Dysregulation in mGluR5 as a marker of BPD and suicide related endophenotypes
Health Professionals
What is the purpose of this trial?
This study involves the use of brain imaging (MRI and PET) to investigate a potential novel intervention target in borderline personality disorder. Participation in this study begins with a short confidential phone interview and an in-person visit for psychological and medical screening (which includes blood work and a urine drug test). All information provided is confidential. If you meet study criteria, you will be asked to return for one MRI scan and one PET scan. You will also be asked to perform some tests on a computer to assess cognitive functions such as memory and decision-making. You will be paid for each procedure you take part in.
- Ages18 years - 65 years
- GenderBoth
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Principal Investigator
- Last Updated10/17/2024
- Study HIC#2000023168