36:45between MVP Meg progenitors inner
- 36:47it's right for janitors are.
- 36:50Probably playing a role in that
- 36:51fake decision where the slower cell
- 36:53cycle promotes a megakaryocyte fate,
- 36:55whereas a faster cell cycle promotes
- 36:58in Eryth Roid Fate.
- 36:59The in vivo timer mice supported
- 37:01the fact that the MVP or slower
- 37:04than Meg Progenitors,
- 37:05which are slower than originally projected.
- 37:08I showed you data that the iron
- 37:11content in MVP toggles the MK
- 37:13versus E fate decision via veg FERK
- 37:15or signaling and the time lapse
- 37:18imaging reveals that tipo Niko do
- 37:21not affect fate decisions per say.
- 37:24So I've not acknowledge people
- 37:26as we've gone along,
- 37:27so I hope that I called on everybody
- 37:30who was played a role in this work
- 37:32on may not have mentioned Lee Grimes,
- 37:35who works with Nathan,
- 37:37and Lee has also been incredibly
- 37:39helpful in us with us.
- 37:40Analyzing the time lapse images
- 37:42'cause he asks tremendously important
- 37:44questions that we're now beginning
- 37:46to address,
- 37:46which is how likely is it that an MVP
- 37:49will self renew versus undergoing mag
- 37:51versus inner. If word fate decision.
- 37:54Overtime in culture.
- 37:55I want to mention that my lab
- 37:57is looking for new postdocs,
- 37:59so please consider applying and
- 38:01that this work was also supported
- 38:03by the Yale Cooperative Center
- 38:06of excellence in Hematology.
- 38:08Thank you very much.